Sexual Immaturity?

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Indeed, is not 'penis' Latin for 'sword', and 'vagina' Latin for "sheath'?
I don't know about 'vagina', but the latin word for 'sword' is 'gladius,' hence the word 'gladiator,' meaning a swordsman.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...
Years later in talking to my Dad about it, he relayed that the shrink said I had some sexual problems and to keep an eye on me.
I told my Dad what the problem was and he laughed and said the shrink never mentioned anything like that, just sexual problems.

Everything is sexual to these guys.

Good grief, what kind of "sexual problems" will a 11 year old boy have?

He initially stated that much of the problems of young girls during his time was due to sexual abuse by relatives

This doesn't supprise me. The upper/ruling class in most societys have never obeyed thier own rules or laws.

those of us who have passed the stage of reproduction (but still could, in a pinch, and still like to keep in practice, just in case), have either developed into more sophisticated creatures, ruled by thought, rather than emotion, or have just gone completely down the ????ter.

Freud's theory of human developement agrees with you, strongly.
Posted by Bobster:
Freud's theories and psychoanalysis techniques have been debunked and rejected by just about all pyschologists and psychiatrists practicing today. Very few use those techniques today. The idea that all human emotional/psychological difficulties stem from early sexuality is not valid, and should serve only as a subject of bemusement in lighthearted casual conversations

Yeah, this is from the profession that brings you the lobotomy, shock therapy, and is making your children a lucrative source of work.
They don't do much "curing" , they sure do a lot of medicating though. They are a "business" designed to take your money directly
or indirectly through the government under fraudulent pretenses.

cheers, ab

an excerpt:

ECT - Electric Shock
ECT was "discovered" when Ugo Cerletti, psychiatrist, visited a Rome slaughterhouse to see what could be learned from the method that was employed to butcher hogs. In Cerletti's own words, "As soon as the hogs were clamped by the [electric] tongs, they fell unconscious, stiffened, then after a few seconds they were shaken by convulsions.... During this period of unconsciousness (epileptic coma), the butcher stabbed and bled the animals without difficulty....

"At this point I felt we could venture to experiment on man, and I instructed my assistants to be on the alert for the selection of a suitable subject."

Cerletti's first victim was provided by the local police - a man described by Cerletti as "lucid and well-oriented." After surviving the first blast without losing consciousness, the victim overheard Cerletti discussing a second application with a higher voltage. He begged Cerletti, "Non una seconda! Mortifierel" ("Not another one! It will kill me!")

Ignoring the objections of his assistants, Cerletti increased the voltage and duration and fired again. With the "successful" electrically induced convulsion of his victim, Ugo Cerletti brought about the application of hog-slaughtering skills to humans, creating one of the most brutal techniques of psychiatry.

The field of psychiatry, similar to modern psychology, observes animal reactions and applies them to people. First, this is absurd, unless you believe yourself to be an animal. Yes, we each have a body that is "animal" in nature, but additionally, we have a quite different aspect - consciousness. There is no animal anywhere, which has human thought, creative imagination, will, intention or personal responsibility. These "human" qualities are what distinguish us from the rest of the animal kingdom. It is a MAJOR difference. This difference has been very much ignored and forgotten by "modern" psychiatric and psychological theories and practices. These two subjects view you completely as a biochemical "beast" subject to genetic, physiological and environmental influences alone. YOU, the person, have been very much relegated to a level of no importance. This should scare any sensible person, because every decent thing has ONLY been the result of individual creative people using their minds, imagination, humanity and personal responsibility. Animals never have and never will exhibit these qualities. Psychiatry's methods are removing these qualities from the equation of Man and his civilizations. This can never have positive results. Worse, psychiatric methods, by their very nature, harm and inhibit these basic human mental functions and qualities.

With ECT, what psychiatry did was observe PIG SLAUGHTERING. Ugo went to a slaughterhouse to "see what he could learn". Why? How? What does slaughtering pigs have to do with human behavior or the human mind? What depraved stream of logic has this "make sense"? This was the start of the "therapy" known as ECT. This, in itself, should clearly display the absurdity of psychiatric methods. Psychiatry is the originator of the "straight jacket" and "physical restraints". The nature of the treatments historically are rooted in force exerted on an individual to inhibit unwanted behaviors and actions. The key method used is always FORCE. To reiterate, there has never been any attempt by psychiatry to address and deal with the understanding, reason, viewpoint, ideas, responsibility - or mind - of the person.

