Personal Defense TV is Back!

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Jan 20, 2003
Wednesday, Personal Defense TV returns with a new season.

We kick it off by shooting up a car, from the inside and the outside. Yeah, I'm still smiling.

Wednesday, 5:00pm and 10:30pm EASTERN, on The Outdoor Channel.

Also at 2:30pm Fridays, Eastern.

Clint Smith and Massad Ayoob have their regular segments.
Great show. Thanks to Tom, Mas, Clint, and all the others who put this show on. I really enjoy it.
Ah . . . darned if I remember. Small, cheap, but not bad looking. Goofy hatchback.

I put two rounds through the windshield from the driver's position. Ed Head, of Gunsite, shot out the side windows and blew shotgun holes through the doors.

From the front, we hammered the windshield. You can not shoot out a windshield. That safety glass just flat works.
Excellent! Been missing that show. One of my favorites.


My cable company bumped the Outdoor Channel up to the digital service & replaced it with The Golf Channel:fire:
When I called & raied hell, I was told customers were given a chance to vote for which channel they wanted moved, and Outdoor was the one. I told her BS. I never got a ballot. And I was sure Telemundo would have been given the boot before Outdoor. So now I'm digital:cuss:
Re: windshields

My understanding is that safety glass is actually two sheets of glass with a layer of some sort of plastic between.

I understood that bullets would deflect up or down depending on incoming or outbound. With the pistol rounds used at the close distances involved, deflection of incoming didn't seem to me too far from point of aim. I hadn't heard that about cops firing into windshields and missing high.
Saw the new episode tonight. Enjoyed the content, new intro sequences, and
of course the regular mini features.
Job well done and looking forward to more episodes to add to my DVR Hard Drive.

I always watch the Outdoor Channel on Wednesday nights. There are 3 different shows on from 7:00 - 10:00. I get the names mixed up but I believe one is "Shooting Gallery" and one is "Self-Defense TV" or something like that.
I really enjoy them. Last night was one of the best.
They had a guy from RCBS going thru the steps of re-loading which really solved a mystery for me. I always thought I would like to get into re-loading but didn't know a de-burring from a case trimming. What a great show that was.
The guy did some re-loading with a single stage press and then with a multi-stage press. Seems to me with all the different equipment that you need with a single stage press, it might be almost as cheap to go ahead and get a multi-stage. I need to look into that.
I'm not sure which show it is but dang I wish that guy would lose the earring.
It just seems to be out of place to me. But then, I'm kind of conservative on things like that so to each his own. It won't stop me from watching the show.
It's the best night on TV.
Michael Bane has the Ear-Bling. Doesn't do anything for me, either, but the show is really cool (shooting gallery)

The reloading show was good. The equipment they were using is not exactly a "starter" set. I'm refering to the case/media separator, case prep center, digital powder despenser/scale, etc. These are really nice, but cost a good chunk, too. Be prepared to do a lot of hand work if you can't afford these toys.

As far as a beginner press goes, I would opt for, at a minimum, a turret type press. This keeps you from having to change out each die for each step (sizing/depriming, seating bullet, crimping) The turret holds all the dies on one plate, all preset for the right depth. You just turn the turret to do each step. Of course, progressives are the fastest, but a newby needs to take it slow, at first.
>>Tom did one of the shots through the window miss?<<

Window or windshield? The shots out of the open window were a nice, tight group. I'm very accurate at four feet! <grin>

The two shots through the windshield from the inside both hit the target at about the aiming point. It was interesting that the second shot went exactly through the hole in the windshield made by the first shot. I guess that only makes sense, since the windshield was about a foot from the muzzle, and I was using the same aiming point (the zipper pull on the target) for both shots.

I was really impressed with the penetration of the door by buckshot. At that range, it is basically a slug, and the door offers very little protection.

Why use the MP-5 for the final shoot-em-up? Well . . . because it was there, and we had ammo, and . . . it makes me smile?
Great show. I smiled when the MP5 went full auto, cause I knew you were having such a good time.
Super show, Tom. Now how do lefties use the "car draw" information? I've been doing a transfer (we do this transfer routinely during quarterly quals) to my right hand and operate as shown. :)
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