Pharmacy Robbery - What would you have done?

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When I first contemplated getting my CCL, I thought about what I might do in such a situation.
I came to the conclusion even before my first concealed carry class, that if I saw a robbery such as that, I would prepare my gun to be drawn and myself to use it, but unless the gunman started shooting people, or in my opinion was about to, (acting violently crazy) I would not bring out my gun or fire it.
Some other people have already pointed out the need for a clear field of fire, and the possible effect of shooting the bad guy if he had his gun pointed at someone at the time.
That was all before I took my CCL class. Every thing I have learned since then indicates that is the proper course of action.
How do I define "acting crazy violent"? It will depend upon the circumstances, but essentially means "I am in immediate fear for my life or that of another". If he is acting relatively calmly, and seems only interested in getting the money or drugs, I intend to be the best witness I can, I may even go to the door and see which way he left, or what car he left in. Depends upon the circumstances.
Even if he is acting in a wildly irrational threatening manner, unless the circumstances are just right, one's best course of action, may be to take no action!
It is all dependent upon the situation and your level training.
Think about the situation, and what might go wrong, and act only if you really, really have to. It would be all too easy to make the situation worse.
I find it difficult to believe that anyone would think it better to act differently.

I realize it all too easy to get all "Dirty Harry" and "John Wayne" about such situations when we are just sitting around BSing, Heck, I've been guilty of that myself. But when I am being serious about it, restraint is the best option.
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