ECT replaced physical force with electrical force. But it's basically, in effect, the same thing. Overwhelm the person with enough force and his thoughts, memories and emotions get rattled enough that he undergoes a change. To assume there is some "cure" or "healing" process involved is pure stupidity. The psychiatric field has spent much time and money trying to explain, rationalize and justify their barbaric methods. They call this "research", but no verifiable chemical, electrical or biophysical "healing" has ever been detected or observed. In fact, the only definite observable result of ECT has been brain dysfunction, brain damage and memory loss, with minor to severe effects on the patient's sense of self and their life. The simple truth is that it is the "damage" that causes the changes that are called the "cure". Without the brain dysfunction or damage, no change would occur. The damage is the intentional result because it alone causes the change in the person.

Torture and brain washing techniques, researched and practiced by psychiatrists in most totalitarian regimes, involve the same methodology. Overwhelm the person with physical abuse, pain, lack of sleep, and degradation and sure enough a change in personality results. That's fine for oppressive governments and secret police, but to introduce these methods as "science" and "mental healing" in civilized societies is ridiculous. But that's exactly what has been done, and the magnitude of ridiculousness hasn't prevented mammoth funding and the ultimate acceptance of these practices by "trained professionals" and the general public. In fact, it is primarily due to the large amount of funding (by the major drug companies and governments) that psychiatry arrived at its current level of acceptance.

The psychiatric view on ECT was never to "help" the patient. It wasn't to help them deal with their problems or feel better. It was used for years to control extreme behavior. Understand this. It has always been used to control behavior, primarily behavior that others find objectionable. That is why psychiatry is the darling of governments. Governments also love to control behavior. The concept of "mental health" came much later and was tacked onto the subject as part of a PR campaign to reduce their barbaric image with the public. This is only a facade, and they do not concern themselves at all with "health" of any kind. They are what they have always been - an oppressive practice utilizing force to alter behavior.

You could just as well whack a patient in the head with a baseball bat until they were shaken up enough to alter their behavior. There is much evidence that the trauma of ECT is quite similar to that of head injury and it is this damage alone that causes the results. Any change or apparent "cure" is the result of damage to the brain. Destruction of brain cells, harm to brain blood vessels, and altered EEG readings are common with ECT.

At some point the psychiatrist observed some patient's commenting that their "depression" or "mania" wasn't as bad or had gone away. Their memories and personality were also often drastically altered, but hey, it was "working". Why don't we try drowning? Drown a person until the point of death, resuscitate them, and observe the changes. I would bet there would be changes. Some of the changes might even appear "desirable". Or how about torturing a person until their entire personality "falls apart", and then "rebuild it" from scratch. The person might say they "feel better". Actually, psychiatrists have already done this. They applied brainwashing and torture techniques in an attempt to regain family members who had become involved in "religious groups" ("cults" to them), which the family members didn't like - this is commonly known as deprogramming. It's brutal. It's forceful. It never appeals to the viewpoint of the person themselves. It is behavioral modification per the requests of others (the family). This is another example of psychiatry using force to exact compliance to the wishes of another regarding how they feel the person should behave.

This has always been the modus operandi of psychiatry - apply force to alter behavior according to someone's idea of what "correct behavior" is. They have tried to slither away from this perception of themselves by concentrating on "mental illnesses" and "disorders". They attempt to make it seem they are concerned with the "individual person" and their "health". This is more charade because their methods remain exactly the same, no matter what they say and promote.

The experimenting "scientific" psychiatrist then continued his "research" by trying different types of shocking, with different levels or current, voltage, and electrodes. Maybe they'll find the "perfect treatment", or so they say. What they have been doing, and continue to do on the public is "human experimentation". They will use arguments such as, "we must forget about all archaic moral concerns and freely test on humans if we are ever to truly understand what we are and how we work". This is the same logic used by Nazi medical experimenters like the butcher Mengele. It always leads to the same degraded and barbaric place. And it always parades itself as "modern", "advanced", "scientific" and "highly intelligent". It is none of these. (See The Errors of Modern Science and the Human Mind.)

Never at any point during the evolution of ECT has there been the slightest knowledge of how or why ECT does what it does. There are many theories and beliefs, all of which are false, and the simple truth is that it overwhelms the patient with electrical energy, jumbles his mind and emotions, and alters one's personality (due in large part to the brain damage). In this degraded society, misled and miseducated by large medical and financial interests, these solutions make "sense". They make sense the same way burning witches at the stake made sense to religious intolerants and brain washing and torture made sense to Chinese Communists.

