Lost My Cool at Range Today

Chief TC

Mar 9, 2023
So today was interesting and annoying. When I arrived at our range, a guy was down range and 2 guys were at their shooting tables with rifles on them. I assume like most ranges, the rule is to rack your guns and not touch any firearms while people are down range. I told the 2 young men, thinking they were 18-20 ish, the club rule requires to rack firearms for safety purposes. The slowly complied. Not too long after we went cold again and a guy went down range and I had to remind them again to rack their guns and again they slowly complied. I went to the 25yd target I was using to put some stickers on and when I turned around to come back this guy placed his forearms back on the shooting table pointing down range. So here is where I lose my “you know what”. This guy did not care about the rule and that I just needed to chill and not disturb his peace. That sent me into overdrive and I pretty much called him every name in the book for his unsafe and reckless behavior. This incident shut down the whole range for about 30 minutes and took another 30 minutes for me to calm down. I had multiple feelings about this guy and what his problem was. Is he just some entitled Gen Z kid? Is he stupid? He never had any awareness that he needed to follow this rule and that I was just complaining. He never made the connection to safety. Well, took his photo and his vehicle and turned it into the range manager. They actually tried to preempt by emailing him first with some cover story to make it seem like it wasn’t that bad. It seems that they may not even be members and the member was not even there. Regardless, range manager revoking membership and access. I was just stunned these idiots could not understand they needed to follow the rules and why it existed.
At the risk of sounding like an old curmudgeon, I have the same feelings of content against being in the presence of much of our younger generations that are coming up from the entitled, xbox, everyone gets a trophy era. I feel our society has taken many steps in the wrong direction, your example being one of many. I typically avoid all public venues other than ones that attract my very specific "type of people", that being ones like you folks on here.
So today was interesting and annoying. When I arrived at our range, a guy was down range and 2 guys were at their shooting tables with rifles on them. I assume like most ranges, the rule is to rack your guns and not touch any firearms while people are down range. I told the 2 young men, thinking they were 18-20 ish, the club rule requires to rack firearms for safety purposes. The slowly complied. Not too long after we went cold again and a guy went down range and I had to remind them again to rack their guns and again they slowly complied. I went to the 25yd target I was using to put some stickers on and when I turned around to come back this guy placed his forearms back on the shooting table pointing down range. So here is where I lose my “you know what”. This guy did not care about the rule and that I just needed to chill and not disturb his peace. That sent me into overdrive and I pretty much called him every name in the book for his unsafe and reckless behavior. This incident shut down the whole range for about 30 minutes and took another 30 minutes for me to calm down. I had multiple feelings about this guy and what his problem was. Is he just some entitled Gen Z kid? Is he stupid? He never had any awareness that he needed to follow this rule and that I was just complaining. He never made the connection to safety. Well, took his photo and his vehicle and turned it into the range manager. They actually tried to preempt by emailing him first with some cover story to make it seem like it wasn’t that bad. It seems that they may not even be members and the member was not even there. Regardless, range manager revoking membership and access. I was just stunned these idiots could not understand they needed to follow the rules and why it existed.

The scary thing is these people drive. And vote!
Funny I’ve dealt with the exact same issue but it was from an “old guy”. The old. I know what I’m doing I’ve been doing it for years and Jesus they “aren’t loaded” guy.

People always “amaze” yeah will call it amaze.:fire: Anyway it always amazes me that even barring the OBVIOUS safety implications how hard is it to not be a jacktard to other people. Locking your action open, and waiting 5 minutes literally has utterly no bearing on your shooting day.

honestly it’s a fairly rare occurrence and most folks young and old are either fairly safety conscious or open to the safety ask’s/advice.

THOSE TYPES OF PEOPLE are almost always like this in every aspect of their lives in my experience and are best avoided.
I work as a safety officer at our local range every now and then. I have found that most people that don't follow the rules around safe gun handling are new to our range (and a lot of times, shooting) and are fine when I talk to them. I try to be firm but friendly. I also help people with everything from how their scope works to how to load a magazine. We usually have 2 and sometimes 3 RSO's during public hours and back each other up as needed. We also call the sheriff when needed (not very often).

Our usual issues are someone who shows up and hasn't been there for a couple years, and doesn't know that the rules have changed since they were there.
I'm curious how they got on the range without the member there. Or does the range not have any security?
If they are not members then it is possible the member gave them the key which is a big no-no. No security or RSO. It is member managed based on who is there. Very rarely so we have problems and people follow the rules or do once they know it is a rule. I think what was said earlier is right. There is this entitlement issue to not follow the rules and these people are to be avoided. Probably a future Darwin candidate.
If they are not members then it is possible the member gave them the key which is a big no-no. No security or RSO. It is member managed based on who is there. Very rarely so we have problems and people follow the rules or do once they know it is a rule. I think what was said earlier is right. There is this entitlement issue to not follow the rules and these people are to be avoided. Probably a future Darwin candidate.
Ok. Ours is electronic lock with key cards, and also self-managed. I've never heard of anyone loaning their key card, as i'm 100% confident that not only would that be an immediate membership loss, but I'd bet there'd be some legal consequences. We don't **** around like that at my range. Membership requires "sponsorship", so there's a bit of ownership as to who you bring in to the club.
open action
Lay on bench
Don’t handle.
confirm cold

