THR member publishes a novel, and it is gun related, oh, it is gun related...

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Yes, I was just wondering that very thing about "Thirty Days of Night." A film so idiotic it was set in BARROW yet showed a whitebread town with minimal firearms. In real life they've got more rifles than Wayne Anthony Ross plus WHALE GUNS. Whale guns vs. vampires--how cool would that have been? But as usual the writer and filmmaker are complete morons and never bothered to learn anything about the real life Barrow. The idiots will spend millions on a movie but never even bother to spend half an hour on google.

I haven't seen the movie yet but I have read the book and it says that all of them have rifles and the cop has dozens of guns and a ton of ammo in his house but he can't get to it.
As they say, the check is in the mail. I cannot wait for the book (autographed of course) and the patch (when you sell the patches by themselves, I will be getting a few more).
Ravenslair, if you want some more now, just throw them on your order. $4 each for additional patches.

Guys, seriously, thanks for the interest. I've sold a surprising number of books so far.

As a writer, the key to success is getting your stuff out there, and as a first timer, the battle is that nobody knows you, and they have no inclination to give your writing a try. My hope is that this pre-order will get enough of my books into circulation, and that enough of you like it, that I can get some good word of mouth reviews.

ordered two!

Just mailing in an order for two - I plan to give one as a gift, but will probably keep the second patch for myself!

THR member publishes a novel, and it is gun related, oh, it is gun related...

My novel, Monster Hunter International, is going to be out around the end of the year. I'll approve the final proof copy in the next few weeks, and then we should be shipping in December. I'm doing a pre-order on it now, and the details are available on my blog at

Added a link on my site under Books / Items
Thanks guys.

Matt, no I don't think anybody has cross posted this over there. You guys are more than welcome to.
well sight unread I pre ordered then read the chapter 1. I like it!
since I am the impatient type. I'll paypal you another buck for chapter 2.

dang cliffhangers. er window hangers or whatever.
I'll probably be doing an e-book as well, but I'm concentrating on doing the hard copy first.

Plus Springmom has an advantage over you guys. She's seen the rough draft for the first portion of the Mr. Nightcrawler Trilogy III. :)
My spousal unit says you're very nice on the phone, Larry...
I have a B-day present coming...
Thanks a bunch.
As much as I hate Paypal I've ordered a copy. I hate mailing checks even more.

I haven't read the first chapter yet, don't want to get hooked and then have to wait. :)
MHI is one of the most enjoyable- and downright laugh-out-loud funny- books I've ever read. pax managed to edit without disturbing the flow at all. That's the truth, and I don't lie for anybody.
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