So my neighboor just got raided by SRT

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Apr 14, 2004
Henryville, IN
Yeah so that was interesting.

I live in a nice Middle class subdivision in a town of maybe 5000 people. Everyone is pretty nice and I knew my neighbor in passing. Nice enough guy with 7 kids of varying ages. People were constantly coming and going at his place but I never thought much of it because, well he has 7 kids.

Well a couple of hours ago I heard a bullhorn yelling for everyone to come out of their house, etc and then heard a loud crash. I grabbed the closest sidearm I could get my hands on and went to the front door. There were about a half dozen sheriffs cars and a large white van in front of his house. I check on my wife and made sure she was ok then I Holstered and concealed my gun and went outside.

SRT was leaving the house, they were in full kit and busted down his door. I probably knew most of the guys on the team through work but just waved after it was all over since I figured they were a bit busy.
My other Neighbors’ daughter used to hang out with one of the kids there but stopped since they had pot there. But in my experience you don’t call out SRT for some POT. My guess would be Meth. But we shall see.

I know the guy owns at least one firearm. A Siaga rifle in 7.62x39, he asked me to take a look at it one day. If I find out anything else I will keep you all up to date.
Special Response Team. Also known as SWAT or HRT depending on your area. Ours is tied to a Narcotics Task Force around here.
Wow. Certainly made for an interesting afternoon, but you are right, chances are the Party Van didn't show up for just some pot, odds are there was more going on.
Hostage Rescue Team. You know, the group of people who strove so diligently to rescue all those kids at Waco, and again protected you and me from a homicidal, violent maniac whose imminent rampage of death was announced by sawing a piece of metal to 1/4'' to 1/2'' under the statutory limit.

We, as civilized people, have laws to keep us all safe, you know. If people don't obey them, Those Who Know Better (U.S. Marshals and FBI, acting under the solonic auspices of the legislators who draft the laws that keep us from degenerating into kitten-feasting beasts) may shoot their sons in the back and their wives in the head. For the common good, of course.

-Sans Authoritas
Defining terms. If a bipedal entity wearing an HRT patch were to show up in your neighborhood, you'd want to know the significance of having such a creature in close proximity, wouldn't you?

-Sans Authoritas
Wow and here I thought I was posting this on The High Road. I must have been to tired and stumbled onto

Now could you guys please stop derailing my thread with Anti Police/Government stuff.
Government? People coming together to pass laws that actually protect the life, liberty and property of individuals? Police? Those who enforce the laws enacted to actually protect the life, liberty and property? I'm all for both of them. Any deviation from those ends is the initiation of criminal behavior.

If you believe police should be enforcing God's law, however, (punishing the act of becoming intoxicated by mind-altering substances, whether they be alcohol or drugs, or even pretending God's law prohibits owning the same) I'd have to disagree. I'll bet you the latter (drugs) are why armed men stormed your neighbor's house.

In the 1920's, they kicked down doors for whiskey. Today, they do it for pot. Pop quiz: the abuse of which substance kills more people each year? How many fatal cases of THC poisoning do you hear about per year?

I have never used or abused drugs, and I have never abused alcohol. And I hate the abuse of logic.

-Sans Authoritas
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Some years ago, living in an apartment in Canoga Park (near los Angeles), I awoke one morning to loud pounding and yells of, "SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, OPEN THE DOOR!". As I rapidly gained conciousness, I determined it was my neighbor's apartment door that was being kicked-in!
For some reason, I wasn't able to go back to sleep that morning. :D
To Sans Authoritas

Dude, have you not realized that every time you show up in a thread and try to take it over & turn it into some anti government soapbox it gets locked?

If you want to bitch about the government start your own thread.

To the topic at hand must have made for an interesting day. the CSPD used to do felony stops in the parking lot of my apts all the time, kinda sucked that my living room was the back stop

Azizza, forum members can think this forum is different than any other forum, but we know the truth.

You joined The High Road on March 22, 2008. That's not quite two weeks ago. Even if you "know the truth" it's considered very bad form to insult your forum hosts and all the rest of the guests here until you've been around for at least three weeks.
Now could you guys please stop derailing my thread with Anti Police/Government stuff.

Bashing police is the 2nd most popular game on THR. It is annoying. Your neighbor might have had nukes he was getting ready to drive into every town in America and people would be talking about how the police are stepping over the line and the prosecuter hates guns.
It's hard to avoid anti-police and anti-government talk when you talk about kicking in doors and taking away people's kids over weed.

Pretty much everyone with any common sense knows that we are losing the drug war like we have lost no war before. We spend iraq-scale levels of money on this problem every year for less than zero results. Each year the drugs get cheaper and purer and all the dealers that we arrest are replaced within days, if not hours.

We cannot arrest our way out of this problem. It will continue to get more and more costly until we quit. Quitting sounds bad, but it would be a lot cheaper and a hell of a lot less destructive than the current policy.
And this has nothing to do with bashing police. Most people, even libertarians, love police when they are performing the functions Americans typically associate with government. For police, this means:
-protecting the innocent from death or bodily harm
-protecting private property from theft or damage
-catching people that do these things and getting them out of circulation

And despite all the attention we lavish on the stupid drug war, there are still loads of murderers, thieves and robbers running around committing heinous crimes. As simple as the above functions seem, they involve an enormous amount of work, more than police and prosecutors can currently handle. If we don't have real crime licked, why are we spending billions on these stupid moral crusades?