Modern psychology has failed completely to solve the problems of the mind. Following this failure, it chose to neglect and ignore the mind as a factor in its investigation, theories and practices. Thought, will, imagination, desire, attention, intention, and personal responsibility and control are part of the mind, and these have all been neglected and finally discarded in modern psychology's and psychiatry's absurd development. What is left is controlling behavior through force. It is questionable whether these subjects honestly or seriously ever attempted to research the mind and come up with workable solutions, because once large financial interests entered the scene in the early part of the century the direction of all research was aimed only at purely biophysical theories and methods. There was no profit in understanding and helping the mind directly. There was and is tremendous profits in drugs. This has had disastrous results to Man and society.

That these forceful methods sometimes result in an "improved" condition, even to the patient subjectively implies nothing. Again, if you hit 20 people in the head with baseball bats, most likely a few would believe themselves to be "improved" afterwards. But where's the "therapy"? Where's the "cure"? And, sadly, there are always harmful side-effects with their methods.

Why is it they only concentrate on methods that apply force? They could just as well do extensive testing with 1) meditation, 2) visualization techniques, 3) daily walks in the park or country, 4) daily singing, 5) purposeful laughing, or 6) education into one's mind with the idea of accepting and taking personal responsibility for it.. They could do controlled studies, monitor the results, and see what changes occur. There would be obvious positive changes. Yes, it's hard to monitor what people do with their minds and whether they are applying the techniques properly, but it could be figured out. But they haven't and never will try anything like this. The field is 100% biased for a biomedical approach to everything. Why? Because the major drug companies and affiliated universities and colleges support and indoctrinate ONLY in this direction. It's not honest, open-minded research. It's restrictive research designed to only guarantee profits. Psychiatry is a part of the field of medicine, and modern medicine teaches and practices almost entirely in the direction of drugs and addressing only symptoms (not underlying causes of any illness or problem).
action barbi right again!

I worked in an institution for "troubled" children and teens,one of the things they wanted us to do was wake these poor kids up at 6am and if they didn't jump out of bed with a smile and have their room clean by 645am then we were to write in their charts how they "were not responsive to treatment"
They drugged one poor 9yr old girl nearly to a coma to get her to obey people I personally couldn't stand working with.
Rich parents who were traumatized by the thought of their teens trying a little weed and "getting it on" stuck their perfectly normal kids in a nuthouse with dangerous teen rapist and murderers claiming to be crazy to get out of juvenille detention-every kid there whether they needed drugs or not were drugged up,every little stupid conflict was to be reported for the sole purpose of writing reports to keep the insurance money coming in.
Meanwhile "mental health technicians" like me were supposed to keep 60 teens in check and out of each others pants and rooms without help or locks. 2 kids would stage a fight so 10 others could escape or have sex...but just as long as the insurance was coming in all was fine.

If you love your kids keep them out of the loony bin,if they're acting crazy try millitary school or camp or something
Thanks for relating your personal story with this sort of thing gunsmith. The unfortunate thing is most people never question the profession who has been given ultimate authority to mess with people's minds and their

cheers, ab
"Vagina" is indeed Latin for "sheath." Although we don't have any scientific names for the male organ that are based on Latin words for sword, "gladius" was a common slang term for it back in the day. That's why the female organ was named after a sheath, and apparently that was good enough for doctors after that time.

The point in using that quote is not to assert that Freud is the ultimate authority or attempt to end an argument. It's a defensive tool for use against the occasional idiot who smirkingly tells you that shooters are all "compensating." Because that attitude is based on Freudian theory (loosely) you can sometimes make a dent by quoting Freud back at them. Many have no idea that it's Freud's theories they're misapplying, though.
I had a serious sexual problem when I was eleven:

namely, I was'nt having enough sex:D

But seriously folks, psychiatry and psychology are more art than science, and while there have been many failures, there have also been a lot of successes. Even things like ECT and lobotomy have their place, but like anything else need to be used judiciously. There are very very few things, medical or otherwise, that can actually be cured. Sometimes I think our expectations can be unrealistic, but then again, look how often placebos actually work.
I know this is an old thread, but at my volunteer position at the local library, this thread ran through my mind when I ran across General Introduction to Psychoanalysis a few days ago. Does it make me a dork when I think about threads during my daily affairs? :uhoh:

All the same, I leafed through the book and used the index to find any firearms/rifle/pistol/weapon sections.

