zxcvbob said:
I think the idea is that if the BG has the drop on you, you passively comply until he is distracted or something, then you pounce. For example, after he has your wallet and it turning away, you draw, fire 2 to the back and 1 to the head, and recover your wallet If you are OC'ing, you might never get a chance to play The Punisher.
So after you give the BG your wallet and he decides that he's going to leave and not hurt you, then you shoot him in the back?
How do you justify that legally when he is no longer a threat?
To me, carrying a firearm whether it's openly carried or concealed hasn't got anything to do with playing
The Punisher. I hate to say this man, but if that's what it is to you then we'd all be better off it you didn't carry at all.
Plus, again, CCW isn't going to deter anyone specifically because you look just like any other sheeple to them. They can't tell you're armed so you look like any other target.
Open carry
may not deter anyone either, but it just might.
But whether it does or not isn't the issue.
It's a right. I support people who choose to exercise it. It's that simple to me.
*That* is the real reason for CC'ing. To avoid being hassled (and maybe shot) by the cops.
And why are the cops hassling you or shooting for doing something legal in the first place?
In other words, why aren't the cops on
our side like they're supposed to be?
I don't like criminals doing stuff that gets decent people hurt and I'd assume that cops don't either.
If we're all working toward the same goal, why do cops have any business creating a problem where none is supposed to exist?
As I said before, I'm all for being smart and pragmatic about working toward changing laws or fixing messed up policies, but I've heard your argument before and it didn't make any sense to me then either.
Instead of accepting it when the police do something wrong, why not work to hold them accountable and make them stop doing it?