Please contact the NRA about Mr. LaPierre

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How sad. My support goes to Gun Owners of America. I did just purchase a 5-year NRA membership extension for $125, and I like the magazine, so maybe if they can get things straightened out...
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Not as eloquent as I would like, but:

"As a former member, I am asking that Mr. LaPierre step down from all executive duties to the organization. Regardless of what he thinks he is doing, he is bringing the organization down, in image and in deed. I let my membership lapse, and will not renew as long as Mr. LaPierre is in an executive position in the organization."
It’s been my opinion for a very long time that gun owners, shooters, hunters, etc…people like us, are a very fickle bunch. We rattle our swords, grab torches snd pitchforks and stand at the gates and make noise like we are an angry bunch bent on causing mayhem and trouble if we don’t get our way. Then the call comes for real action, money or some other effort that must be put forth, like sending a letter or email or making a call and then…crickets…
Or better yet, I am not getting my way so “I will just quit! That’ll show ‘em.”

We got the NRA that we allowed to happen. If you don’t want to fix the NRA then your words here don’t help…and No, I personally don’t want to throw my money or efforts into another organization that has no real juice.

Gun owners in their individual groups or niches remind me of political parties in Italy. There are 6 major parties and 40 minor parties. In their history since WW2 no party has ever garnered enough power to govern as a majority.
That is how I see gun owners in America. A fractured group of semi-likeminded people that are losing their rights in some areas a little at a time.
Sure, there have been great advances made in this country regarding gun rights over the past 20 or so years. We need to keep those advances going. We can’t do that by sitting on our hands and we can’t do it without a big organization that has the juice and the household name recognition to get it done.

My email to the NRA is going out as soon as I hit “post reply” here.

Have a wonderful weekend everybody. :thumbup:
That is how I see gun owners in America. A fractured group of semi-likeminded people that are losing their rights in some areas a little at a time.
Sure, there have been great advances made in this country regarding gun rights over the past 20 or so years. We need to keep those advances going. We can’t do that by sitting on our hands and we can’t do it without a big organization that has the juice and the household name recognition to get it done.

While I agree for the most part, I don't know if that organization is the NRA anymore......not as it is now. It does not have the respect of the American people anymore, and this includes it's paying members. I became a life member back when I was 18(half a century ago), not because we were loosing our rights at that time, but because the organization held a lot of respect. Back then, the NRA actually supported more gun control. Now, they are like the prize pig/steer that has gotten too fat and old to be a good eater. Time to make dog food.
I participated in NRA sanctioned small bore rifle matches and firearm education at summer camps at ages 10 & 11, well over half s century ago. That was my introduction to the NRA.

~28 years ago I joined the NRA on an annual basis and upgraded to a Life membership 26 years ago. 18 years ago I upgraded to a Benefactor Life membership when I enrolled my then 10 yr old daughter as a Life Member. It was shortly there after I first became aware of what I realized was malfeasance amongst the NRA leadership. I also understood that the (hired) executive vice-president was a far more powerful figure than the (elected) president.

About 16 years ago I chose to passively protest WLP's perpetual position and the highly manipulated board by refusing to give another dime. I've not changed one red cent on that opinion / position.

When I was actively competing in Black Powder Cartridge Silhouette (including several annual trips to the Nationals at Raton), a very dear friend and former board member kept me up to date on the inner shenanigans of the NRA leadership. Its amazing the board with its competing factions didn't implode.

I'll mention here that when I recently joined THR, after years of lurking, I chose not to list my NRA status in my sig line. I still consider myself a member, barely.

I readily abide by: Aim Small, Miss Small.
Every email or letter they send me gets a reply. Fix the organization, get rid of The corrupt board members and I will consider sending you more money.

my money is currently going to the SAF and I still have a few years left on my 5 year NRA membership but they won’t get any more $ and I won’t renew if changes are not made.

vote with your wallet. When the bottom line keeps shrinking they will act.
I'm a second generation life member. My dad said 50 years ago that we would not have our firearms if not for the NRA.

I'm an NRA certified firearms instructor and maintain my membership so I can continue to teach.

But the shenanigans of LaPierre and his minions are distressing to the point that I have issues recommending NRA membership to Basic Pistol Students.

I believe that my dad would be upset if he knew that his money was buying new suits for Wayne.
A lot of you talk about the NRA like it's someone else's fault.
How many use the ballot in their NRA magazine to vote in a director that wants to change the NRA to what you want?
The NRA is suffering from the same problem that the USA is it is being led by someone that no one wants that was elected by the other guy.
Pick up your NRA magazine open it up to the page that tells you about all of the candidates & pick one that you like. Take back control of your NRA. It's a proven fact that most that complain about the NRA are not members or have never sent in a ballot.

I was shocked to see the NY AG recognize that the NRA has “legitimate operations:....

“The Attorney General’s allegations in this case, if proven, tell a grim story of greed, self- dealing, and lax financial oversight at the highest levels of the National Rifle Association. They describe in detail a pattern of exorbitant spending and expense reimbursement for the personal benefit of senior management, along with conflicts of interest, related party transactions, cover- ups, negligence, and retaliation against dissidents and whistleblowers who dared to investigate or complain, which siphoned millions of dollars away from the NRA’s legitimate operations.“
I was shocked to see the NY AG recognize that the NRA has “legitimate operations:....

“The Attorney General’s allegations in this case, if proven, tell a grim story of greed, self- dealing, and lax financial oversight at the highest levels of the National Rifle Association. They describe in detail a pattern of exorbitant spending and expense reimbursement for the personal benefit of senior management, along with conflicts of interest, related party transactions, cover- ups, negligence, and retaliation against dissidents and whistleblowers who dared to investigate or complain, which siphoned millions of dollars away from the NRA’s legitimate operations.“
Yes pretty sad but absolute power corrupts.
If you are a NRA member maybe contact the NRA and ask Mr. LaPierre to step down after the New York State Supreme Court Ruling.

Contact NRA by Mail:
National Rifle Association of America, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030

Contact the NRA by Phone:
(800) 672-3888


Don't have to rude or anything like that; Just ask maybe it's time, so the organization can get back to the matters it should be handling.


Maybe all Americans should turn in their guns, tear up the bill of rights and start over.

Yeah - that'll do it.

yeh, Oliver North tried to get rid of WLP, and he got gone instead.

Sad part about Mr. North he didn't have a very good standing ether. Wish Joe Foss was still around we could definitely use that Marine again.
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