This is illegal, right?

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I can't help think that these laws are really silly...

Of course they are silly. These things are not meant to deter crime, don't ever think for a second that they are.

They give prosecutors a way to "dogpile" charges on someone who is caught doing something else as well as making criminals out of people just flat ignorant of the law.
What I want to know is if I have an AR with a VHF and a PLR-16 with a rail have I met the requirements for "constructive possession? What if I have a spare VFG because I am trying two different styles? Truly stupid law.
What if I have a spare VFG because I am trying two different styles?

IANAL and all that crap but....

There have been letters from ATF, and the Thompson case that went before the Supremes that basically say if you have a weapon that can LEGALLY use the parts then you are OK by having spares or extras.

If you have no firearm that can legally use the parts then the only reason to own them is to break the law.

That's my interpretation of the law and how I've heard it repeated many times.

Not a lawyer etc. but I do have a whole safe full of NFA stuff and that rule is how I try to keep out of any gray areas.

Read the Thompson case, very interesting.

From the wiki version. The whole thing is worth reading but this gets to the point.

The court ruled in Thompson Center Arms' favor in that the carbine conversion kit did not constitute a short barreled rifle, primarily because the kit contained both the stock and the 16 inch barrel.

This circumstance caused the court to apply the rule of lenity since the NFA carries criminal penalties with it. This meant that ambiguous statutes are interpreted against the government.
I can't help think that these laws are really silly... A foregrip makes the pistol deadlier?...

There's your problem, you aren't supposed to THINK! A hunk of plastic on the front that sits vertically instead of horizontally makes it, oh, at least 30 times deadlier. Kind of like shorter barrels or stocks on shotguns or rifles will blow someone clear across the room and through a wall. Don't get me started on that thing that goes up! It's for teh childrens!
Remember too that this mess was written in 1934. LOOOONG before Brady and Feinstein and McCarthy and Bloomberg.

Imagine if it was written today!
All I have to say is I would love to be on the jury being told to convict this guy of a crime.

I would laugh my balls off.

The NFA, like 99% of all other gun laws, is junk plain and simple. It makes felons out of law abiding citizens for non-violent victimless crimes.
REOIV is correct! This will be interpreted as many different way as there are ATF agents. I had a similiar question that I posed to agent when I live in Sacramento. I called three separate times, talked to three separate agents, and get three separate answers. Thats one of the reasons I let my FFL expire. No matter how careful a dealer is these laws are so vague he does stand a chance!!
All I have to say is I would love to be on the jury being told to convict this guy of a crime.

I would laugh my balls off.

The NFA, like 99% of all other gun laws, is junk plain and simple. It makes felons out of law abiding citizens for non-violent victimless crimes.

...and it is for that reason that you would be filtered out and never sit on the jury. So much for "jury of one's peers".

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