The End of America: May 10, 2005

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Dec 25, 2002

May 11, 2005
The End of America: May 10, 2005
On Tuesday, May 10, 2005, America became a true police state. Your U.S. senators voted -- unanimously, with no discussion, and without even reading the bill -- to create a national ID card.
The Real ID Act blackmails state governments into turning their drivers licenses into a draconian tool of the federal homeland security apparatus. If states refuse, their citizens lose such "privileges" as being allowed to board an airplane, enter a federal building, or apply for social security. President Bush is expected to sign the bill eagerly on Thursday.
In three years -- by May 2008 -- this Stalin-style internal passport will be an American reality. But your government will have more control over you than Stalin ever dreamed in his most violent, vicious, anti-freedom dreams. (See links to the text of the law and articles about it at the bottom of this article.)
But that's only the beginning.
The creator of the Real ID Act, Rep. James Sensenbrenner, smiles and tells us that his Real ID Act is all about "solving illegal immigration" or "preventing terrorists from entering the country." This is one of the biggest of the thousands of "Big Lies" we've heard from the tyrants in Washington. The Real ID Act is about tracking and controlling Americans. You. Me. Our children. Everybody.
In May 2008, barring a miracle, America as we once knew it will be in ruins. It will be gone. And the rights of gun owners will be among the first scheduled for destruction.
Here's your future:
• You walk into a gun store, fill out your 4473, and show your government ID just as you now do. But instead of looking at your license and taking down some information, the clerk runs the license (which is likely to contain a radio-frequency ID chip) through a scanner. Your purchase is instantly recorded in your state drivers license registry. The federal government isn't currently allowed to keep a gun registry. But no problem; the Real ID act gives them an open door into your state records.
• Complete information on every firearm you buy will be instantly available to every police officer (and possibly every government employee, store clerk, or computer hacker) you ever encounter. You'll be an instant criminal suspect every time you deal with someone who has access to the database.
• Just as travelers are encouraged to get background checks and give fingerprints to avoid some of the worst excesses of TSA screening, gun owners will be encouraged to get background checks and give whatever biometric ID the Department of Homeland Security requires. This will be sold as a "benefit," ensuring you'll never again experience an "instant-check" delay. In fact, Congress, the ATF, or the FBI might even "mandate" 5-day or 15-day delays for anyone not enrolled in the "Trusted Firearms Buyer" program.
• The private purchase "loophole" will be closed, so that all gun buyers must make trackable purchases. (The ultimate goal is for every purchase of every kind to be trackable.)
• Buying ammo? The store scans your national ID card and -- bingo! -- your purchase is registered in the state database.
• The federal government or state governments can now also _effectively_ legislate limits on the amount or kind of ammunition you're "allowed" to purchase. Try to buy more and the database instantly rejects you.
• The federal government or state governments can now also _effectively_ legislate limits on the number of guns you may own. Try to buy more, and the database rejects you.
• Eventually -- after the federal government "discovers" the obvious, that national ID won't stop either illegal immigration or terrorism -- the old attack on "evil guns" will resume. When they want your .50 BMG they'll know just where to find it (because the Real ID act says your home address _must_ be revealed). When they want your evil "scoped sniper rifle" (you know, the one you hunt deer with), they'll know just how to get it. Ditto with you "Saturday Night Special" or your "assault weapon."
• If you don't surrender your guns, well, then the Department of Homeland Security will cut off your driving "privilege," as well as your right to escape the growing police state via plane. You'll be a prisoner in your own home, in your own country. Or you'll be forced to function as an outlaw, operating and living a precarious existence beneath the government radar.
You say these projections are ridiculous? That we're paranoid?
Well, frankly, if the Real ID Act doesn't make you paranoid, you're not paying enough attention. We ask you to consider the long-term impact of a few other acts of government.
In the 1930s, Congress promised us that our social security numbers would never, absolutely never, be used for identification. Now, they're the key to everything about us -- and without a social security number you won't get a drivers license and you won't even be "allowed" to drive after May 2008.
In 1913, Congress and the media swore to us that the brand- new income tax would only affect the rich. Well, how rich do you feel after paying 40 percent of your income (or more!) in taxes?
This is the way government works. They've even got a term for it: mission creep. And there is no creepier mission than the mission the federal government has currently set itself: to track everyone, everywhere, and to control what we do.
We warned you in The State vs. the People that this was coming. That book is still relevant, still a good read, and still filled with information about what our future will be like in this new American police state.
Be forewarned. Be aware.
Please take a moment to go to this site: Click on the link that leads to the song "Justice Day." Listen to the music or read the lyrics. Here's the opening of the song:
You're the boot.
Stomping on the human face forever.
You're the eye.
Staring down on everyone and ever seeing all.
You're the lie.
Twisting all our minds into your whoredom.
You are Death.
You are war.
You are slavery.
You're the law.
You're the law.
You're the LAW!
George Orwell was the first to describe totalitarianism as a "boot stomping on the human face forever." But in Orwell's day Americans would have had a hard time believing that the law -- the good old, all-American legislature -- all those smiling senators and "representatives" would be the ones to plant their iron heels in our faces. Back in those innocent days, we imagined tyranny would come from outside.
Well, tyranny is here. And it's a gift from the very people we so trustingly put into office.
Tyranny is THE LAW.
Is this a way to run a country? Tacking something as onerous as national ID onto a must-pass bill and making it law without any debate? What does this say about people the gun owners consider their friends? In the House, where the bill containing the Real ID Act passed 368-58, only three Republicans voted against it. Here's the final roll-call vote so you can see how your own congressperson voted.
In the Senate, not one person cared enough about freedom to vote against it -- or even to demand that senators discuss it.
(The Real ID Act originally passed the House in February as a standalone bill (H.R. 418) by a vote of 261-to-161. House leaders, realizing national ID would have been in trouble in the Senate, then added it to a must-pass military appropriations bill in a cynical ploy to make it almost impossible to fight national ID.)
Turning America into a full-fledged police state was just business as usual to your representatives. And, just as Adolf Hitler scrupulously followed German law while committing his horrors, so your "representatives" and the bureaucrats you face at the national-ID drivers license bureau will also be following the law -- the Real ID law that allows them to enslave you.
(To see what a real Bill of Rights leader would do, read the novel Hope by Aaron Zelman and L. Neil Smith)
We have two choices now: Resist or submit.
More than 600 organizations, from the American Civil Liberties Union to the National Governors Association, opposed the bill. Even the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (which loves national ID and was largely responsible for an earlier attempt at such legislation nine years ago) criticized it.
We can expect lawsuits against national ID, including at least one suit led by state governments.
However, nearly all the opposition from state governments focuses on one area: They're upset because the federal government didn't offer them extra money to enslave us. If Congress bribes them with enough millions and billions, they'll gladly sell our freedom.
Only one state, Montana, has so far absolutely refused to cooperate with national ID. The Montana legislature passed a law saying they would not go along. However, that will mean that Montana residents are barred from flying without extreme extra scrutiny or from applying for federal benefits because their licenses will be "non-compliant." Although we applaud the courageous Montana legislators, no doubt we'll soon hear many Montanans demanding the "privilege" of having a real national ID card.
Ultimately, real resistance is up to us, as individuals. There are certain courses of action JPFO cannot recommend. But every freedom lover should be pleased if all the people who had a hand in creating Real ID act lost their jobs -- soon. And those individuals who truly value their (and their children's) futures should seriously consider making national ID their line in the sand.
We have already heard from many people saying they will drive without a license rather than submit to a license that has become a Stalinist control document. We just hope their resolve stays equally strong when they face a world in which it's impossible to buy, sell, retire, travel -- or buy a gun -- without national ID.
We ask you to remember men like Alexandr Solzhenitzyn and Natan Sharansky. Both stood up and boldly opposed a tyrannical regime in the Soviet Union. Both risked their lives. Both suffered horribly for their resistance and their protests. But eventually, they triumphed -- and the Soviet Union crumbled.
We are in need of such people, and such courage, today. We cannot wait for someone else to stand up and show that kind of integrity.
We must become the kind of people we admire if we are ever again to live in a nation we can trust.
G-d help us if we fail.*
- The Liberty Crew


