There's a "Registered Sex Offender" right around the corner

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C'mon man, don't be so cynical, it's disappointing.
Why is it disappointing to you? Some people are just naturally optimistic and expect the best from others, usually to their regret. Other are naturally pessimistic and cynical. I'm in the latter camp and when I am proven to be right (which I usually am) it brings a small measure of satisfaction that I was correct. When I am proven wrong in my cynicism, it is a pleasant surprise. So either way I "win". :D

But back OT, since we have drifted from it. I concur with CAnnoneer's view point. Once our legal system has judged that a SO had paid their debt to society and are no longer a threat, the SO is paroled back into the population at large and given the opportunity to prove that they have mended their ways. The nature of their crime being what it is, and the degree of damage it does to its victims, strong prohibitions against being around children/targets are called for, as well as vigorous monitoring of their behavior. Publishing SO locations is part of the monitoring, along with notifying the residents in the community the SO locates in that there is a POTENTIAL threat in the area, is part of the monitoring.

Bikers actions of talking to the SO in his situation, as well as printing up flyers to notify his neighbors is IMHO perfectly appropriate. Going to the point of harrassing the SO who has been paroled to drive him from the community is not. As I said earlier, it strikes me as an example of NIMBYism. Continuing to drive the SO from community to community so that they have no recourse to but to retreat into an isolated location would make it all easier for the SO to repeat their vile deeds, snatching a child and making off with the victim to their domicile where the odds of being discovered are remote. As others have noted in this thread, abuse of the notification can lead to the ending of that notification. That leaves the parents with ZERO information about who/what is in their community, and lead to the perception that all is well, when in fact it may not be.
It's not the pedophile I'm looking out for, it's Biker!

Uh, sigh, grrrrr.

Biker's welcome as my neighbor, you can have Chester the Molestor.
Again you miss my point. I am not afraid of biker. It is a silly thing to think I am since, I don't even know him. I didn't say I was afraid of him any more than I said I am on the perverts side. This is what happens when passion overruns reason.

I was concerned that bikers behavior was going to set him up for trouble with the little weasel. My concern was based on the tone of his postings at that point. He has since clarified his activities and the situation where he lives and I do not have the same concerns.

I have more experience dealing with these vermin than many on this forum. I know them, know how they think and know how they respond to pressure. But all you hear in your passion is that I am opposed to biker because I think the scumbag deserves a break. This could not be farther from the truth.

There is a difference between fear and concern.

I don't care if my new neighbor is on a list or not. He's not going to be trusted anywhere near my kids until I am convinced he is safe for them. I do not love pedophiles, I just don't accept "the list" as an all inclusive source of info. Again watch your kids not the pervert. Protect them from ALL the risks.
I don't care if my new neighbor is on a list or not. He's not going to be trusted anywhere near my kids until I am convinced he is safe for them. I do not love pedophiles, I just don't accept "the list" as an all inclusive source of info. Again watch your kids not the pervert. Protect them from ALL the risks.
Well said MikeIsaj. A very prudent course of action.

Come to the light, away from the dark side. It's pretty nice and others will appreciate you for it. Yea, there's a disappointment some times but you'll be happier than going through life with a disappointed outlook to begin with. Besides, it will go better with your strong belief in innocent until proven guilty. ;)
Continuing to drive the SO from community to community so that they have no recourse to but to retreat into an isolated location would make it all easier for the SO to repeat their vile deeds, snatching a child and making off with the victim to their domicile where the odds of being discovered are remote.
Lemmeesee. I've read this quote four times and I'm still amazed by it. If we drive the predator to an isolated location we will, in effect, cause them to repeat their vile acts? Oh, I forgot, the predator is a victim and deserves our understanding and a big fluffy pillow, or he (or she) will do bad again... and it will be all our fault.

We need to hold hands and sing kumbaya with these vile creatures... :confused:
We need to hold hands and sing kumbaya with these vile creatures.

You've completely warped what the guy said. The point was, it's better to keep scumballs in a more highly populated environment that is aware of their scummitis, so that the community can keep an eye on him (or her.) If they're chased out into the middle of nowhere, it makes it that much easier for them to fall back into their criminal behavior without notice.
I make it a practice to read all of a thread before pontificating, but in this case I jumped to the post.

