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U.S. Gov't Aiding Mexico Against Minutemen?/ It's an Outrage Merged

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I will predict right now that before this is finished one or more of the Minute Men will be taken into custody on US soil by Mexicans and this draft dodging, drunk driving liar we have for a president will do NOTHING.:fire:
Let's not get too extreme against crazed ss. He actually represents the feelings of most Americans. That is, "I don't know about these Mintutemen. But they do ave guns, and they are watching the border. A bad situation could develop."

If that is truly SS's feelings, then he is right. Something bad could happen. But I do believe like evryone else here that telling the Mexican Gov where the MM is is alot more dangerous in terms of "something happening" than just letting the MM do their job.
He actually represents the feelings of most Americans. That is, "I don't know about these Mintutemen. But they do have guns, and they are watching the border. A bad situation could develop."

Not the most Americans around my little corner of the World. Just the opposite. Most of my cohorts understand the bad situation developed down on the border long, long ago. The arms they carry are for self protection.

I don't think anyone rational believes the MM or other civilian border monitors are instigating the problem.

1. How many shootings have civilian border monitors been involved in?

Contrary to what the popular press would have you believe I think the answer is 0. Sadly some of our fellow citizens accept propaganda and don't check the facts themselves.

2. How many times have US Border Patrol agents been shot at by someone doing something illegal down along the border?

Based on a search anyone can do right here on THR one will turn up an answer of several that we know of.

Any finger pointing should be not at the MM but rather across the border.

draft dodging, drunk driving liar we have for a president will do NOTHING.

As far as the DUI I'll state "There but for the grace of God go I".
I don't know all of the facts on the "draft dodging" charge, for or against, so I'll say nothing.
I wouldn't stake my fortune on the accounts of the press either for or against.
The hypocracy of his actions against the Minutemen is what gets me.
I guess it's politics. Plain and simple. Pandering to the Latino vote, and the "big business's" lobbying.
I was a Bush supporter, but his domestic security stance is a HUGE dissapoinment.
Clinton was as bad or worse.
Third, fourth and fifth party candidates haven't got a snowballs chance in Hell. Given our political system.
The people that are now saying "I told you so!" can gloat. They were right.
We were hornswaggled!:cuss:
I'm afraid we are witnessing the beginning of the end of this great nation.
To think of the lives that were sacrificed for this.
Interesting that "they" are worrying about Americans offing illegal aliens. I have yet to see Americans "hunting" Mexicans either in Mexico or the U.S. To me that is useful paranoia for the other side, a way of making the aggressor appear the victim. Now the questions arises: How many Americans have been killed by Mexican nationals in the U.S. illegally? That is a question a lot of people in certain places obviously don't want asked.
We will wind up with Ma and Pa Clinton in two years in the White House, and Chuckie Schumer and Teddy Kennedy leading the Senate to sign a "Small Arms Treaty" with the United Nations.

Politicians in America have a pretty good life. That could change.

Unfortunately, I don't think the hubris addicts in D.C. have bottomed out yet.
The people that are now saying "I told you so!" can gloat. They were right.

I think it would just be improper to gloat. We're all in the same boat. I will say, though, that I predicted six years ago, "if Bush gets elected, we'll all get the government that only a few of us deserve..."

It does appear that I was correct. :fire:
From Vdare.com:

The independent film producer Ron Maxwell’s great Civil War movies Gettysburg and Gods and Generals have done more than anything else in recent years to keep alive the memory of an heroic era in American history. The latter was a favorite of our greatly missed Sam Francis and was warmly defended here by Paul Gottfried. Now Mr. Maxwell has followed the example of the men he portrayed and risen to the defense of his country:

An open letter to President George Bush - WorldNetDaily.com May 10, 2006

What is happening on the southern border is unprecedented. Not only in our own history, but in the history of the world… A wave of anti-American leftism is sweeping Latin America. A socialist radical may soon be elected as the president of Mexico, a country which officially encourages its emigrants to vote in Mexican elections, urging them to think of themselves as Mexican first and perhaps only.

