Mainline media supporting concealed carry?

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I just emailed this to [email protected] :

Subject: Great CCW Article!

I enjoyed your article on Concealed-Carry! I'm 51, and I've been shooting since eight, and been a "gun owner" since Dad gave me a .22 rifle for my 12th birthday.

Guess what? I've never shot anyone, never been arrested for anything, and I'm a responsible self-made entrepreneur. I'm also a concealed-carry permit holder, and if you see me with pants on, you see me armed.

Thanks, Mr. Stuckey, for the kind of fairness I'm not used to seeing from the home of maniacal zealots like Rachel Maddow and Keith Olberman.

Kudos Sir,

Lester Moran
Well they posted a new one today...not as favorable.

So here is my fear guys. Healthcare passed, we have SCOTUS deciding a key 2nd amendment case, now we are seeing an increase in news articles on CCW in the media. I have heard plenty of rumors and fears about the administration going after 2nd amendment this a sign that the fight is about to begin?
No relax with the fears. Its not going to happen. Just look at the reader responses on MSNBC article. Their probably mostly Democrat reader at that. The antis are in the minority. Last I saw that article it was 74% said it made the feel safer. The article was a welcome surprise, but the reader response just astounding!

BTW a few weeks ago CNN did a poll and guess what? Yup we were in the majority on CNN poll too. We are talking CNN readers. There is something in the water, it tastes good and trust me they are not as stupid as you think. They might be anti, but this is one issue they wont touch. They know its a guaranteed looser and Obama even told AG to back off with the rhetoric when he had started saber rattling.:D
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