State of the union address

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Jun 4, 2011
I just finished watching the state of the union address and I was watching the general "ping" from bing as it was going on. It was generally in the -70 of people voting. The range was from +100 for positive to -100 negative. I thought he was extremely vague on what he wanted to do other than "Vote" But what do y'all think?
Just more of the same drivel. More Gun Control blah blah blah think(insert use of emotion to trap people) blah blah blah safer blah blah....
Well David Gregory just said "He (Obama) knows he is not going to get an AW ban or a Magazine Ban" he just wants a vote.

Well. He's not going to get universal background checks either but I will give him support to enforce the many (too many) laws we already have if its the best we can get.

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It was ultimately a shameless attempt at pathos. It seems to me like he's taking the "at least I tried" approach at this point.
"No promise I am making tonight is worth one single dime." Or that's what he SHOULD have said. If he was actually honest.
‎" "Fair." This is a meaningless abstraction used by children to bully their parents. It has no place in real life -- Which is not fair now, never was, and never will be"

~Jeff Cooper
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