Police denied entry to party so they ticketed party-goers

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And in CA, a license implies consent. In fact, a refusal to take a BAC test is a crime with jail time/fine here.

IF you're in a car, correct? It's not a free pass for the police to stop you on the sidewalk or sitting on your front porch and make such a demand, right?
So have you ever planted evidence? What else could you do if you don't find anything if you can't "lose" and walk away?

He probably carries empty coffee cans . . . just in case.
Of course, the right thing is whatever
you decide it should be.
I certainly hope Centac doesn't decide what is the right thing.

My main problem with this is that (according to the article) you have a party here where the parents are doing the right thing and teen are not drunk, yet these LEO's harass them anyway. Even after confirming that nothing is going on, they still stick around. Surely they had better things to do. The statement above about legal vs right is a very good.

I wonder if the response would have been different if they only asked if one or two of them could come in and confirm the alcohol was under control? Rather than just coming right out and asking if they can give everyone a breath tests. They could have done the first in about 2 minutes and probably not bothered anyone. I think asking if several LEO's can come in and test everyone is a bit more threatening to normal law abiding citizens.

On the parking tickets, laws cannot be selectively enforced. I would like to know when the last time it was these LEO's or that department has written a ticket for a tire touching the curb. Just curious.
I'm not sure of that. I'm not a lawyer, just remembering what I can from driver's ed, which wasn't too long ago. I do know that if you test .01 or above, and you're under 21, you lose your license.

Seems you get a 1 year suspension, not a revocation. Also, if the cops think you've been driving you're required to take a BAC test.
Laws can be selectively enforced. It's called discretion. But that discretion can't be abused so as to coerce people to give up Constitutional rights, nor in retaliation for the exercise of said rights.
On the parking tickets, laws cannot be selectively enforced.

They can, and are. The Germans even have a special term for an official who does duty "by the book", intentionally writing up every little infraction and obeying every single directive scrupulously: "Dienst nach Vorschrift". It's usually done when the police force wants to protest something, since "Dienst nach Vorschrift" absolutely kills efficiency and results in huge paperwork backlogs. The point is that no cop, whether here or in germany, ever does his duty 100% by the book. There's a latitude present that is a necessary lubricant when applying rigid legal code to everyday life.
Well, I guess they won't be selling too many tickets to teh Policeman's Ball in that neighborhood.

Oh, wait, nevermind. The MoCo police don't have balls :neener:
>So what difference does their assignment make? They saw violations and acted on them. Unless they had other calls to handle, what else do ya want'em to do - ignore them? Why should they? Suppose they observed a minor traffic accident while there, should they not get involved in that either?<

Yeah... I suppose. What if they had noticed a shooting, or someone planting a bomb, or several members of MS13 gang-raping a 3 year old. Whay not take it to the outer reaches, Centac. They saw a way of retaliating against the party-goers because they (in your terms) "lost". It's that simple. The whole thing should have been over after the first couple of "checkpoint stops"...
And even those were pushing it...

>Using "South Park" to buttress a position speaks volumes about the quality of the thesis.<

Using it to describe an attitude. Nice try though...
Centac, I have to ask... Which mall do you work at? Because I really doubt you are really LE. I've watched your assine responses for many threads now and I think your either a TROLL or some 19 year old drop out working as mall security hoping to one day become a cop so that he can give out some "payback".

It's no doubt you worship the LE community and there is no problem with that. But you must remember the power that trumps them is the consitution. Never forget that.

The only reason that the police have power is because the public chose to give them said powers. Remember it is not the public that are beholden to the LE's but the LE's that are beholden to the public.

The LE's that gave out those tickets out of retaliation should be ashamed of themselves. And some kind of displinary action should be noted on their record. Shows a lack of judgement on their part. Hand out some weinie parking tickets and in return turn the communitie's good will against the law enforcement community. Great freaking job. Bunch of Einsteins. :cuss: :cuss:
I wonder what a check of the records to see how often the alcohol squad writes parking citations would tell us.
>So what difference does their assignment make? They saw violations and acted on them. Unless they had other calls to handle, what else do ya want'em to do - ignore them? Why should they? Suppose they observed a minor traffic accident while there, should they not get involved in that either?<

These officers were assigned to patrol teenage drinking, right?

Do you think maybe there were other graduation parties going on that 4 or 5 of the 6 units could have checked out rather than harassing these kids?

I have no problem with an officer sitting and waiting for party-goers to leave to see if anyone's intoxicated.

For 6 units to sit and wait out what appears to have been a dry party is a huge waste of money. Writing the tickets was childish. How many of us get upset when a neighbor has a party and parking gets a little nuts? Who cares?

The actions of these officers are not helping public perception of the office they hold. I would think they should be interested in creating good will with good folks like the ones at this party, rather than pissing them off.

Cops can't afford to have egos. Too many of them do and it tarnishes the badge of all LEOs, which is unfortunate. There are a lot of good cops out there.

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If you can not answer a man's argument, all is not lost; you can still call him vile names. -- Elbert Hubbard
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