The anger comes when, instead of foiling and capturing real criminals, the police:
-act as a sort of moral cudgel for the political elites who fancy that they know how to run our lives for us. Americans don't like to be told how to live their lives so long as they don't harm other people.
-damage or confiscate people's property on flimsy legal pretenses
-endanger innocent life by performing dynamic entries 100 times more frequently than necessary
-suggesting further restrictions on our liberty in the name of "officer safety" when these policies inevitably lead to violence between police and innocent civilians
Quote from Lawbot5000:

And this has nothing to do with bashing police. Most people, even libertarians, love police when they are performing the functions Americans typically associate with government. For police, this means:
-protecting the innocent from death or bodily harm
-protecting private property from theft or damage
-catching people that do these things and getting them out of circulation

And despite all the attention we lavish on the stupid drug war, there are still loads of murderers, thieves and robbers running around committing heinous crimes. As simple as the above functions seem, they involve an enormous amount of work, more than police and prosecutors can currently handle. If we don't have real crime licked, why are we spending billions on these stupid moral crusades?

The anger comes when, instead of foiling and capturing real criminals, the police:
-act as a sort of moral cudgel for the political elites who fancy that they know how to run our lives for us. Americans don't like to be told how to live their lives so long as they don't harm other people.
-damage or confiscate people's property on flimsy legal pretenses
-endanger innocent life by performing dynamic entries 100 times more frequently than necessary
-suggesting further restrictions on our liberty in the name of "officer safety" when these policies inevitably lead to violence between police and innocent civilians


I agree with you there.
The war on drugs is a joke. I have very close friends back east who are in LE, my former state, retired and active. A few are back on the east coast where I was born/raised. I knew 2 vice cops. One is retired and another one is still working in MD, to the best of my knowledge. He said that the WAR ON DRUGS was a joke in many ways along with many things in VICE. He may still be in robbery now due to an injury. Anyway... they worry about 'hookers' and they worry about some other drugs when they should be doing the real thing... FIGHTING CRIME!

Heck, legalized drugs with Rx medicine is a pathetic, dirty, little SECRET when it comes to adults who are on so much garbage. They push this on the elderly too. NO one can handle their problems so they need all of this garbage or psycho babble glorified social workers because they have "ISSUES". Another P.C. bunch of hooey! Geesh. Then they put TODDLERS and other children of all ages on a zillion other Rx meds pushed by the Nanny State and parents/mentors who can't control or teach their children well! I would go on but that is OFF topic here. Do research on the the evidence of KIDS on this that go nuts along with adults! YOUR shooters that you see in the news... those killer kids on x, y or z that made them worse from the gitgo! Do some research on drug cartels and CIA connections. Another dirty little secret. Follow the money and connect the dots. It is not complicated folks!

I never did drugs and I am 57.5 years old. I always thought that it was dumb and not responsible. I was taught to just say, "NO.", in the 50's, 60's and on. Did that make me a saint? No, but it had me in control. I feel the same way about ANY Rx medicine and unless I really need it... I do NOT take it nor do I rush to the doctor for every little ache or pain. I do use vitamins and minerals. I am not into booze and have never been drunk. BOOZE, cigs and Rx meds cause just as much problems if not worse as other drugs from what I have read... not the strong stuff like you see in LE ads or movies. I have had about 10 glasses of wine and 3 bottles of beer at my age. Do I think that wine is bad for you or me? No. I was never into that booze/cigs scene either. OVER eating and not taking care of yourself is a killer too. Moderation in all things. Responsible behavior. Good habits can't be regulated by the Nanny State. They have to be TAUGHT and supervised by parents and mentors.

If they want to fight crime... legalize some things or ignore them... let those people run a business and get health checks to be safe. I read somewhere that NV does that. Do I think it is wrong in the sense that it is against my belief or religion? YES. Do I want to impose ALL of my 'faith' and force others to think only my WAY? NO. However since some of these vices will continue no matter how I FEEL about it... why NOT fight the real crime out THERE and let some things be legal?

If the drunks and dope fiends (LEGAL mind altering Rx drugs or illegal drugs.) get checked out and do not fly my plane, drive on the roads, do all of those things when they partake of it... fine. Unfortunately you have so many who are using LEGAL stuff and not using any common sense/brains when they go through their daily lives. Those people are just as bad as kids who use the other stuff.

The war on drugs is just as stupid as the war on terror only you don't have the fear mongering, color coded alerts to scare the sheeple. NO offense.

There have been many cases where swat teams got the wrong place as we all know.

I am NOT knocking the police but I do not agree with some of the laws on the books that are not working. Did prohibition work for the booze business or drunks? NO! Did banning guns and all of those Unconstitutional gun laws make crime go away or DOWN in some areas? NO!
Enough of my ramble... sorry if I got off topic.


Respectfully yours,

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