Unfortunately, I didn't see this particular quote/idea anywhere.
I thought that Freud's theories were developed under the influence of narcotics. Little wonder psychology is gibberish to me.:confused:
Wait a minute! If Freud viewed a gun as a phallic symbol, why did they issue me one with a two-inch barrel? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Oh, er, yeah. :uhoh:
I fail to understand why so many in the psychology professions cling to Freud by pointing out that he jump-started the entire concept of psychiatry and studying why we think what we do.

I mean, so what?

Henry Ford was a genius for coming up with the idea of assembly-line automobile manufacture. That doesn't mean I want to have a Model T as my daily driver.

The way I see it, psychiatry/psychology are just now starting to emerge from the same place that physical medicine was at during the dark ages. We're already starting to see the ability to make a more precise diagnosis of mental problems through the use of brainscans and other imaging techniques by comparing brain activity between samples of a healthy brain with a proper chemical balance and one that has gotten off kilter.

Instead of trying to make a fuzzy diagnosis based on asking people how they feel, which can be arbitrary and misleading at best, and manipulated and mis-interpreted at worst, these techniques will probably, within 20 years, allow us to peek inside the brain and get a much more precise idea as to what malady is afflicting someone, if any.

From there it becomes much easier to treat these problems via drug therapy, neutraceuticals (sp), physical activity, and talking therapy.

Why an otherwise rational human being can readily understand that something can go wrong with kidneys, liver, bones, etc., but freak out and get all superstitious and indignant when it comes to talking about problems with the brain is beyond me.
I haven't read the entire thread, but since I have the quote in my sig (I only put it there because I thought it was funny) I felt the urge to reply.

From what I remember of intro to psych about 2 years ago, Freud's theories have been mostly disproven and most psychologists feel that his importance is greatly exaggerated. That being said, my current sport psych teacher talks about him as if his ideas were gospel.
Isn't a major factor in his theories though that he formed them based only on treating of patients / case studies? So necessarily, if he became known for treating people with some "f***ed up repugnant sh*t" :)) Sammuel Jackson)in their heads, and then saw more people with the same types of problems, he would begin to theorise that all people had these problems. So its not that he is correct for most people, its just that perhaps he is correct with small minority of society.
I fail to understand why so many in the psychology professions cling to Freud by pointing out that he jump-started the entire concept of psychiatry and studying why we think what we do.

I mean, so what?

Henry Ford was a genius for coming up with the idea of assembly-line automobile manufacture. That doesn't mean I want to have a Model T as my daily driver.

John Browning was a genius for coming up with the recoil-operated semi-automatic handgun. That doesn't mean I want to have a Model of 1911 as my carry piece.
If you love your kids keep them out of the loony bin,if they're acting crazy try millitary school or camp or something

Man Gunsmith, you sure stirred up some memories for me.

My HS sweetheart had some mental problems.

One fine evening (after we had broken up, but we were still close) she and her mother got into an argument. The next thing I know, I cant find her. Her mother told me she was "getting help with her attitude." We lost touch for about a year after this.

Out of the blue, she contacted me. She told me all about her adventures in the program and after.
She told me about the drugs.
She told me about the promiscuous sex.
She told me about the violence.

She told me the first thing she did when she got out was to go get coked out of her mind with her newfound "friends." She told me she never would have known cocaine was so cool had not her new "friends" told her all about it for three months straight.

This was a girl that did not even drink prior to going into the "program." She was no saint mind you, but I strongly doubt that she would have gotten on the path she is now on had she stayed out of there.

I stayed in touch with her for awhile, but she had grown alien to me. I have not seen her in 5 years and I don't even know if she is still alive.

Put MY kids (when I have them) in "mental health professionals" hands? Huh.

Back on topic, Freud is interesting to study, but his theories are a little dated.
"It's a defensive tool for use against the occasional idiot who smirkingly tells you that shooters are all "compensating."

The thing I have brought up a few times and never got an answer on is:
So what ?

A statment like "A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." begs the question:
and............................... ?

Let's say this is true. What does identifying this problem accomplish ? Is this supposed to mean that we should not enjoy guns because of it ? Is compensating worse than not compensating ?
Isn't a major factor in his theories though that he formed them based only on treating of patients / case studies? So necessarily, if he became known for treating people with some "f***ed up repugnant sh*t" ( Sammuel Jackson)in their heads, and then saw more people with the same types of problems, he would begin to theorise that all people had these problems. So its not that he is correct for most people, its just that perhaps he is correct with small minority of society.

Oddly enough Frued based his theories on the therapy he gave to about a half dozen patients, all of them female. There were no case studies available for him to study because noone had ever written any before. Right or wrong he was the first person to attempt "healing of the mind" at least in a scientific (rather than religious) fashion.
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