Prayers needed.......

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Jan 21, 2004
Oregon, in the Willamette Valley
Mods, please allow this thread. It is slightly gun related, as my daughter is a future shooter.

Folks, I could really use any good wishes or prayers you are willing to send my way.
My daughter is 2 weeks from being a year old. She was admitted to the hospital early this evening. She has an infection which is causing a high fever. Wasn't feeling too well yesterday, and spiked a 103 degree temp around 8pm. By the time we drove 30 minutes to the ER, it was 105. It came down with cool cloths and some ibuprofen, but an hour ago it was back to 103. She's got chills, and the poor kid hurts from the infection. I'm sure she'll be fine, but every little bit helps.
Boy, it really makes me feel helpless, seeing my little girl hurt this way. I'd rather face a whole crew of bad guys with my bare hands than see her this way.
I've been through it myself and understand the helplessness you're feeling. I pray that God blesses your daughter with health soon and that he gives you and everyone who loves her the peace to know that she is in His hands.

Keep us posted...
Prayers inbound, for tyke & parents.

Been there, done that, have unhappy memories of spending nights with daugher in lap, in between the cool bath dunks and doses of pediatric fever meds.

One of the things that surprised me about the current pediatric thinking is that absent complications, high fevers like that are no longer considered the super duper brain damage emergencies they used to think they were.

The poor tykes rumble right through all that muck, and bounce back as if nothing happened, and wonder where mom & dad got all that grey hair.
She will be fine. My daughter is 13 weeks old today, but boy do I know how you feel!

Just reassure your wife that you are on top of it, you are getting her the best medical care in the world, and she's going to come out of it smiling.

Keep us posted.
Prayers and good thoughts on the way.

Kids do this all the time. Over the winter we had both kids fever up to 105 or 106, and controlled with motrin and tylenol to 102-103 or so. Lasted for two or three days. Same thing with my little niece. Hang in there, this is what kids do sometimes- scare you ever so often to keep you on your toes. :)

On the way.

Soon enough you'll wish that she was just a little sick, just enough to slow her down a bit as she'll be back to bouncing off the walls :D .
You and yours will be included in all my prayers.

Boy, it really makes me feel helpless, seeing my little girl hurt this way. I'd rather face a whole crew of bad guys with my bare hands than see her this way.

Makes my problems seem trivial at best. I sincerely hope for the best for you.
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