Molon Labe Mathematics 101

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I haven't read this entire thread, but from what I have read, I think 1/10 of 1% figure might be good - for the "good guys," the "law-abiding patriots" if you will.

But what about all the gangs? Are there gangs where you live? Biker gangs? Gang bangers? Drug dealers? When the crazy stuff starts happening, do you think they will turn in their unregistered guns? Or do you think it will be a fine excuse for them to put some caps in some LEO's?

Granted their motivation for fighting may be different, but the results will be similar.
If "Fighting Back" is the Criteria:

Let's not forget the Symbionese Liberation Army, the Black Panthers, the Bruder Schwiegen, Kazynski, and any numbers of others which will burn in a special place in hell along with McVeigh and Koresh.

"One man's freedom fighter......."
To hell with the math. Here's the fact.

The gun control debate will eventually degenerate to this:

The number of Americans willing to die to keep their firearms vs. the number of Americans the government is willing to kill to take them away.

Ya heard it here first.
The number of Americans willing to die to keep their firearms vs. the number of Americans the government is willing to kill to take them away.

There's another part to that equation, namely, the number of casualties the government is willing to take - among both the security forces and the higher ups (and their families). THAT is why they are so intent upon disarming as many of us as possible before trying anything very dramatic.
The real question is whether or not this insurgency will start over some gun-control triffle. Will anyone fight to keep pistol-gripped semi-automatic rifles on the shelves? Does the shooting begin when “sniper†scopes are prohibited? What if legal concealed carry is rolled back?

~G. Fink
The real question is whether or not this insurgency will start over some gun-control triffle. Will anyone fight to keep pistol-gripped semi-automatic rifles on the shelves? Does the shooting begin when “sniper†scopes are prohibited? What if legal concealed carry is rolled back?
Ay, there's the rub. And although incrementalism has been marginally successful for the gun grabbers, it may just not be going fast enough to suit them. Any acclerated pace in banning/outlawing/restricting or whatever leading to confiscation should be a tip off that dire times are directly ahead. I think their overall scheme might be to accelerate the pace in a somewhat hidden fashion. Rather than a sweeping federal law, it looks to me as though they're using kind of a "ratcheting" technique on the state level-one state patterning restrictions after another state's restriction-each restriction becoming more onerous. We tend to ignore that which does not directly affect us. Then one day we wake up to a new law in our own state that passed overwhelmingly because it was so "successful" in another state.
Confiscation will not start with the public or on a house-to-house basis.

They will first do wholesale closures of all sporting goods stores and gun shops. Theyn will also take over the manugacturers od firearms and ammunition -- especially ammunition. That leaves what's out there for the revolution with the only replacements coming from attrition and capture.

THEN they will start the general confiscation house-to-house.
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