Sexperts, porn, and guns, oh my!

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Out of curiosity, how would you achieve these seemingly contradictory goals?

Eliminate unnecessary spending and find additional sources of revenue. For example, the DEA has a budget of 2.1 billion dollars and 11,000 employees ( Assuming you eliminate the DEA and relocated those employees to other departments (say... Border Patrol?) with an annual salary of $50,000, that still leaves over 1.5 billion dollars to spend in other areas.

Funding from the taxation of legalized drugs would also provide additional funding. At least one state discovered a surplus of funding from the taxation of medical marijuana.

In addition, $322 billion is spent each year on interest for the national debt ( That means that the third highest sink of money (second to the Department of Defense and Health and Human Services) is the $7.7 trillion debt. A long-term approach of paying back our debt would ultimately save us money.
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