The eventual outcome is plain for anyone with eyes to see. This is invasion masquerading as immigration…
Mr. President, this is a time for candor. Your immigration policy is viewed as captive to the cheap-labor, big-business lobby and inimical to the survival of our country… The failure to recognize this growing and deep disaffection among Republicans, conservatives, independents and indeed many Reagan Democrats, is, in the short run, going to lead to a monumental defeat for your party at the polls in November…

The moment has arrived. The Senate has already begun its bloviations and self-aggrandizing platitudes, its morality play of good and evil wherein they – the noble senators – are cast as the redeemers of the entire world population seeking only to “live the American dream.” …As a movie director, I can see bad acting a mile away.

Today, there are two Republican parties. One is now seen correctly by most Americans as responsive first and foremost to the demands of multinational corporations, the agro-business and the Chamber of Commerce. The other, best represented by the embattled members of the House, represents grass-roots America.

Dear Mr. President… I implore you to re-think this issue and to change course. Millions of Americans, a great majority of your fellow citizens will be with you. Start speaking and doing the sensible, courageous and right thing. You will see your poll numbers turn dramatically around. You will save your country

Well worth the admission price.
My Granfather was a Democratic Comitteeman and used to say,'Before the election they(politicians) kiss your a$$. After the election you can kiss theirs".
Seems Pap was right. Tell the people what they want until you get in office, then "screw 'em".
I cannot believe it. A supposed man of faith. Blatantly turning his back on his
promises, and his country, and violating his oath do all in his power to protect his country from all enemies foreign and domestic.
It truly is sickening.
If only it were so simple as an attempt to appear politically correct. Isn't it obvious that our government favors a massive influx of Mexicans into our nation? What do you suppose the purpose is?

I wouldn't bother with the word "Mexicans"... others could be found; they are just very convenient: close by, beset by their own government, largely unskilled, used to both discrimination and surviving at subsistence level on meager wages for long periods.

IMHO, it is:

1) Vote dilution of existing voting blocks for new ones
2) Increased wealth redistribution/administration
3) Wholesale demographic realignment via open border and detailed census data
4) Voter disenfranchisement to further lower turnout, by gross and purposeful misrepresentation of the will of the electorate

All Leading to:

5) Loss of sovereignty and Socialist/Elitist Oligarchy, by bloodless incremental Coup.

Once the small slice of (the truly massive American) "pie" each dirty politician tapped into ceased sating their desires (and especially those of political families)...

Once the sharers in power were removed from responsibility of overseeing and everyday compromising of power by sufficient delegation and bureaucracy, they realized that "just a few less" sharing power will make things better for them... as would, say, double/triple the people and land under a united border, currency, and "law".

It's the perfect storm.

As the stakes rise, so does the level of competiton. The rewards for shortcuts and expediencies exceed most human expectations of honesty. The level of merely needing to break the "legal" code to gain advantage passed long ago. We are into breaking moral and ethical codes now, and almost done with the last of those.

The Constitution is a barrier, a tattered one, but on life support. Whether foreign treaties will just "become" the Constitution due to modifying every nook of it, or our own Courts will declare its true meanings, in effect, "unconstitutional", we'll have to wait and see.

I am not sanguine about our odds if the 2-party system survives much longer.
People, don't get me wrong. I see Hugo Chavez using Venezuela's oil wealth to move all kinds of things south of the border. I went to the Southwest, and when I talked more in my broken, horrific version of Spanish in the towns along the border, and saw Mexican flags everywhere I knew there was a problem.

That being said, most Americans are like Crazed_SS. Berating them for not seeing the problem doen't help our cause. :banghead:

As for the MM, I support their cause, but crazed_ss is correct. Most of them are old white guys with binocs, and .45s. Because most people don't live on the border, they don't understand that being armed is a necessity there.

Our only hope is to shine yet more light, and get more guys like Tom Tancredo in office before this gets really bad. That and be honest about the Republican Party. It is a party, for money, by money , and about money. And allegiance to the US is a distant second to another campaign contribution, or inside business deal. Not to say the Dems are all that different. I'm just saying, changes have to happen in one party or the other, or we're screwed.
On a relevant note - can anybody here relate:

Young America is growing diverse
By D'Vera Cohn and Tara Bahrampour
Published: Wednesday, May 10, 2006

WASHINGTON - Nearly half of the nation's children under 5 are racial or ethnic minorities, and the percentage is increasing mainly because the Hispanic population is growing so rapidly, according to a census report released today.
Hispanics are the nation's largest and fastest-growing minority group. They accounted for 49 percent of the country's growth from 2004 to 2005, the report shows. And the increase in young children is largely a Hispanic story, driving 70 percent of the growth in children younger than 5. Forty-five percent of U.S. children younger than 5 are minorities.

