Obama on gun control

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"Gun Control"???? It's not about gun control. It's about politics. It's about keeping the majority voters happy to obtain more votes. If the majority of voters in the US happened to be "Pro-gun", gun laws wouldn't be so strict in order to keep the votes. It's all about staying in a "Plush" office with a Title & ridiculous salary.

Do you think the POTUS or anyone else in Office doesn't know that if a ciminal or "Crazy" wants to commit a crime, their going to find a weapon, gun or otherwise, to do it? It's about politics. They don't give a rats behind about gun control!! It's about keeping what they want & keeping the people who got them there happy.

Take away guns, they'll(criminals) use a knife/box cutter(Hello, 9/11!!!???). Take away the knife, they'll use a bat. Take away the bat, they'll use a stick. Take away the stick, they'll use a rock. Take away the rock & we're all screwed!!

Gun control, like locks, are for honest people. Criminals are gonna keep being ciminals no matter what.

We live in a Nation where the MAJORITY vote counts. That's the bottom line.
I quite simply refuse to accept ANYTHING Obama has to say on the issue of gun control until Operation:Gun Runner is fully investigated, and consequences rendered for those responsible. I cannot put ANY faith in an administration that blames its citizens for the smuggling of so-called assault weapons, then devises a plot where the BATFE itself plays a roll in getting guns across our Southern borders. I see Operation: Gun Runner as a planned whitewash. If there were never any ATF whistle-blowers, I think these 2000+ firearms the ATF knew were going across the border would be usaed as fuel for the assault weapons ban Holder and Obama have been talking about since before the election. Its easy to influence public sentiment when it appears your earlier claims as being validated, and I think thats exactly what the DOJ was trying to do....back up their earlier claims about US straw purchasers supplying the cartels with guns.

When Obama acknowledges Gun Runner, the lives it has been responsible for taking, and the legal ramifications of flooding a violence-filled country with guns, without the country's government in any way being aware, I MIGHT lend him my ear. Until then, its just so many saoundbytes, with no real content to consider
Let us assume this is him, it sounds like him.
Obama has a silver tongue, even I can enjoy hearing him.

This is a guy that voted for every single piece of gun control legislation until he was elected president. His record is public.
It is also a guy that was on the board of directors for the Joyce foundation, a major funding source of anti gun efforts.
You don't act as a board member and not know the strategy.

He is a very smooth politician. In that article he talks about strengthening the so called veterans disarmament act, the legislation passed 4 years ago he references. No longer relying on states to submit info to arbitrarily deny people that have broken no laws the right to guns. That is considered unacceptable, not enough.
He mentions encouraging and rewarding states that provide info to do so. How does the federal government reward states? That is a financial incentive to provide info on people in order to prohibit them. Remember this only applies to people who are not felons, or they would be prohibited already.

He is also talking about the "gunshow loophole" which has little to do with gunshows and outlaws all private sales.
Government then can keep track of every gun ever legally transferred anywhere.
As long as there is private sales there will always by a thorn in the side of a government that wants to be able to control and monitor the means to arms.

While nobody wants dangerous psychos to have guns, psychology is also very discretionary, and adding significant legal teeth to arbitrary discretionary opinions is a dangerous scenario. It undoes a lot of the intended protections our criminal justice system is designed to give.
It may prevent some problems, but it will also be used to prevent rights far more often when there never would have been any problems.
Every member of society has the symptoms of various mental problems, it is just the opinion of a licensed professional whether those are significant enough to actually be something, or "normal". That discretion can be used to determine whether an individual is banned from ever exercising a protected right or not.

The thing is like he said some of these things are already "passed", he just wants to create new programs and databases and federal regulations and increased funding based on such legislation.

Obama is one of the smoothest talkers I have seen. He knows how to avoid keywords that will polarize one side or the other.
If they can defang the pro-gun side and get them to start thinking "reasonable" the momentum of "reasonable" will begin. It will be what I mentioned above, and it will continue. Another big one they have focused on since the Tucson incident is capacity limits.
That would be coming if they felt they got enough gun owners in a compromise mindset.

Each time the antis get something a new topic is on the front lines of your gun rights and the lost right typically stays lost. The sunset on the AWB was a stroke of fortune, if it had not ended when the congress that was in place was in place it would have been permanently renewed.
Everything is "reasonable" and a sound logical argument can be made to implement almost any new anti-gun restriction if you get a good enough speaker. You have to decide to either deal with freedom and some risk, or let the government take absolute control and turn the exercising of your rights into an extensive bureaucratic process.

Many politicians would love to follow the model of some European states where many places have extensive requirements for gun ownership, tiered licenses, time requirements of belonging to expensive clubs before someone can own X gun, time requirements of owning X gun before someone can own Y type gun, etc etc
The whole system is so cumbersome, all based on "common sense" that the percentage of people that go through the trouble is a small fraction of society. The result is it gets even easier to take future gun rights because the number of gun rights supporters dwindles and grows slowly because it is such a chore to even join the the ranks of gun owners. It becomes a downward spiral, more gun control reduces gun owners over time, which makes it easier to pass even more gun control.

