Now evaluating if I want guns any more....please read

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It's tough when you are recuperating from your wound and then have to deal with intrusive thoughts. Give things time and work through your mortality if you are so inclined.

Guns are tools to me and they have the capability of saving lives when placed in the proper hands.
Good friends are hard to come by. Don't throw him/her away. Both of you are in an emotionally charged state. The two of you need to talk it out...soon. You can yell and vent; your friend can apologize...then the two of you find out what your friendship is made of...rather than erecting a wall of silence that lasts for decades.

You can choose to either lose your friend and your hobby, or keep both. Your friend owes you life-long drinks at the bar and someday it will all make for a good war story.

Stuff happens. You are alive. Move on. Heal up quick.

Best post in this thread.

Only you know the full circumstances. But, as Chindo said--good friends come along once in a lifetime. If circumstances permit, I highly suggest his advice.

Make no decisions now. Time and prayer can heal many wounds--external and internal. I would suggest finding a good counselor who can provide a good ear.

You NEED to talk about this--with someone. You need to talk, to be able to get mad, get frustrated, break down if you have to. But you MUST drain the mental poison from your system. After that, the healing can begin. Do NOT suffer in silence, and do NOT keep it bottled in.

I experienced an accident at work some years ago. I nearly lost my arm and another vital part due to the accident and doctor(intern) incompetence. My opinion is formed by my personal experience.

Hide your guns for a while. When you start coming off of the pain medication some, and can think clearly, speak to a professional. Having a competent professional help you work through this could be the key to enjoying guns, family, and friends again. PTSD and depression are very possible after something like this. Emotions can swing in all kinds of directions.

Don't do anything rash and talk to your physician about refering you to a psychologist or psychiatrist. An honest mental health check is just as important as a physical check in these situations. You nearly lost your life, a friend was involved, and it involved something you enjoyed. Those circumstances are similar to mine. I know it can be a heavy and frustrating load.

I wish you the absolute best.
Seek other people's advice, mull-over their words, and make an informed decision. For my part, I suggest store them safely, and see how you feel in the near future. Hope all works out for you.

You should do whatever is best for you. Our opinions are just that. It's your life and you must decide what works for you. Asking a bunch or fellow enthusiasts on an internet forum may not be the way to go. Perhaps a therapist of other professional would help you figure out what's best for you, Not what we think is best for you.
Since the OP is signing off for now we will close this one. If he wishes to reopen later or post again he can certainly contact anyone on Staff.

Best wishes Eric.
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