Need legal advice. Huge problem. Worst of my life.

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In my most non-expert opinion, 12volt, he does look a bit thin. But that could be the worms. And pointers are a "thin" breed.

From the tone of your comments and the attitude of the state, I would say that you are in the right. I hope you get your little guy back without further problems.
Get lots of photos. Esp. of the dog waste in the pen, the old cans of dog food, etc. Then get affidavits from everyone who can verify that the dog was fed.

I suspect your dog may be sick or have a bad case o' worms. I've seen sick hunds put down a brick of lard and not put on any weight when they're infected with worms.

As far as the cold, a dog with no undercoat and in good health can easily take 40 degrees. Dogs with undercoats can take much colder temps.

But what's the BFD with shivering? I shiver all the time up here. Doesn't mean someone is being cruel to me, just that it's darn cold. The dogs will shiver, too. It's a way of warming up.
..after reading more.

It WAS the verms! I knew it! Those wee little guys can put away an amazing amount of dog food. And it's NO reflection on you that your dog has worms. They're easy to pick up and (thankfully) easy to get rid of with the right meds.
Thee Bad One, In many states the "animal control" people ARE sworn law enforcement officers. And in states where they arent they often need to be attended by the real cops in order to enter private propert (i.e. PC). SO to say that the police were in some way involved is a pretty safe bet. Their level of involvment however depends on how they do it in that particular location.
Those protruding hip bones are likely what they were going by when they stated the dog was underfed.

In the old days, people would worm their dogs by forcing them to swallow a copper penny. Another cheap way to worm them is to force a clove of garlic down his gullet. The worms hate the stuff.

The signs of worms are anal scratching either by biting or dragging the buttocks along the ground. When they start doing this, its time for the garlic.
One other idea I had while pondering this situation is that you should keep a detailed log of times (starting and ending) of all things that you did while working this problem. It could be used later by an attorney when you sue and and could be used in your defense.
Glad to hear things are looking up a little, even with the Gestapo still calling the shots with your pup.

You pointed out that he was energetic, as always... if the dog had been unfed or left out in extreme temperatures, his level of energy would have been indicative of that.

I'm not a sue happy person, but I hope you sue them out of existence. :evil:

OK I will be getting my dog back today :D

Late in the day yesterday I finally got a call back from the "officer" working on the issue. She said that they had been with the county attorney all day and they felt like they had enough to prosecute me. Then she stated that they were willing to make a deal. I said that it depended on what the deal was. She stated that I had to pay their vet bill $180.00. Also clean the dog run with bleach, get a heated dog dish, and insulate his dogloo better. This tells me that probably they DID NOT have enough to prosecute or they would have. It sucks to pay their crooked vet's bill, but it beats the cost of an attorney. I am sure they will be coming back from time to time to see what is happening with the dog.
Not sure of other plans from here on out other than I will document everything that happens with the dog and everything I buy the dog.
Anyone have any idea's on insulating a dogloo? I thought those houses were pretty warm to begin with. I could build a new house with actual insulation I guess.
Thanks to those who supported this little battle with the powers that be.
Lessons learned.

1. CYA. Save all reciepts pertaining to your animals care food etc.
2. Do not procrastinate vet visits for any reason.
3. Be very careful who you let on your property.
4. You guys in these forums are a great source of info and support!
5. Apparantly in the world of animal cops, you are guilty until proven innocent.
6. It is very hard to prove your innocence.
And do remember the mantra:

"I need to speak to my attorney, and I do not consent to any search."
they had been with the county attorney all day...

WOW! Your county attorney must be really, really, bored. :fire:

I'm really glad you got your dog back. If it where my pup, I'd be going ballistic.

This is a classic example of what happens when you swirl together some ignorance, pettyness, and a touch of power.

Be careful of what you sign re: "the deal".
That's a beautiful pup you've got, 12 Volt. It's a shame you had to deal with some morons. I mean, every puppy goes through at least one period where it gets really thin. If they really had enough to prosecute you, they'd be doing a lot more than asking for reimbursement and some cosmetic changes. You could easily improve the house by wrapping it in some insulation & then covering that with plywood or mdf sheets. See if you can get copies of all their paperwork for your records. FOI should mean this isn't a problem.