Someone explain to me why we insist on allowing people who commit the vilest of crimes against our most innocent citizens to continue in their freedom? Since we've taken death off the table why are they not locked up? Costs too high? I'm not impressed with the argument. As I jumped to the end of the thread I see someone is proposing banishment or exile as a solution. Looks a lot like prison to me.

Back to my question. What is so bad about prison for those who molest, injure or murder children?

Why it is almost like we are afraid they will have a poor lifestyle in prison. :confused:
Beren -- Let correction officers "keep an eye on them". Why should the populace? These scum should not be out of jail at all. Keep them in a "more populated envionment"? So they have a larger choice of potential victims?

Waitone -- +1
Back to my question. What is so bad about prison for those who molest, injure or murder children?

"It depends."

Murder? If by murder you mean the unlawful killing of another with premeditated malice, then the perp should be hung if found guilty - regardless of whether the victim is a child or an adult.

Injure? What exactly do you mean by injure? If you mean the intentional infliction of pain meant to terrorize or disfigure, I'd lump that under torture and hang the perp if found guilty. What about the father who paddles his kid with a belt and leaves a bruise?

Molest? Some people are found guilty of molestation for putting a hand on a child's shoulder. Some people think the other definition of molest, which is "to annoy." If we're talking sexual misconduct functionally equiv. to rape - hang the guy if found guilty.

No jail time necessary in the above scenarios.
Uhhh..NO. If I CHOSE to protect a kid, that is one thing. However, your choice to have kids does NOT impart on me a duty to protect them. They are YOUR kids, its YOUR job to look after them.

And my wife and I do that job. Which is somewhat sad. I grewup in a time when my friends and I would get up around sunrise and be gone all day. Our parents only knew that we "were around". We had free rein in our neigborhood and the fields and tree nursery behind our homes. Yes, we did "dumb kid" things, but nothing violent or evil. We came home when it got dark; tired, dirty and often with cuts, scraps and bruises.

Now my kids don't get to go outside unless my wife and/or I are with them. You want to ride your bike ?? You can go from the corner to to five houses down so that I can always see you. Going to the park ?? Let me stop what I'm doing and I'm going with you. You want to go to a friends house !?!? Heck, I used to move a Mech Infantry Brigade from one side of Germany to the other with less planning, coordination, and oversight.

Sindawe, I would hope that if you see a kid get knocked off his bike and dragged into a car against his will that you could at least go to the trouble of getting the licence number and calling the police.

Yes, I'm a cynic also, but I still shovel the driveway of the eldery lady across the street, give my neighbor's a hand when their can breaks down, or they need a hand fixing or repairing their home. Call it "Paying It Forward", but I still feel a duty to help where I can, when I can, without expecting anything in return. To me, it just part of being a good neighbor and worthwhile Human Being.
Molest? Some people are found guilty of molestation for putting a hand on a child's shoulder. Some people think the other definition of molest, which is "to annoy." If we're talking sexual misconduct functionally equiv. to rape - hang the guy if found guilty.

Who's been convicted of Child Molestation and imprissoned for putting his hand on a child's shoulder? I don't know of any?

And spanking to hard would fall under child abuse and be dealt with by DHS more than likely. I doubt people are convicted for being Chester the Molester for that.

The facts show that most child molestation take place within small circle of where the molesters reside. I would feel much better if they we away from the populous, much less my immediate neighborhood.

Finally, someone may say that just touching/feeling the child in the private areas wouldn't constitute treating them the same. I say BULL. If I find an adult touching and feeling my little girls private area's, they will wish they were far away from me as possible.

Now lets say this guy gets caught and goes to jail for this, he's there for a year or two and then moves next door to your family. Whoever says they wouldn't want their either doesn't have children or doesn't care much about their safety. I know, I just made a judgment, tough. :p
Who's been convicted of Child Molestation and imprissoned for putting his hand on a child's shoulder? I don't know of any?
Here's one. Not imprisoned, but still has to register as a SO.

And my wife and I do that job. Which is somewhat sad.
Somewhat sad that you and your wife have to be responsible parents? :banghead: The world is a dangerous place. I too grew up in the environment you describe, and IMHO I think it was a momentary blip in history. For eons parents had to watch their kids, least they wander off and get eaten by a predator. Then we started living in larger and larger cities, and the four legged predators were replaced by the two legged kind. For awhile our society was able to keep the two legged predators out of sight and mind, and it was nice. But sadly that time is no more. I wish it were not so, but if wishes were horses....

