SHTF - What to do with the guns you can't carry?

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Jan 20, 2003
Say you have your SHTF choices picked out. You take the MKII, the 1911, and the M-1A. What do you do with the rest of your guns?
If you leave them they may be destroyed, commandeered by police, or stolen and used against decent people or maybe even against you.
Any ideas on this?
I only have 4 hand guns and 2 long guns. They will all go with me. For those who have more, if you have a safe, they should be just fine, or at least they will not be pilfered.
I would think that actually leaving your main place of stay would be a plan of last resort for many folks.

I really like the Mad Max movies. I would super charge my Toyota Corolla and travel the waste land with a leather jacket and 50 firearms on my body :D . Oh Yeah! I would have a knife or twenty as well. Question? What does Alpo really taste like. It can't be as bad as egg omelet and ham MRE :barf: .
Rent 2 or 3 small storage units along your evac route, That way if you lose,brake,or get your weapon's taken you will have back up's or extra's. You can store some weapon's and extra ammo. Small ones around here cost about 10.00 bucks a month.
Note to self: When civilization collapses, have a set of bolt cutters. Lots of good stuff can be found in storage facilities. :D
Never really thought about it.
I suppose I would lock them in the safe, or hide them in the attic.
IF , and that is a big if, I had to leave any firearms, I would secure them the best I could.

I really don't have enough firearms that I wouldn't have room in my vehicles for, so it's not very likely.

But, if I had to, and I knew that I was coming back, then I would remove the bolt, the cylinder, or other crucial part to take with me so that the firearm is disabled.

If I knew I was never coming back, and that the hordes of meth heads and zombies were going to recover my firearms, I would probably "spike" them. :evil:

Out of my limited collection I would disable as many as I could. I'd take the parts with me on the chance that if I return I could replace the parts. Then all the guns I would not be taking with me would go into the gun locker.
Arm friends and family. Anything that has to be left behind will have parts missing from them.
This all depends on exactly how the SHTF. If I'm taking a vehicle, and have a little bit of time, all the guns are going. Even though I probably don't need them all, guns and ammunition that I don't really _need_ will be good for barter.

If I have to get out in a hurry, then it's a non-issue. If you had time to disable them or hide them, you'd have time to throw them in the vehicle.

If leaving on foot, without a rush, then I would probably try to disable them or at least securely lock them up.
Lock them in the safe and take a bag with you containing small critical parts that you removed before locking them up... ;)
I'd hide em in the same place i keep my tin foil hats
I believe he's more concerned with a NOLA-like situation than an invading aliens from Planet Zordon situation.

I think it really is something to consider. If you are forced to bug out by disaster or authorities, and you have the same kind of looter situation that you had in NOLA, then just making sure they're locked up in a safe isn't all that great of insurance that they'll be there when you get back. If somebody has a whole town to themselves, including the use of forklifts and other safe stealing and breaking tools, and plenty of time, they'll get in the safe.

I think wanting to keep bad guys from stealing your guns and using them against good guys is a good tactic. I'm not sure what the solution would be, but I think it's a valid discussion. I like the "take the parts" idea, but in situations like mine (most likely earthquake) I'd need to keep the parts separate all the time since I'd have no evacuation notice.
In the short term, your house will be your castle. You should already posses supplies of armaments, food, medicines and drinkable water. You may suffer from unpleasant BO and lack of air conditioning for a while, but you will not die.

In the unlikely event that order is not restored and supplies do not begin arriving from outside, your survival will depend on your ability to defend your "temporary" stores of food and water from those whose stores have expired. This will remove a great deal of the population, either through starvation or through violent conflict. These will be very hard times to live through. Having your own supplies will enable you to remain inconspicuous by not venturing outside to find undefended supplies. Game animal stocks may become partially depleted during this time as the great bulk of the human population readjusts to the greatly reduced food supply.

After this initial period of chaos, your survival will depend on your ability to produce and protect your own supplies of food. If you are still in a city at this point, you should venture out into the countryside. Cities have little arabale land and few edible game animals. If you are near the seashore, the collapse of civilization will eventually lead to replenishment of fish stocks, so subsistence fishing may eventually prove worthwhile.

Eventually groups of food producers will group together for mutual protection against raiders that have survived the chaos. Surpluses of food will allow for non-food professions, which will include government and full time defenders of property. Eventually civilization will return. In time, the idea of armed raiders attacking food growers will become a distant memory, and the full-time defenders of civilization will become traffic police.

Living far from dense population centers and near agricultural centers will prove to be beneficial during the collapse of civilization. Although lack of industrial fertilizer production will reduce agricultural output, the culling of the city populations will balance things out.
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