Pre 2007 Ban Shopping List

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Mar 23, 2006
Horror has a face.
With the relatively recent political changes and in light of recent events, I am considering purchasing some firearms and/or accessories while I still can.

I was considering: 1) OA AR pistol, 2) Kinkov AK pistol, 3) Vector .308 pistol, 4) AR betamag w/smoked back, 5) AK chinese windup 100rnd drum, 6) .308 AR, 7) OA 9mm AR (glock mags), 8) more 33rnd Glock mags, 9) more 17rnd Glock mags, 10) more 15rnd 10mm Glock mags, 11) carbine 9mm barrel for Glock 17, 12) stock for Glock 17 AFTER I GET THE CARBINE BARREL, 13) KelTec PLR16, 14) KelTec SU16.

Any suggestions/comments?

BTW, I have a lot of AR/AK 30rnd mags, so I don't need any more of those.
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All I'd need is AR 30 round mags and SA 13 rd mags for my .45 XD. Had a betamag, never used it and sold it. Have a .223 pistol (Professional Ordnance), never use it either but it does take AR mags. Anytime I'd be tempted to use the pistol I'm sure my Colt carbine would be a much better choice. :)
lots of coffee, piss and vinegar, as well as brief, well-reasoned arguments to stick in letters, phone calls and e-mails and faxes.


Anyone can just shop and give up.
Good grief! I'm seeing this defeatist attitude on a lot of firearms forums this past month.
The Democrats(well coined, BTW. Kudos for that one!) got a serious smackdown put on them in the 90's when they tried to pursue gun bans.
Now, as thick headed as most of them are, it would seem they wouldn't want to make that same major mistake again. Especially since today there are far more pro-gun citizens than there were back in the mid-90's.

If we just roll over and show we're ready to let them have their way with us, they may decide to do just that. Showing a united front, especially on firearms forums, sends a clear message to the pundits who work for them and do their research.

Defeatist attitudes lead to just that.
As a member of the democratic party (I'm a pro gun Democrat) of the mail I've received talking about the causes they want us to support (and asking for donations :) you just gotta love politicians (sarcastic)) I've heard nothing of a new "assualt weapons" (are they gonna ban rocks? cause if you attack someone with a rock its an assualt weapon :) ) ban. And if one is put into effect we will still be able to buy ones manufactured before the ban, meaning we'll have some time to buy some before the prices get jacked up too much.

Also, because of the supreme court case involving that kid who was 18 in texas and brought a gun to school, and wasn't breaking texas law somehow, (i forget the name of the case) and the feds tried pursuing it and the supreme court said it wasn't in their jurisdiction; does that mean if an assualt weapons ban was put into place and you modified your gun to hold more than 10 rounds in a state that didn't have a law against assualt weapons, and never crossed state lines, that it would be legal? Currently, if you modified a gun to be select fire in a state that has no laws against it and never crossed state lines with it, would that be legal? I'm guessing these haven't been to the supreme court so no one really knows?
Also, remember, our current pres. said he would support the renewel of the ban while running for president and that never happened.
Mike, how is being prepared "defeatist"?

Is carrying a gun being prepared or surrendering to crime?

Is having fire extinguishers in your home prepared or giving up to fire?

I keep seeing these "Beat the Ban!" type of threads and find it troubling that seemingly so many are convinced that this ban is an inevitable juggernaut that cannot possibly be stopped and we need to rush out and buy up everything we can before it's too late.
That, my friend, is a defeatist attitude.
That is not being prepared. It is giving in to a "Sky is falling" mentality.

The message it sends can only serve to embolden those that want very much to take away your and my RKBA. It is no different than what the Dems are trying to do right now by assigning a pull out date for the war in Iraq. Provide a date for ending the Iraqi War and that emboldens the radical Islamists to the idea that we are weak and giving in to inevitable defeat.
Posting about rushing out and buying up all the big-boy-toys you can emboldens the anti-gunners to the idea that we are weak and giving in to inevitable defeat.

I'm all about being prepared. I just don't believe the dems are ready to risk their majority by trying to bring back the very same AWB that got their asses tossed out of Congress in the 90's. They surely are not that stupid.
BUT! Do we really need to provide them incentive to try it again by our "preparing for the ban" actions?

Does that make sense or do I need to adjust my medication dosage? :D
"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best."

Someone wanting to stock up because there IS a chance that one or more of these BS laws may pass, as they have in the past, is not defeatist, and does not mean that he/she is not going to make an effort to fight while getting prepared for the worst.
I do agree with fletcher even though I don't think the ban is coming, and if I hear anything about it in the material we recieve (always asking for donations too :) ) I'll notify you guys so we can fight it, even though someone else here will probably know first.
I don't think pulling out is going to embolden them anymore than they already are, they LIVE THERE. They have been fighting over their for the last thousand years. Also Al Qeada was not in Iraq until we started the war. We should take the resources in Iraq and put them in Afghanistan and get Osama. And we should tell Pakistan to let us come in and look (if they want to cooperate so bad they should have no problem letting us into the mountainous border area where Osama is) or be prepared for consequences, we need to get Al Qeada at their base of operations Afghanistan/Pakistan
Texas Rifleman, I think he is refering to how they lost congress after passing the ban.
Some allege that the Dim-wit-o-crats “…have learned their lesson from Gore loosing the election”. But, as I see it, so long as the left continues to let Rosie off her leash to terrorize the neighborhood with her verbal incontinence, I will keep a better-prepared-than-sorry mentality.

