The US Department of PEACE?

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George Hill

Dec 22, 2002
Uintah Basin, UT
Have you guys heard about this?
The US Department of Peace? A whole new branch of the .gov that promotes hugs and Care Bears? Are you freaking kidding me? For the love of all that is holy, this is the most retarded idea. And who is behind this crap? Democrat Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich and others. I didn't like the Department of Homeland Security as I thought it was redundant, but it's working out – I guess. Not only would this new Department of Peace do nothing for the Country in terms of proper utilization of taxpayer money... but when you read the legislation – it is downright frightening.
Peace Education and Training? Domestic Peace Activities? Technology of Peace? Arms Control and Disarmament? Let's break this down for you. They want to take away all your means of self defense and by force, program and indoctrinate you if you don't want to comply force you into reeducation while programing your kids in school. For peace. Remember Red Dawn? Remember Jed's Dad in the camp? Remember what happened to Jed's dad and others from that camp?
Yeah. Establishment a Peace Academy modeled after the Military Service Academy? Sounds like a very expensive program that does absolutely nothing but train more government bureaucrats to force us to feel better about each other?
You want me to feel better about you? Here is a few tips, if I'm driving behind you – and you are going slow - pull over out of my way so I can pass you. If you are a waitress and I'm sitting at your table, don't ask me if I want a refill... just keep the glass full of my favorite beverage. If I'm in the Movie Theater, SHUT THE HELL UP. If I come up to the check out line at the store, and I have one item, and you have two shopping carts full of stuff, let me buy my one item first. If you want to change lanes in front of me, use the turn signal. If you are going to go town and do a little shopping, at least change out of your pajamas and wear shoes. A shower is a good thing. Take one. If you have asinine liberal opinions, keep them to yourself, I don't want to hear them. If you see me with a pistol strapped to my hip, don't point it out. I know it's there. I don't point out your butt is hanging out and you smell like corn chips, and those pants do make you look fat. I keep that to myself. Unless you ask. So if I ask you, “pardon me, but do I have a gun on me?” then you can point it out to me politely, “why yes, indeed you do. A very nice one.” That is all you have to do to make me feel peaceful. Then I'll feel happy happy joy joy good vibes for everyone.
A Government Department to alter the way we feel and how to think?
Torches and Pitchforks.
Dennis Kucinich can bite my butt.
You must not live around a bunch of Bumper Sticker Democrats and other assorted dumb hippies, if you've never heard of this asinine proposal (from Dennis Kucinich, I think).

What I think is really amusing is that, if you really think about it, should we ever have a DOP, and it lives up to the standards of the Departments of Energy, Education, Justice, Treasury, etc., its mere existence will guarantee a state of perpetual war.:D
. . . alter the way we feel . . .

A Government Department to alter the way we feel and how to think?
I'll give you one guess regarding which professional field gets to be the official advisor for this exercise.

Hint: this won't be the first time they've done this.

. . .
Let's break this down for you. They want to take away all your means of self defense and by force, program and indoctrinate you if you don't want to comply force you into reeducation while programing your kids in school.
So, does this sound even vaguely familiar?


Yeah, that sounds like China. These slime bags are reading right from the Communist Playbook and wrapping it in political correct and friendly language.
No, I've never heard of this before.
This is why I live out here in the middle of no where on the raggedy edge of the verse... Vernal has very very few Liberals and I like it that way. Liberal ideology is insulated and filtered out as much as possible.
Every time I hear Liberal Ideology my blood pressure spikes.
I feel as I and others should receive an apology from a couple of mods.A previous thread I (wrongly) introduced was shut down in quick time and this OT thread was started by a mod. I'm not upset I just want to others to be held to the same standards as myself. Thank You
You people are amazing. You dont wander into somone's home and demand apologies for what they do.

Feel free to leave anytime you feel that urge.
A moderator started the thread, so its probably ok.

Gun related because the Peace Initiative or whatever would gladly take away your guns. A government agency, federally funded, working to take away your guns? Seems like a bad thing.
this is THR? A really stupid, inane, worthless thread. Where are the mods when you need them.

A mod started this thread. Now how about trying to actually contribute.

You dont wander into somone's living room and demand apologies for what they do.

Why not? If they behave rudely to me (whether real or imagined) how does the location matter?
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