The new numbers offer a preview of demographic shifts to come, with broad implications for the nation's schools, work force and Social Security.

One in three Americans is now a member of a minority group, a share that is bound to rise, because the non-Hispanic white population is older and growing much more slowly. The country already is engaged in a national debate about how government should respond to growing immigration, legal and illegal.

In some parts of the country, the transformation is more visible than in others. Large swaths of the upper Midwest are still mainly non-Hispanic white. But minorities are a majority of children younger than 5 in Washington, D.C., Miami, Houston, Los Angeles and other high-immigration areas.

William Frey, a demographer with the Brookings Institution, predicted that the country will have ``a multicultural population that will probably be more tolerant, accommodating to other races and more able to succeed in a global economy.''

There could be increased competition for money and power, he added: ``The older, predominantly white baby-boom generations will need to accommodate younger, multi-ethnic young adults and child populations in civic life, political decisions and sharing of government resources.''

In some suburban communities, government officials face a cultural generation gap as they weigh demands from older white residents for senior citizen centers, transportation and other aid against requests from younger, mainly minority residents for translation assistance, preschools and other services.

William O'Hare, a senior fellow at the Annie E. Casey Foundation, said he is not sure the country is prepared to provide the extra help that immigrants' children often need to become well-educated workers and the future supporters of retirement programs for a predominantly white elderly population. Some Americans will not welcome the news that minorities are nearly the majority among young children, he said.

"Part of the people will see this and say, `Gee, these kids are really our future parents and workers, and we need to take care of them,' '' O'Hare said. "The other would say it is time to send them all home.''

The census figures show that the number of Hispanic and Asian children younger than 5 grew by double-digit percentages since 2000. The number of black children grew more slowly. The number of non-Hispanic white children younger than 5 declined for two years this decade before increasing again.

The nation's Asian population growth still is dominated by immigration, the census report shows, but among Hispanics, births added more to the population growth than immigrants did this decade.
Our only hope is to shine yet more light, and get more guys like Tom Tancredo in office before this gets really bad. That and be honest about the Republican Party. It is a party, for money, by money , and about money. And allegiance to the US is a distant second to another campaign contribution, or inside business deal. Not to say the Dems are all that different. I'm just saying, changes have to happen in one party or the other, or we're screwed.

If the majority of the American people can be flagrantly ignored, by both parties, what makes you think that Tom Tancredo (whom I respect) has a snowball's chance in hell of being permitted to run, much less win? This is no longer a problem you solve by electing "the other guys" and watching them use traditional legal machinery to solve. Even Tancredo, who looks like a wild-eyed radical to the "moderates" who want what they laughingly call a "comprehensive solution" wants to give major employers four years to de-illegal their labor forces (I hear Sensenbrenner thinks six years is okay).

When you get a cancer diagnosis you don't change your diet and hope for the best, you recognize your life's at stake and you'd better be aggressive. That means surgery followed by systematic (local) therapy. That is especially true when the diagnosis isn't Stage One but Stage Three. We have (at least) 20 million people in our midst who intend to claim citizenship and suffrage, and they have powerful allies, both here and abroad. What's called for muy pronto are measures that stand some realistic chance of protecting and preserving this Republic, or what's left of it. ANY political solution at this point is going to be a major defeat for the rule of law as we have known it--legalizing de facto trespass, squatting, and gatecrashing--and with that you can kiss the American "project" goodbye. If we don't have the gizzard to go on the offensive, then we'd better pull back and defend what we are able to defend while we still can.

Sorry, I have to say what I believe here.

It is mostly the old,fat guys that have the time to patrol our border. Most of the younger guys have to work to support the CRIMINAL ALIENS.
The Border Patrol are getting paid. The ACLU is getting paid. The News people are getting paid.
Only these and the Old Fat Guys can spend time there.
A supposed man of faith.
Never understood how anyone could fall for that one, but I guess PT Barnum was right.

Unfortunately, the solution to this situation might come at a dear cost to us. Most of these workers are coming here to get US dollars to send home. We are now seeing the US dollar in the process of being devalued to Wiemar magnitudes. Manuel might be better off in a couple of years putting his labor to work on the bean field back home. At least it will feed him. Food in America comes from supermarkets, and they won't have much on the shelves if the dollar can't buy anything.
Longeyes, earlier you posted we get to rebuild the country. You also say people like Tancredo aren't enough. I agree that the ship is on fire, and we need to get to the lifeboats before it capsizes, but where are we gonna paddle to.