and stand at parade rest (sans weapon) or at ease, depending on your service or generation, at least 2 paces back from the benches. I used to enforce that rule when I had guests with me, before the club remodeled the range from wide open with benches to actual shooting stalls. that way everyone could see no one was coon fingering anything they shouldn't be. I've been told i'm a bit strict, but no one's ever been shot on my watch, and there's never been any complaints from the other members. I've also only ever once had to de-ass the range (with a guest with me that day I might add) due to one of the aforementioned shootin'fer'years older gents with a rosco with an unlocking problem. Not 100% sure we got flagged, but it sure was close. Our convo started with me offering to assist in determining the problem, then firmly reminding him that me seeing the angry end of the gun was not preferred. When he objected I plainly stated if I see it again his membership will be yanked. He left shortly after that, with his broken gat in his gun case, i'm pretty sure with a round in the chamber (i'm in NJ, and THAT is a big NO-NO by law.) Only the 2nd person I made mention to the club leaders about, in 15 years of membership.
Request to go “cold” is made.

Line finishes firing.
Bolts\actions\cylinders open.
Magazines out
ALL firearms on bench.
Green flags go up on the station\s.
Everyone steps away from the bench.
NOTHING on the bench is touched.

Note: With all due respect “Sir” you go beyond the above at my range and try and play drill instructor….Well that would make for an interesting day indeed.

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At our local range, it is: every 15 minutes, a cease fire with 3 minute warning, then actions open, magazines removed, verified by a range officer.
Only then it is permisssible to go onto the range to post/retrieve targets.
There is a Black Line, and no one except Range Officers are in front of it while the range is closed. One day, my stick-on target fell off the backer. They delayed opening the range, and the shooter next to me handed me his stapler. I replaced my target...more securely. No grumbling from any of the other customers, either! No handling of firearms or approaching the shoooting bench while the range is closed. Check if anyone is down range, open range for another 15 minutes. I appreciate the way it is run.:)
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Thanks for all the input. Definitely some differing rules for various ranges. Bottom line is whatever those rules are, shooters should follow them or be permanently removed. Firearms safety and rules are not something for anyone to make personal modifications or exceptions.

So turns out this entitled punk was under his dad’s membership and had attended and signed off on club rules at orientation. So the blatant disregard for the club’s training and rules is very telling of this person’s view about himself to do whatever he wants. No other ranges within about 60 miles, so hope he enjoys driving a lot more to shoot.
It's quite alright to be irritated by people who disregard the safety of others, and then act to correct them.
I've done it with my own friends when we go out to shoot. One buddy kept sweeping me with his muzzle, and after 2 warnings, after the 3rd incident I came undone.
I shoot at a public range staffed by volunteer RSOs. Several are retired ex mil. Those are my favorite ones because I know the range will be run ‘tight’.

$12 per day for non-members.

1: Cease fire is called over speakers.

2: RSO gives command to Clear and ground all firearms…that means…no live ammo in firearms. cylinders out. Slides locked back. Bolt /lever back/open. Mags removed.

3: Shooters step back behind yellow line.

4: RSOs walk the benches and CONFIRM compliance with above.

5: Once that’s done shooters are instructed they can go down range and adjust/replace their targets. At that time and EVERY time loud speakers inform shooters NO ONE is allowed to cross yellow line and go to bench and handle firearms while people are down range.

6: One RSO is always on the speaker watching yellow line. If someone crosses it all HELL breaks loose over the speakers.

7: Those of us down range APPROVE of this.

Happens a few times over the course of a day with non members, first timers etc.


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In the old days you just opened your action and didn't touch the gun.

Now I do that and step away from the bench, to make it obvious.

Have seen folks in error- doing something unsafe, or accusing somebody (incorrectly) when they were safe.

Life is a lot less stressful when you do stuff ALONE :)
Yeah, I really only go to public ranges to shoot matches (even stricter than regular range rules). It’s nuts some of the stuff I had seen before I quit going to them.
I shoot at a public range staffed by volunteer RSOs. Several are retired ex mil. Those are my favorite ones because I know the range will be run ‘tight’.

$12 per day for non-members.

1: Cease fire is called over speakers.

2: RSO gives command to Clear and ground all firearms…that means…no live ammo in firearms. cylinders out. Slides locked back. Bolt /lever back/open. Mags removed.

3: Shooters step back behind yellow line.

4: RSOs walk the benches and CONFIRM compliance with above.

5: Once that’s done shooters are instructed they can go down range and adjust/replace their targets. At that time and EVERY time loud speakers inform shooters NO ONE is allowed to cross yellow line and go to bench and handle firearms while people are down range.

6: One RSO is always on the speaker watching yellow line. If someone crosses it all HELL breaks loose over the speakers.

7: Those of us down range APPROVE of this.

Happens a few times over the course of a day with non members, first timers etc.

This range wouldn’t be Stones River would it?
I own and operate a small private range and would agree serious rules were broken and there should be repercussions. I would also politely suggest that there in no place on my range for anyone, range officer or shooter, for a 30 minute name calling tirade that shuts the range down.