I'm glad you have a personal list of lessons learned, even though you were in the right. It shows you're a smart person
I think I would have to educate them a tiny bit just because I could. I would email or snail mail the maker of the igloo, and ask what conditions the igloo (provide model number if there is one) is adequate for. Provide them with dogs breed and size, and ask them if additional insulation is needed and at what temps the igloo would be inadequate. Ask also if they have an "extreme weather" insulation kit for it, or a better igloo for colder conditions. I am betting their response will be enough that a commercial shelter will never be challenged again by these officers. If so, forward the response to animal control with the information that you will not insulate it.

I think when this is all resolved a letter to the editor in your local paper might be a good idea. ( Shine the light of publicity on the jack booted busy bodies).
They should be paying you

Their offer is an indication of their weak case

if you pay, its an admission of guilt

if they pay, its an admission of their incompetance

they don't want to admit that
OK, 12V--not to second-guess you, but I smell cow feces from the dogcops. All day with the county attorney--yeah, right. She was lying to you. I, for one, can't stand to be lied to by my employees. I'd have their butt in court, or at least in the media! But it's your life, not mine. So good luck with your fine-looking Pointer.

TFL Survivor
These guys are right, you're getting jerked around. Nothing, especially not "animal rights" commands an entire day with the CA. But you're also right that it's less expensive than getting an attorney.

Be very wary if they want you to sign anything. :scrutiny:

Glad it's going alright.

I agree. I would stil push with an offensive. These people need to be delt with or the next poor victim may get even worse. I would consult an attorney before I signed anything or payed them.

Something stinks there.
I would not pay as that may be construed as an admission of guilt should something like this happen again.

Tell them to pay their own damn vet bills; you have your own to worry about.
It's easy for those of us who aren't involved to be very brave with somebody else's liberty and money, but I don't think it's wrong for him to be realistic.

It's clear that he's right; if they had sufficient evidence for prosecution and they wouldn't be giving him his dog back, much less not prosecuting. At the very best they'd be going for a plea-bargain in trying to get ihim to overtly admit to at least something.

But they're not.

That said, the best possible thing for him, in practice, is just for them to go away, and not come back. Dealing with the doggie version of the Ministry of Love isn't going to be much more pleasant than dealing with the kiddie version of it.

It's going to run him about $200.00, as it is. Add in a decent if not particularly high priced lawyer, and it'll be thousands of dollars before he gets to court, at which point his lawyer will get to fight a sovereign immunity claim by the doggie cops. Even if he wins, how often do you hear about huge punitive damages being assessed against cops, much less dogcatchers?

Pay the money, and let them go away, and stay away.
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Situational awareness. When someone says something to you about the welfare of child or animal, expect them to do something if you don't.

I still think 40 degrees is kinda cold for an exposed dog, but not for one who has shelter from wind and rain. I'd use hay, pine straw, etc. as an insulator, esp. since dogs like to "dig in" (mine trys this with the covers) and will bury themselves in the bedding.

I'd pay the bill, be more careful, and NOT SIGN ANYTHING but a claim slip for the dog or the billing statement, and not those before reading the fine print, TWICE.
"Situational awareness. When someone says something to you about the welfare of child or animal, expect them to do something if you don't."

Amen. The best response, in this situation, was probably something on the order of, "I'll certainly see to that right away, and thank you for bringing it up", followed by a letter firing him.

This was obviously awful, but can you imagine if, instead of the dog, he'd been, say, letting his (hypothetical) twelve-year-old kid have a BB gun? The Ministry of Love would have kicked his doors down.
She said that they had been with the county attorney all day and they felt like they had enough to prosecute me.

Standard opening gambit no 3. It's a freaking lie.
Best of luck here; be careful.
BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE- since they want you to pay for vet bill, get the original. His report. Deal with any of those issues first. Follow-up with an interview. Anything kinky, back away. If possible get a clean bill of health from THAT vet and ANOTHER when the pup is retrieved. Avoid any agrement to re-evaluate again at a later date. Close the door, pay up, and return to your normal life....hopefully it will be this simple. Again, BOL.
She stated that I had to pay their vet bill $180.00. Also clean the dog run with bleach, get a heated dog dish, and insulate his dogloo better.
Tell them that while you believe their suggestions on the run and igloo have merit, it was not you who made a decision to take the dog to their vet. That was their decision and they should do the honorable thing and pay the debt which they incurred.

Tell them that you will also be doing the honorable thing and paying the bill for the services of the vet that you chose to enlist on your dog's behalf.

Tell them that if they insist you pay their bill, that you will sue in small claims court to have the amount returned.
What business does an officer have telling you the terms of any deal? Shouldn't that be the role of the county prosecture? Cops don't do that stuff.
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