What 3rd party? Look, I like the Libertarians, but I obviously have problems with their immigration policies, and aspects of their foreign policy, even if I agree with the vast majority of their domestic policy. What matters is that they can't get their heads out of their butts long enough to capitalize on this. Simply moving their policy on the border would allow them to pick up a small ammount of national power for the first time ever.

The Constitutional Party? They are Theocrats!

The Greens? Hah! Socialist or Communists!

This is rediculous. I see revolution within the Republican Party as the only viable option at this time. Until I see another option. In the meantime, I practice alot with my rifles, and save money and goods.

What I ask do you suggest as an answer?
modest proposals

Phase One:

Insisting on assimilation. No compromise on that.

Spending what it takes to secure the border.

Dramatic penalties for employers.

Repealing birthright citizenship and denying all forms of welfare and social benefits.

Phase Two:


Phase Three:

Secession. Getting it right this time. (Yeah, we'll need to take the military and heavy hardware with us.)

There is no "good way," not at this point. On the other hand, it could be worse: Learn to enjoy inner courtyards, flower baskets, and murals. The mariachi music may take a little longer.
"Mexican Perceptions" and "Internal Memo"

U.S. tipping Mexico to Minuteman patrols
By Sara A. Carter, Staff Writer

[[...Martinez said Mexico's official perception of the civilian groups is that they are vigilantes, a belief the Border Patrol hoped to allay by entering into the cooperative agreement.
One of the documents on the Web site, "Actions of the Mexican Government in Relation to the Activities of Vigilante Groups," states that Mexican consulate representatives stay in close contact with Border Patrol chiefs to ensure the safety of migrants trying to enter the U.S., those being detained and the actions of all "vigilantes" along the border...]]
[[...Border Patrol agents interviewed by the Daily Bulletin said they have been asked to report to sector headquarters the location of all civilian volunteer groups, but to not file the groups' names in reports if they spot illegal immigrants.
"Last year an internal memo notified all agents not to give credit to Minuteman volunteers or others who call in sightings of illegal aliens," said one agent, who spoke on the condition he not be identified. "We were told to list it as a citizen call and leave it at that. Many times, we were told not to go out to Minuteman calls."]]

Tancredo may be a good guy and he may be genuine in his drive to correct the policies that leave the US wide open to the World but his position will go nowhere in the RP.

There will be no revolution in the RP. Period. The cabal that controls the party these days is too well organized and has too much money for any kind of grassroots rebuild to work. The RP that paid at least some attention to the interests of US citizens IS GONE.

I wish there were some way to pass a constitutional amendment allowing session.


Civilian Border Patrol Operations Reported to Mexico

Tuesday , May 09, 2006

LOS ANGELES — The U.S. Border Patrol is alerting the Mexican government to the locations of civilian border patrol groups when the organizations help detain suspected illegal immigrants or use violence against them, according to a published report.


Minuteman members, however, said the Border Patrol's policy negates the private group's effectiveness and could endanger their lives.

What a bunch of crybabies. When the Minutemen broadcast where they will be working, as they often do, apparently they don't feel it will reduce the effectiveness of their work. When the Border Patrol does it, they claim they are being compromised? What gives? http://www.thehighroad.org/showthread.php?t=178099&highlight=minutemen

I really like the image on this page where it shows the media at a Minuteman border event. http://www.minutemanproject.com/default.asp?contentID=30

Hell, the Minutemen go to the fricking media with their plans and invite them along! They announce their intentions and so the information is public knowledge, in many cases, before they start work at a given location!

Of course, the Minutemen list Benedict Arnold as the first American traitor, http://www.minutemanproject.com/default.asp?contentID=62 , and he was famous as a traitor. However, he was a traitor to the cause of revolution before America was its own country and since he was not the only person to play both sides of the fence in the events leading to the war and during the early days of the war, he can hardly be considered the first "American" traitor. Tories acting as compatriots to the revolutionists hampered cessation effects all along the way.

While I am not certain, Arnold may be the first publically documented convicted military man made famous by events of the attempt to capture George Washington and surrendering of West Point, but certainly not the first traitor to the cause.

ke Benedict Arnold on their own website are traitors
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