If you had asked me two years ago if I ever would purchase an AK-47, I would have asked are you nuts?! But, after the November up-set, I decided to take a two-prong approach to collecting firearms. First, I am making certain that my daughter and I have the toys that could come up on the evil-list some day. Now, perhaps they will not end up on any prohibition list, and that is fine. Second, (you guys will like this moment of truth) I never really desired to have AK-47s! But, I have always hated even more that someone try to infer that I am not sufficiently elite to own one! So, I bought my WASR-10 AK-47 high-cap just to pi$$ off the elitist Dim-wit-o-crats like Rosie.

If Rosie knew, that she is contributing to people purchasing these AKs just to piss her off, she'd go into a frothing tirade.

I do want to say something, there are Democrats on your side (against gun control) and we need to fight this together if we are going to win. I would also call Rosie a Dim-wit-o-crat, but would not call all Democrats that. Are you referring to some dems or all?
If you had asked me two years ago if I ever would purchase an AK-47, I would have asked are you nuts?! But, after the November up-set, I decided to take a two-prong approach to collecting firearms. First, I am making certain that my daughter and I have the toys that could come up on the evil-list some day. Now, perhaps they will not end up on any prohibition list, and that is fine. Second, (you guys will like this moment of truth) I never really desired to have AK-47s! But, I have always hated even more that someone try to infer that I am not sufficiently elite to own one! So, I bought my WASR-10 AK-47 high-cap just to pi$$ off the elitist Dim-wit-o-crats like Rosie.

If Rosie knew, that she is contributing to people purchasing these AKs just to piss her off, she'd go into a frothing tirade.


Now, THAT I like!


Yes, your right about that. It seems they NEED to have something to fight about.
I understand that the real fanatics are kind of biding their time till the U.S. pulls out before hitting the new democratic Iraqi government with both barrels.

Personally, I have no problem with Dems that agree with the Second Amendment. They have the right to their opinions same as I do and I'll defend that right. I oppose them when they use their opinions to try to rob me of my God given right to defend myself and my loved ones with the best means current technology has to offer.
I have to admit that I hate these kinds of threads too. It smacks of defeatism and that we haven't done our job of keeping pressure on politicians if these things keep up.

However, I am also a sucker for ammo and magazine sales and I am also a victim of the standard "what if" scenarios. :banghead:
I agree, there are some dems out there that are against gun control - like Bill Richardson who is running for pres - but there are not many, nor are they vocal for the most part. We must also remember that there are republicans out there that support gun control, and some of them are very vocal. We need to vote with our ideals, not party lines. We need to do more than just speak out, we must educate our friends, families, and coworkers about this so they can do the same. We can scream all we want and be labeled as gun nuts, but if the majority of the people have the same voice, it will certainly be heard.

As for my list:
At least 2 more AR15 variants and a FAL
more hicap mags for each of my handguns
and an AK for fun
The one thing we learn from history is that we don't learn from history. (I think I read that in a book about Harry Truman)

A well conceived plan encompasses both offensive and defensive options... so, keep up the offense... write those letters, emails, send telephonic comms, attempt a face to face, etc. with elected citizens AND THEIR STAFF (who do you think added barrel shrouds to McCarthy's 1022 bill since she hadn't a clue?) meanwhile stocking up on whatever suits yer fancy. You can never have too many of these or those and every toy needs to be well fed.

The 68 GCA was the undoing of my Dad's day (or so he thought and said at the time). LBJ did not seek re-election in '68... probably due to the whole SEA/Tet Offensive thing and related civil unrest... but a change in the Executive Mansion ensued none-the-less. I certainly didn't care for a certain specific provision or two in the 86 FOPA nor the 94 Omnibus Crime Bill (AWB) (Omnibus... whatajoke) (Lautenberg Amendment, ex-posto facto... whatanotherjoke). But there was a little change in the entire Congress as a result... for all the good that did (some).

Ya gotta be ready for riders and amendments attached to anything, ya gotta keep your head up, ya gotta keep fighting which means ya gotta have the right material stockpiled just in case... 'cause can you believe that some people, even here at THR, aren't taking some things totally seriously? Not Y2K kinda serious(j/k), but backdoored at the last minute serious.
I don't think we will be able to buy our way out of this one

I must say the lack of democratic response has been ovewhelming. I am still in shock from Clinton's and Kerry's statements (note there is little from those running). I think they will not impose any bans this year maybe not even next.

Gun control has always been about people control, not guns. I think they will go after people and make it harder to legally buy guns and ammo. So I say prepare as best you can.
First, I have 25-year history of voting for the best candidates...not straight ticket. I voted for our Democratic governor. She has done a good job on gun control legislation, for example, signing into law shall issue legislation, and legislated Castle Doctrine...two outstanding examples of a good Democrat!

Ergo, that not all Democrats are dim-wits...obvious. In my view, there are Democrats, then there are Dim-wit-o-crats, because they are dim-wits. There are Republicans and there are Re-puke-li-cans, because they make me sick.

I have to buy the textbook Crazies to the Left of Me; Wimps to the Right: How One Side Lost Its Mind and the Other Lost Its Nerve. Until both sides get their heads together and decide how to work cooperatively, I will probably vote for more independents.
Some people say they are junk but you really gotta throw in the fugly Hi-Point 9mm Carbine just because it's listed by name and they are dirt cheap.
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