Mall ninjaish video!

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I realize this thread has gotten beyond ridiculous at this point... But all the naysayers think about this.

I wouldn't have drawn on him If I saw him coming and seeing what he was doing (practicing his "art") It would be easy to asses him as a non threat.

However especially that instance where he drops out of the tree right in front of those people and runs at them arm extended. In the real world where you have next to no time to determine whether this guy is a threat or not, If you DON'T at least draw and this guy IS a threat... You're probably dead.

Drew would've drawn...

I drew

Drew drew down on the dumbass....
After seeing him raise his hands with the guy who had a stick or something I suspect that if he saw anyone actually reacting to his antics he would have tried to back away from the situation.

I took the test someone linked and wound up a 80% cowboy but still had 55% ninjasomething or other.

Now on to the real reason I wanted to post, does anyone remember the guy who got arrested for wearing a grinch mask outside a bank or something?

Some places have laws about masks, according to a few threads involving the grinch guy and what he got charged with, so I am wondering about this ninja guy and his mask and what not.

Basically I am wondering if someone doing these things but painted up like a clown or a mime would let folks feel acceptable about a nut running around?
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