Overnight trip to Chicago

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To the original question--


The place is corrupt and they are kept in office by the largest Polish gathering in the country-Democrat thru and thru. They figure it is better than the Communists they fled from. I guess.

While I don't know what has to do with the OP's question or why your bad mouthing Polish people, everbody already knows Chicago is corrupt so theres no need to state the obvious.

To the OP, take it from someone who live a stone's throw away from Chicago all their life. Relax, see the sights, and have some fun. Your a tourist so theres no need for you to worry about Chicago's corruptness. (We all know it's there especially those who live in the city or nearby, but unless you have plans to run against Emmanuel you shouldn't concern yourself with this. ;))

Stay in a suburb and leave your gun in the hotel and ride the train into Chicago proper. Or take a cab. Just have your gun unloaded and in the trunk when you drive in Illinois.

Since the OP is taking a business trip, I'd advise against the gun and staying out in the suburbs. Becasue then you have to deal with other suburban gun laws and then you have to commute. That would mean taking a long bus ride to a CTA station and then riding that into the 'loop'. Just by doing this you'd be putting youself more at risk then if you just stayed downtown in the first place. So again, just relax and enjoy the trip.
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" Just seems like there is a CPL mentality where some can't live without carrying, kinda like a child needing their pacifier when they can go without it."

Totally agree!

This is why makes me sometimes embarrassed to be a gun owner. To be associated with people like this. Suck it up and go to Chicago and have a good time. Do your job. Unbelievable as it may seem, millions and millions of people everyday, go about their business in Chicago, New York city, Washington D.C. and other places while not carrying a gun, and not having any trouble at all. It seems that on this and other gun forums, the gun becomes more than a pacifier, but some sort of bolster for the ego and manhood until they are afraid to go without. A crutch for the weak of ego and spirit.

I like guns as much as the next guy, and go shooting once sometimes twice a week. But I do't let the gun rule my life. If there's a place I want to go that is a no gun place, so be it. I'd rather go and travel and see new sights than live in some little glass cage with my gun. This guy is even asking if we think he should break the law. I really don't know why posts like this are not closed quick. It's an insult to gun owners, and potential ammo for the Brady bunch if they stumble across it. Grow up, even in grade school, you learned to leave your toys at home.

My daughter and SIL lived in Chicago for 10 years, and we visited often. The geographical advise given above is wise.

Use common sense about where and when to go. Most residents of Chicago are some of the nicest people in the world......they love to help out-of-town visitors and are invariably friendly. I've walked into bars, been treated drinks and had great conversations, just because I'm a "west-coaster."
Grow up, even in grade school, you learned to leave your toys at home.
Maryland laws... and attitudes are pretty much the same as they are in Illinois. Rights aren't really rights, just privileges that can be bought and sold.

And the life of a mere citizen isn't worth a bucket of warm spit. If you can't afford bodyguards, you don't matter anyway...
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