In the hypothetical situation of child snatching, I would in the least get the license plate number. Beyond that, its just not worth the aggravation. I live in townhouse development, surrounded by same. Several years ago after a snowstorm, some of the neighbor kids about 10-12 y/o from another developement were up on the roofs of our garages, slidding down one side into some deep drifts. Looked like a lot of fun, but the other side was a drop to hard asphalt. I approached the kids and asked 'em to please get off the roof, its not really safe, but there is a nice hill for slidding about 1/4 away.

Kid: You're not my father, :cuss: YOU :cuss: !

Sin: OK, I'll just call the cops and have THEM get you off.

Kid: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:

At which point one of the little geniuses slipped and slid down the side to the drop to hard asphalt. On the way down, he grabbed the gutter and ripped about 15 feet off the building before hitting the ground and breaking his arm. Ambulance was called, and one of the other kids ran to get geniuses mother. She runs over all in a huff (understandable) and proceeds to scream about how she'll sue the us (meaning our HOA) for everything we've got, why did'nt I do something to prevent her little genius from getting hurt!

Sin: Lady, I DID, your little genius told me to :cuss: off.


At which point I turned to one of the responding cops and stated that as a member of the HOA, I would like to file a complaint of truancy, along with child neglect against the mother. Additionally, I wish to press charges for tresspassing, immediate damage to the garage and possible further damage that may have occured to the roof from little geniuses shoes. The bug-eyed, gasping fish out of water look on the mother's face was almost worth the hassle. Almost. She backed down then, but did try to come back later for medical costs. Never got 'em, but it was still a couple of months of hassle and grief for me.

Someone explain to me why we insist on allowing people who commit the vilest of crimes against our most innocent citizens to continue in their freedom? Since we've taken death off the table why are they not locked up? Costs too high? I'm not impressed with the argument. As I jumped to the end of the thread I see someone is proposing banishment or exile as a solution. Looks a lot like prison to me.
I'm all for banishment of SO, rapists and other vile scum. The problem with driving them out of community after community and forcing them to live in the boonies is that they can still wander back in when the urge strikes them. Banish them to someplace where they CAN NOT get back, like say up on the moon.
I knew someone would find one example and use it to try justify the whole premise of the Molseter debate. Although it sucks that dude has to register, obviously a jury found him guilty of "unlawful restraint of a minor", sounds like this was more than merely touching a shoulder? :scrutiny:
I knew someone would find one example and use it to try justify the whole premise of the Molseter debate.
Marshall, please provide the passage where I've used the one example as justification for "... the whole premise of the Molseter debate.", along with said premise.

You stated you did not know of anyone convicted child molestation for touching a child without ill intent. Now you do.

What I meant was that it is sad that kids have to be watched 24/7/365. I am not sad that I have to do my job as a parent. Would not trade it for all the tea in China. I just wish that my son could take off on his bike with his friends and go play in woods like we did as kids, or that my daughter could walk the dog around the block on her own.

Yeah, and both the kid and the Mom need to be spanked. My kids wouldn't talk to you like that (and if they EVER did would be blowing bubbles out of their mouths later as they apologized to you.)
I just wish that my son take off on his bike with his friends and go play in woods like we did as kids, or that my daughter could walk the dog around the block on her own.

I would bet that it happened just as often when you were a kid, you just didn't have the media around telling you how it is an epidemic, how we were safer ten years ago.

I'm hardly an adult, and when I was younger we ran around all day like so described.
I've never been accused of being a rocket surgeon.

Biker, good plans, but writing your intentions on the internet? No rocket surgeon or even a lowly brain scientist would do that. That weasel could use it as evidence of threats and get a restraining order against you in some courts (9th circuit comes to mind). A restraining order could mean "bye-bye guns".

On the other hand, sometimes gravity reverses itself and people have been known to fall up the stairs.

Dawg (heh heh...)
I appreciate your concerns and the concerns of others here, but the fact is, everything I'm doing is above table and legal. Over the years, I've had more than a bit of trouble from folks in these apts over a variety of matters. I've never been charged or arrested from these encounters and have been assisted in court by cops in two injury civil suits filed against me, both of which I won and which my HO's insurance paid to defend me and ultimately, the presiding judge made the plaintiffs pay my lawyer fees and all costs incurred.
Gotta draw a line in the sand somewhere.
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