Text of Bill

"No Real Debate for Real ID"

Last Chance to Stop National ID by Ron Paul
Only off by 69 years, 9 months and 27 days. :rolleyes:
We've already been given a number that represents every individual, that identifies a code to all of their medical, criminal, financial, and educational background.

On the bright side for all of the tin hatters, if you move to Wisconsin, you still don't need an ID to vote.
Just as travelers are encouraged to get background checks and give fingerprints to avoid some of the worst excesses of TSA screening, gun owners will be encouraged to get background checks and give whatever biometric ID the Department of Homeland Security requires. This will be sold as a "benefit," ensuring you'll never again experience an "instant-check" delay. In fact, Congress, the ATF, or the FBI might even "mandate" 5-day or 15-day delays for anyone not enrolled in the "Trusted Firearms Buyer" program.
Isn't that the basic premise behind CCW permits?
Give up some privacy and cash for the "priviledge" of execising a natural and constitutionally protected right.
There ain't nothin tin hat about what the dogs in washington are trying to do in the name of national security.
While some of the states have said they will resist, when federal money is denied to those states, they will cave in very quickly.

There has been lots of times that people have cried conspiracy with government intentions only years later to ask how did we get in this mess.

SS numbers have been around, but this goes much further. Id for buying, selling is one way for non reported cash transactions to be eliminated. It would also put an end to all illegal activity that deals in cash by making cash invalid.

