Mexico blames US for porous boarders

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So are they willing to go half-ses on a large supply of land mines and buying a half-mile wide strip of land from the Pacific to the Gulf?

If not, they need to shut their pie-holes.

Meanwhile, the US federales need to get busy with a reasonable work permit program. Trouble is the president would have to convince that a work permit program would not lead to amnesty.

Here's how you do it: Work visas must be obtained at a U.S. consulate or embassy in the workers' home country, subject to the usual background check, security screening, whatever they do. I won't pretend to know what one has to do to get an entry visa of any sort.

Here's the catch: nobody currently in this country illegally is eligible for a visa. The reason is simple: we don't give entry visa of any sort to criminals, and these people are committing a crime. Easy enough.
I keep looking at the title "porous boarders" and I think is may be a psychobabble slip

If you rented a room to Sponge Bob Square Pants, you would have a "porous boarder".

Mexico can resolve the problem after it annexes the Southwest U.S. (Aztlan). They are well on their way via occupation without a shot being fired.
"Unfortunately, the United States does not have adequate control of guns shops in the border area and they sell arms as if they were candy," senior prosecutor Jose Luis Santiago Vasconcelos told a news conference.

Similar remarks were in the June 28th Washington Post article devoted to huge demonstrations Sunday in Mexico city. Hundreds of thousands of residents of Mexico City demonstrated against the rampant lawlessness of Mexico City.

Title of the article is: "Thousands in Mexico City Protest Rampant Kidnappings, Violence."

In some instances the Police are too incompentent to control the streets, or they are in league with the criminals, or are the criminals themselves.

Mexican officials are trying to deflect blame for the awful security conditions of their capital with a population of 20 million.
My simple reply: The dug runners are coming into America, dumping their drugs, and returning to Mexico with guns. Why doesn't the Mexican border patrol stop them from returning, if we are the problem?
Mexico can resolve the problem after it annexes the Southwest U.S. (Aztlan). They are well on their way via occupation without a shot being fired.
Unfortunately, that is what it is coming to.
There have already been several amnestys. "Latino activists" are fighting
to ensure that illegals can continue to come into this country, and not only
that but get drivers licenses et al. Whenever guys start doing something (witness recent sweeps conducted by the San Diego Border Patrol) that gets squelched. Most of our congress people do not want to alienate a huge voter base (with the likelyhood of it getting much larger with amnesties etc) and basically ignore the situation as not enough people
are in their reps faces all the time except latino activists and their supporters.
The right enjoy the "low cost employees" (we fund their accidents
and illnesses with workers comp and free medical). And the left want
to hand your money out to whoever is the poorest, most deprived
and bleeding whether they legally immigrated or not.

We have large problems in California due to our porous borders and illegal
immigration. Many citizens leave, more and more illegals arrive, drivers
licenses are granted, another amnesty issued. Hey, guess what? Your
voter base has been overwhelmed and you are the minority.

I believe it has become politikally uncorrect to say something about it
and protest the tide of illegal immigration. And no doubt there are many
who would see this post as "racist' though it is not, nor am I.
For those who would cry "racism", it is through that label they apply
to discourage anyone who sees this as wrong and to keep them from doing something.

But then, I could be wrong.

Maybe those who have concern here with this whether they live in Michigan
or Maine, can become involved. Just because you don't live in the same
place as where it is going on, doesn't mean you should not do something
about it.
Links at bottom

cheers, ab

ps: MALDEF's (Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Foundation) co-founder Mario Obledo said in June 1998 "California is going to be a Hispanic state an anyone who doesn't like it should leave. They should go
back to Europe."
Mexico is just jealous of the United States. They are to embarrassed and can't admit that they cannot provide for their own people, that a illegal immigrant can do better in the USA as an outlaw then where they were born. So they come up with these silly ass excuses to put blame on the USA. Yes I know there's plenty of corrupt US goverment dudes at all levels. But that doesn't lessen the fact that the Mexican goverment cannot not even learn from a successful example just north of them how to run a country.
They always side on the wrongside during any war. WWI and WWII the dumbasses sided with Germany.
Now where are they when we need some of them in Iraq or Afganistan to fight terrorism. Oh wait I have'nt heard of any jihad terrorist in Old Mexico. Maybe there's a news blackout.
Mexico has everything the upper part of North America has, they just are so corrupt they can't do anything right with it generation after generation.
Mexico is as much or more of a threat then Iraq, only difference is it is more
long term action. The mexican government has no shame in "dumping"
it's poor on the American taxpayer and the rich in this country is using
the same poor for there benefit. Uncontrolled immigration is and will be
the biggest threat to American freedom in the coming years, why, because
we no longer live in the 1800's when a family could enter, farm, raise 6
kids and not be a burden on society, we cannot provide for the world it
is impossible while we can help in areas we must remember if we fail
like much of the world would like to see, then many more will starve.

If anyone believes Mexico is a good neighbor come live in the southwest
for a couple years I believe you would change your mind.
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