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Nov 10, 2003
Home of the Brave
It has been suggested by the head of the RKBA Committee in Oregon that we shift the language and terms associated with guns in a way that is more reasonable & favorable to our side.

This is a call for all of us to STOP using the term 'Assault Weapons' (which they are not, technically) and SWITCH TO the term 'SPORT UTILITY RIFLES', which more accurately portrays the uses of such guns.

I for one LOVE THE IDEA and effective immediately I am using it in place of either 'Assault Weapons' or 'Homeland Defense Guns'.

Please pass the word.

Very Respectfully,
I have a good idea, why don't we stop pandering to the liberal whiners that don't know the definition of any of those terms? This is just getting into a game of symantics and nitpicking about definitions against people who have no concern about what the definitions are anyway.

It's like arguing whether the color is green or teal with someone who doesn't like either color.

If we make a distinction between the terms, then are you going to continue to allow them to villianize "assault weapons" freely since your pet rifle doesn't fall under that term (in your eyes only)? When they outlaw whatever you've allowed them to term as "assault weapons", they'll just start after your yuppie "sport-utility" rifle.

So far as I'm concerned, I don't care if someone refers to my 10/22 as an "assault weapon" because I'm going to defend it the same as my Glock, my S&W, and my AR. Do you think calling it something else makes it safer from gun-grabbers?
Yup, I think a change of words is a good idea. Of course it won't matter to the gun-grabbers, but it might to some of the BIG MAJORITY of folks in the middle - who are neither strong pro or anti-gun advocates. We have for too long allowed the anti's and their media supporters to define the language - and they have done so to our disadvantage.
I used to be a big proponent of the term Sport Utility Rifle.

Then I read this (which is frankly a must read for everyone who is proRKBA).

It seems to me that replacing one "evil" term for another equaly "evil" term isn't going to gain us much ... keep in mind that the people who want to take away our "assault rifles" sit around Starbucks with the people who want to ban "Sport Utility Vehicles" sipping Chi and plotting our demise ... so "Sport Utlilty Rifle" will have almost as negative a meaning to the masses as "assault rifle".

Also, the notion of self defense has been demonized by the left so "home defense rifle" sounds like you're standing on your porch in your compound in Montana waiting to cap a Zionist when he gets too close to your sheep.

I recommend the term "Sporting Rifle", "Target Rifle" or "Plinking Rifle" for any rifle that isn't obviously a "Hunting Rifle".

ARs and AKs are used in several competative sports, so the term is honest. Plus the anti's arguments are usualy put out there like "we're not after your legatimate sporting guns ... just the evil black ones".
Sen. Alexander X. Mooney (R-Dist. 3) of Frederick, an ardent gun rights advocate, defended the weapons as "sport utility rifles."

He said fully automatic machine guns have long been banned, and giving people guns, including semiautomatic Uzis, would make them safer. He also questioned statistics cited by anti-gun supporters that the federal ban has cut crime and assault weapon traces used in crimes. He decried the proposal as part of a step-by-step plan to ban all guns. Mooney is considering a bill expanding the right to carry guns.

As for the "sport utility rifle" phrase, Senate Judicial Proceedings Chairman Brian E. Frosh (D-Dist. 16) of Bethesda remarked, "I'm sure the snipers felt that was a good name.

"The only use for it is for people who want to kill other people," said Frosh, who said he is optimistic the bill will pass this year.
How about replacing "Assault Rifle" simply with "Rifle"?

Makes sense and is logically correct. In some respects I think that Sport Utility Rifle is even worse, given the apparent bias against SUVs in much of the media.

Personally, I favor anything that helps folks realize that there's not much difference between types of guns. They are all tools that can be used for good or bad, depending upon the intent of the user. I particularly like to point out to folks that Mohammad/Malvo would have been potentially MORE deadly using a .30-06 "Deer Rifle", and that all of the evil "Assault Rifle" features did absolutely NOTHING to make them more lethal.
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