If I get a cash sale once a month, that's lucky. Its mostly credit cards and some checks. We are already there some what. Next time your out shopping, see how many people pay with cash.

That means more income for the over weight uncle sam.

If ya sit at home, or work for someone on a 9-5 and don't do much else, and don't have to travel or deal with new regulations, etc, you can miss what's going on.

I would say they took extreme liberties with acting class 101 in the story, but if your paying attention, the facts are there.
The American Revolution has been dead for a while, but I think the “war on terror†will be the last nail in its coffin.

~G. Fink :(
Id for buying, selling is one way for non reported cash transactions to be eliminated. It would also put an end to all illegal activity that deals in cash by making cash invalid

There's a system thats been around a lot longer than cash that can be used by creative people in society, its called bartering. I can see how this new system could anger those that hire illeagl immigrants however.
I am torn. I believe we need to do something about the illegal immigrants, and I definatly feel that we need to do more to protect our country from terrorists, but I feel this is the wrong way of doing it.

Dealing with illegals would just take implementing a solid guest worker program, and sealing the borders with troops, or with an expanded Border Patrol.

That would also give us more protection against terrorists gaining access to our country.

But this real ID thing just stinks of big brother, and is just one more giant step down the slippery slope of us losing our liberties.

I can only imagine that our forefathers are spinning in their graves.

This supposedly gives us the means to identify illegal immigrants for immediate deportation. What is in place to deter a repeat performance on the part of the illegal immigrant? I think the time and energy could have been better utilized in prevention of illegal immigration in the first place!
And yet here we sit doing nothing about it. Why? Because our own police and military forces would stomp us for even thinking of having an uprising. They would do it because the gov told them to. So we are, in fact, screwed.
I hate those in congress and the White House more than I hate Osama.

America is just like "Weekend at Bernies". They have been dragging the corpse around forever. But, it is dead. In a free country:

No income tax
No property tax
No Socialism Security
No welfare

... Ah forget it. There is too many to list.
I reluctantly agree with most here. It's a crying shame, but that's what we let ourselves in for when we allowed the job classification of "politician" to become a fulltime job.

But look on the bright side--it'll be several years before the IDs and associated infrastructure are ready. And don't forget all the lawsuits that will likely be filed, etc. You should be able to stock up well before that, and since ammo/reloading components have no paperwork associated with them, you ought to be good to go.
ID for buying, selling is one way for non reported cash transactions to be eliminated. It would also put an end to all illegal activity that deals in cash by making cash invalid...
There's a system thats been around a lot longer than cash that can be used by creative people in society, its called bartering. I can see how this new system could anger those that hire illeagl immigrants however.
And how, exactly, do you propose that they make cash "invalid" without raising a ton of eyebrows?
If states refuse, their citizens lose such "privileges" as being allowed to board an airplane, enter a federal building, or apply for social security.
Wouldn't that mean that the State's citizens don't have to (can't) pay federal income tax? Or was it intended to read "...apply for social security benefits?"
Yes, remember the ATF is now the BATFE ... that E means "Explosives"

they'll regulate your powder yet :banghead:
when you think about it, it makes you realize that we're just a pathetic speck of dust hanging around in the endless expanse of space...

uhm, yea, the Illuminati are unveiling themselves under a new name - the "Government"...

to prevent terrorism and illegal immigration? riiiiiight... NOTHING in preventable, if you try hard enough. the "Land of The Free" is turning into "Hitler's Country, Part II"

pathetic... we've progressed too much for our own good...

America might not have ended as of May 10 as has been suggested, however it will likely never again be what it was prior to the above date.

By the way, if anyone is wondering, the changes wrought are NOT in the direction of improvement.
Well we allowed the Patriot act

:cool: Yep, we gave one of the most inept police agencies in the world the right to userp all of our Constitutional rights!

We still have not done a thing about it.

Now we have a national ID card. California will be the first on board!

What are we going to do about it?

Ever thought of a grass roots movement to through out your local Rep to the Congress of the United States?

It is not as difficult as you might think. Just tell the local folks that their children and grand children are going to live in a Police state with very limited freedom, because of the jerk that is now representing them.

Folks, griping is for fools...Take action join a local political party association, but bring lots of like minded folks along. Be it Republican or Democrat you can make a difference. Walk the precints with handouts and shake hands with your neighbors. It does work if we are dedicated.

You might want to read all information first.
It looks benign on the surface. It's all about stopping illegal immigration after all.
But obviously it's a very thinly veiled attempt at snookering in some law on the current sheeple, that looks like it only affects non-citizens. Then once the law passes, they won't enforce it for awhile. People see no obvious change and settle down. Then they will whump the younger generation with the law.

All of this is so blatantly obvious to me. But it is inevitable. Eventually it will get to the point where internationally everyone will have ID's. Then they will have ID's directly implanted into their bodies.

...And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that has the implants dudes. It's're gonna get digitally barcoded.
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