OUR Tiennamen (sp) Square?

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The point of remembering such things as the maltreatment of the Bonus Marchers--and Ruby Ridge and Waco--is not to try to create a belief that such events are typical.

The point is to remember that such things can happen, even here in the good old US of A. Just because a repetition is unlikely does not mean it's impossible.

Part of one's own self-defense is contributing to those cards and letters to elected officials at ALL levels of government that indicate they're being watched and their votes are noted. Same for the upper level bureaucrats and appointees, with carbon copies to one's own state representative and senators.

Doing more than just griping on some Internet forum is necessary: "They" should be in a condition of uncertainty, not us.

I've been accused of being a hair-brained, cop-hating anarchist and a staunch defender of statist jack-booted thuggery. Sometimes on the same day.

...and not a few times by the same people!

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