What Is Your Overall Gun?

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Toss up.



My favorite (do-all) pistol used to be my Colt Combat Commander in .45 acp. Then, like an idiot, I sold it to a friend.

I kick myself every time I think about selling that wonderful pistol.

I sure hope he's happy with it. . . 'cause I'm not happy. . . without it!
My S&W M&P340 w/CT grips would fit nicely in the pocket of my overalls and takes care of most any needs.
my taurus 615 7 x .357 = pretty well balanced power vs amount of ammo. Add to that that you won't have problems with it not eating any ammo i have and if (never happened yet) one trigger pull goes no-joy, i can pull the trigger again and roll another bullet in the pipe.
Glock 23. It fits my hand good, it's accurate, i shoot it better than any other bottom feeders i've ever owned or shot. It's never failed through at least 20,000 rounds (except for some cheap gun show reloads that wouldn't work in my 27 or my XD).

For me, it just seems to fill my needs better than any of my other handguns. It's a good defense caliber and not to big for concealed carry. It's not so fancy that i have to worry if it gets a little scratch or dunked in a stream while fishing. It's been on my nightstand for almost 14 years. It's been to Kentucky and back with me. It's been to Mississippi and back with me. I've carried it while hunting, fishing, camping and just plain old woods bumming. If for some reason i could only have one simi auto, it would be my 23.
Sig P229.

I'm a leftie with smallish hands. The 229 fits me like a natural extension, and I can manipulate the controls easily. It provides (IMHO) a great balance of size, accuracy, and firepower.

I paid just under $400 for mine, used from CDNN, a couple years ago.

Go out and fondle as many pistols as possible, and find what fits you best.
Browning BPS. not a carry gun, but it takes care of deer hunting, bird and waterfowl hunting, HD, etc. With a bird barrel and a slug barrel it's very versatile.
CZ-75D PCR. Great for carry, range, hunting, fishing whatever. Its usually with me.
Nearly every single day, a Beretta 21A .22 gets tucked into my front right jeans pocket.

I really want to love carrying either a 1911 Mil-Spec, or a K frame S&W, but when I'm out, moving around the acreage, in and out of tractors, pickups, etc, I find myself getting hung up on a holster, or get tired of one sticking me in the side while driving or doing field work. A good rifle is even more hassle, but would be a better bet, when needed.

I don't always favor the .22 over a .45 or .357, but a little gun beats no gun. The little Bobcat just rides there, in my front jeans pocket. Every day. All the time.
442 / G32

Just one? I'd have to say the 442; right on it's heals is the G32, a good balance of power, weight and capacity.
SIG P229ST in .40 does most of the stuff for me, and not to expensive at the range with the 9mm conversion barrel.

I'd like a G20 or G29 for hunting backup, but my rifle has sufficed. As for bear protection, though (not talking about 2k lb grizzlies here) I do keep a 460 in the tent next to hearing protection!
Great minds think alike

Pablo45---I also rotate from a G22 and a H&K USPc .40...... H&K more concealable but I'm a better shot w/ G22.
WOW, Thats scary!!!:what:
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I do alot of transitioning between the two. The Glock is my cool hunting gun and the H&K is pretty much my daily carry.



S&W Model 610 classic.. I can shoot light 40's all day and load up hot 10 mm if I need it to hunt with.. I can load up to light 41 magnum performance..
By the way, when I first saw the title of this thread I thought it was going to be one asking which handgun would best fit the bib pocket of your overalls. I guess you gotta live in the South to get that.

Thats exactly what I thought when I saw it. My Uncle carried a Walther PPK in the tobbaco pouch pocket of his bib overalls, I used to keep a .32 safety hammerless in the zipper pocket of my own bib overalls.
I don't really have a single "do it all" gun, but if I had to choose, it would be my S&W 66-1 in .357. I can't imagine many situations that I would be in where it wouldn't be welcome.
Nearly every single day, a Beretta 21A .22 gets tucked into my front right jeans pocket.
Same here. Only it's the left pocket. Most oft-carried gun I have. Good deep-concealment piece, easy to haul around. I love it.

Second choice is the do-everything gun: S&W .357 Magnum Model 65-2. Fixed sights... because I hate adjusting sights. Only flaw to this gun is that it doesn't have a lanyard ring. I like lanyard rings.
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