The biggest irony of all is that the founders added the 2nd as a potential check against tyranny from the very government that wants absolute and complete control to grant or deny the right to arms, and complete control ( and resulting documentation created) on the transfer of all arms.
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In the words of old Ross Perot,the devils in the details.
Oddly enough this guy puts this piece in a newspaper in a state his justice department is currently suing.
And as Rusty pointed out what they also want is the end of FTF private sells without it going through a back ground check.
I can only imagine what some FFL's would charge for this.
Well here it comes guys as if any of us didn't know it.
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If this is actualy something from Obama then yes I do agree that someone with a past should not be able to buy a gun. It may mean stricter laws but if you have done nothing wrong why worry? When people hear Obama and Gun Laws everyone one freaks and I can understand. What we have to remember is that it's our freak outs that drive the gun market. If you want to react just join the NRA they need all te help they can get.
Obama is playing you guys like fools, and most are buying it hook, line, and sinker.

And the thread will continue until enough people disagree with you, then it will be closed for being too political.

I'm not gonna worry about it until new laws are proposed by the president. So far he's been mostly ambivalent to new gun control measures. In fact, he's been less interested in gun control than some fairly conservative presidents.
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It seems neutral to me

I do not find anything particularly offensive in the President's remarks, and I cannot say that I actually disagree with the notion of enforcing existing laws. I work as an immigration lawyer. The Obama administration has ramped up enforcement enormously over the past two years. The numbers of undocumented and criminal aliens being detained and deported has dramatically increased. He ran as the pro-immigrant candidate, but DHS has zealously enforced the existing laws on the books - -much more aggressively than the previous administration. (Believe it or not, the immigration laws have not changed in any significant way since 1996, when Congress passed, and Bill Clinton signed two separate, enforcement-oriented bills. In addition, there was a temporary reform measure that passed at the end of 2000).

My point is that we can likely expect higher levels of enforcement of existing laws rather than amendments to current gun laws. I think that I am okay with that.
Maybe the few posts already were not clear.

NO party politic discussions or commentaries on the current administration that do not directly involve gun control are on topic here.
I did not mean for my prior entry to be political at all and I apologize if it came across as partisan. I was trying to relate an observation that in another area of law -- immigration law-- this administration has been actively enforcing existing laws rather than introducing new ones. That appears to be what the President is proposing now relating to gun laws, and that may be what we have to brace ourselves for. Personally, I cannot fault any administration for enforcing existing laws (except unconstitutional ones).
From the article:
If we're serious about keeping guns away from someone who's made up his mind to kill, then we can't allow a situation where a responsible seller denies him a weapon at one store, but he effortlessly buys the same gun someplace else.
I think that anyone that reads that article as 'I want the status quo' and not as a continuation of his pre-election positions against private firearm sales is simply not being intellectually rigorous.
Personally, I would be willing to parley with the President on this issue as long as it was a zero sum game. In other words, if he feels strongly that additional regulation is needed in a particular area, then he's going to have to relax restrictions in another area. For example, I'd be willing to accept increased background check scrutiny in exchange for opening up the machine gun registry.
I am with Zoogster on this one. O's anti. It's all smoke and mirrors to gain support for more control of legal guns in the hands of law abiding citizens. They could care less about criminals except for the fodder they give politicians for pushing gun control.
"Gun Control"???? It's not about gun control. It's about politics. It's about keeping the majority voters happy to obtain more votes. If the majority of voters in the US happened to be "Pro-gun", gun laws wouldn't be so strict in order to keep the votes.
Sadly this what you find when you peel the onion. Politicians react to events and to pressure from constituents in a way to appease their base and ensure future votes for both themselves and their party.
Gun Control

If any of you people have ever heard of or are familiar with Louis Awerback, he is aften quoted as saying "Every 10 years the .45 ACP(1911) becomes fashionable again". This whole thread reminds me off that quote. For 10 years now there has been little or no rumors of Washington pushing another anti-gun bill through Congress. Now with our Idiot Commander-in-Chief looking to cause more confusion and chaos with us gunowners....look what we got...a thread on The High Road with all parties weighing with varying opinions.on this alleged legislation.!! All seems very silly to me.... This bill will not make it through Congress...without a huge hue and cry from the US gun owning public.... Take it to the Bank...!!!
The game plan is to make gun ownership dependent on passing a psychological evaluation.

At that point, the game is over.

Most psychologists are literally insane. They also trend very liberal. New mental disorders will be invented to condemn anyone who:

Wants to own more than 2 guns

Teaches gun culture to innocent children

Thinks the 2nd Amendment is about resisting tyranny

etc, etc, etc.

In fact, if you can't demonstrate a real NEED for a gun, it will be "unreasonable" for you to want one. Request denied.
Can't he do something useful like close the 104 nucelar power plants in the USA that are now proven unsafe?

We need to remove him from office ASAP.
What exactly is the term "a gun safety advocate" that is used in his speach?

Translation: = gun grabber
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