Nov 7, 2006: Did you vote?

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I voted over a week ago. News just said voting lines here are as long as 3 hours already :what:

Hopefully all the 'wrong' thinkers waited till today :)
Voted on the first day of early voting. Round here, turnout is expected. I had to wait about 15 minutes on EARLY voting. Tonight will be interesting.
Yeah, I mailed my absentee ballot awhile ago. This election is huge, it is absolutely necessary that everyone gets out to vote.

I made calls for 12 hours over the weekend for Bob Corker and was surprised with the number of people who said "I am too fed up with it all to vote." That is crap. If you don't vote, you have no right to complain about anything that happens over the next 2 years.
Early voting for me is the best with a caveat.

I voted 2 weeks ago. Now, what happens if the infamous October surprise comes along? The person I voted for turns out to be a child molester or something and the opposing candidate waited for the last minute to reveal it?

The candidates in early voting states have to alter their campaigns and their timing.
This morning I heard something like 40% of Tennessee has already voted.

But I voted.

In our gubenatorial race here in PA, its the Super Bowl hero (Lynn Swann) vs the crooked, anti-gun politician (Ed Rendell) The polls say we're in for 4 more years of crooked governing, but I sure hope the polls are wrong.

I voted too. I rather vote for a republican that played the game, then a Democrat that hangs around the set of Comcast sportnet, instead of doing his job in Harrisburg. If Rendell wins and the Dems take majority in PA, PA will look like NJ. Higher taxes and strict gun laws.

I'm crossing my fingers.
Done. I'd have voted for Crist even if he wasn't at every gunshow for the last year. And I'd rather have the wicked witch of the south (Harris) any day over that smug ass nelson. Thinks cause he rode the shuttle he's entitled. F-him (and that IS his NRA rating). Joe
yep, voted.

Gotta agree with old fart. Vote by mail may have its problems, but it's certainly nice to be able to sit there with your ballot and go over it at your leisure, and then just mail the thing in.

And hope that it stays inside the "secrecy envelope" until election day.
Voted about a week and a half ago by mail. No one in this state has any excuse not to vote, how much easier does it get!?
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