Obama's new site- Tell us your story of gun violence.

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Ahh, surely he'd never censor this site to remove stories he doesn't agree with. Remember how he said Rand Paul and others were wrong to accuse him of using the Newtown victims as props? He said the families have a right to have their stories told, just like everyone else.. Don't you believe him?

I'm temped to summit one as one of the founding fathers telling the story of the British using gun violence to suppress their subjects.
I'm temped to summit one as one of the founding fathers telling the story of the British using gun violence to suppress their subjects.

Please do so, and also post it here. I'd like to read it myself and pass it on to folks that NEED to hear stories like that!

They aren't posting anyone who doesn't agree with them. It's the typical one sided view that this shameless man presents to the public. It truly is a shame he got into office.
Anyone who doesn't agree with him, gets shut out of the argument, don't waste your time, just concentrate your efforts on making your representatives aware of your position and the consequences of their actions.
They aren't posting anyone who doesn't agree with them
I posted my story about my baby brother being murdered and went into explaining that I don't blame the gun rather the DOJ that failed as the murderer was on probation for shooting up a house.. I couldn't find it...
Rather than getting over his take-the-guns agenda loss ( by his 'own' people no less) he seeks to keep the momentum alive. Credit where it is due--he is the consummate politician; as was hitler.

We need to fear him: he finds new lows and embraces them. Than he locks out the other side: dissent will not be heard nor published...Our work, Freedoms work, gets harder.

If the 2nd Amendment is a Fort...it just repelled a frontal attack.
Now it must be alert to all manors of subtle ( some, perhaps less so) actions.

Voting the bad out is for the long game
Keeping vigilant for -0-'s media manipulations is necessary--
Our strategy to deflect 'the great one's' lies will not work cause we are not
reaching those who are woefully ignorant--and kept so by those in power.

What strategy will work to de-demonize the gun as the liberal forces have taught 3 generations of (hate the term) sheep.

If we can put Personal Responsibility ahead of an Entitlement attitude
perhaps than we can get some truths across to The Sheltered Americans.
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re: Organizing for action - gun violence stories

Obama's "organizing for action" IS HIS anti-gun platform.

I won't soil my keyboard, by submitting anything to that POS.

Here is what one of my 'gun violence' stories reads like:
" During the race riots of the '60's, I and my family were traveling cross-sountry by train. Every major city that we traveled through, both in day and night, had National Guardsmen seated on top of the trains with automatic weapons. This was because the rioting blacks were shooting into the trains, as they passed through the cities. We all had to sleep on the floor of the coach cabins, to stay out of the line of sight of the rioters, including not having the lights on, when we had to use the in-coach toilet."
I haven't bothered to read the site, but has anyone taken into consideration it may not even be taking stories? What's the chance the stories are all made up from the get-go and made to look like they were posted from public input? That's what it sounds to me like, since when many folks write their story, go to look for it, and the stories per state seem to be similar in count to the day they/you posted. Just a thought...
The ballot box and 2014 mid-terms are the best way to get this opportunist oppressed.

Getting a high profile NRA or other page up with all the stories of how weapons saved victims from horrible crimes would be very good. Has anyone contacted the NRA about its own information yet?

If someone famous who is respected could sponsor such a site, it would be great. Fight fire with fire.
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