What presidential candidate are you leaning towards?

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If Richardson sticks it out long enough, I'll vote in a primary for the first time ever. He doesn't have a chance in Hades of winning, but c'est la vie.

In the general, I'll vote Green or Libertarian again.
It's called "principle"

. . . and, yes, it's such a foreign concept to our polity that one may be forgiven for not recognizing it.

Thank you, SkunkApe, for that post.

Ron Paul opposed the Protection of Lawful Commerce act because he could see no brief for such a measure in the United States Constitution. He did not oppose it because he wanted to lock arms with Carolyn McCarthy in a chorus of "We Shall Overcome." In fact, he makes clear his disdain for this abuse of our tort system.

As it stands now, I would vote for Ron Paul or Tom Tancredo; just about any other vote would represent yet another vote against someone else.

But Art Eatman is right. A year is an eternity in presidential politics.
StopTheGrays said:
Right now if I were to replace Cheney with a woman I would select either Condi Rice or Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison.
No, thanks.

KBH is an establishment Republican and a lying squish on illegal immigration.


I am not going to get all fired up for anybody, but Tancredo & Paul are worth supporting.

If Giuliani or McCain become the Republican nominee, I'll vote third party or abstain.
The new Guy

I'm new to this forum but I have been around the planet for a while as in 57 years. I grew up in Arkansas and was a conservative Democrat until at a convention in Texas, where I had moved, a bunch of us conservative Democrats were told by state party leaders to and I quote "shut up because we don't care what you conservatives have to say. Just sit down and vote the party line." Well I am an independent because I voted with my feet out of the party. That was a few years ago now and while there are things I do not like about the current administration the possibility of the liberal left that now dominates the Democratic Party along with the inroads that some of the radical Islamic groups have been able to make into the Democratic party leadership is far beyond scary at least to me. From my sources, I hear from inside Israel and other groups that monitor terror groups we very well may face an attack on a major American city with a casualty count over 100,000 in the next five years. I wish to God the leaders in this country would stop stabbing each other in the back and realize whom the enemy is and that the threat is real. Our defense has done a great job since 9/11 but "they" (our enimies) only have to get through with one major attack and it is not a matter of if but of when. I still remember seeing my fellow Americans murdered before my eyes. There are groups and individuals living and operating inside this nation as I write this that are actively planning attacks on us not to mention those outside the country. Neither the military, police, nor any government agency can protect the population from attack forever for a number of reasons.
1. Congress is not seriously trying to or they would be sealing our borders because Hezbollah and other terrorists have been caught coming over our southern border so you know they will continue to do so waiting for orders to strike.

2. To many elected officials care more about the money it will cost than the lives it will save by taking the actions necessary to seal our borders.

3.Many of the idealogs on the left under the umbrella of crime control want to disarm the American public in general because they "the social elite" know better how to make the needed decisions to run this nation and if disarmed the population will have to option but to obey.

Basically the "elite left "driving the elitist movement feel the average person is not capable of making an informed decision on how this nation should be led or the policies it should follow. If you doubt this go to any Ivy League University campus or talk with their alumni and ask them their opinion about the above. You have to understand the elite left do not want to be held accountable to their words or when they change their words that they gave you. Take for example John Kerry a notable senator with a notable far left voting record that was thinking of running for president.

This was John Kerry just one year and two weeks or so ago:

“Ultimately if we are not able to find any diplomatic resolution in the next weeks I don’t think we have any choice but to take it to the international community. I think Iran has made a very dangerous and a very silly decision and it is inviting confrontation not with the United States but with the global community that cares enormously about the control of nuclear weapons.”
This is John Kerry now:
Addressing a world Economic Forum meeting in Davos Switzerland on Saturday, Kerry also strongly rejected West’s demanded prerequisites for the resumption of nuclear talks with Iran.

Kerry, whose remarks followed a speech by Iran’s former President Seyed Mohammad Khatami, stated his support for Khatami’s views, and said Americans find out - only when they are outside their country - that the world is different from what they imagine.

“We should give up pessimism and pick up a realistic view,” he said, and further stressed the need for the US to change its policies towards the world countries and issues.

Quite a change?

Only by being as informed as possible about the true nature of each candidate's beliefs and who they really are as a person can we the people make an informed decision. That applies to any candidate from any party.

This coming election in 2008 could well be the most important election for President in the history of the United States. I hope we all treat it that way!
Duncan Hunter.
But isn't it a little too early...seems like elections are becoming more and more like Christmas advertising...just keeps coming earlier every year...the mid terms just ended and we are already talking about something that won't take place for 22 months..we need a break from campaigning:barf: :barf: :barf:
I say we elect Art Eatman as we all know he may be good for that job.
He might be kicking and screamin as we drag him to DC.

I am convinced the best people for the jobs want nothing to do with it.
He or She Who Captures the "Center" WINS in 2008

Any way you slice it, the trick of every Presidential hopeful is to make the other guy or gal seem like a raving lunatic, and to make their own positions 'Mainstream".

He or she who 'captures the political center" WINS the election. Happens every time going way back. My own vote would be for someone who says the highest office she aspires to is NFL Commissioner - our current Secretary of State, Dr. Condoleeza Rice.

If nominated, she could WIN. Everybody else is just 'Posturing'.
No kidding, Art.

I'm leaning toward not giving a (bleep) until a year or so from now. There's no way to tell who's still gonna be anywhere near a serious contender before then. So, why waste time and psychic energy?

We just got done with a friggin' election, can't we just take a few months off, at LEAST and not worry about it? FFS, if we're gonna have to endure every step of the process from deciding to run to the actual election over the next 2 years, I think I'm gonna go live under a rock or something. :barf:
As it stands now, I would vote for Ron Paul or Tom Tancredo; just about any other vote would represent yet another vote against someone else.

+1 - I'll vote AGAINST a leftist, but it would sure be nice to vote FOR a 2A supporting conservative in the process! ;)
Losing Condi to the Bush Administration was a tragedy. She's politically finished and it's annoying because I'd have loved to see her mop the floor with Hillary's face...Man I hate Hillary Clinton, and I've been known to vote for Democrats...
My redneck wife stated that ," Any woman who wouldn't give her husband the boot for his transgressions doesn't deserve her attention." I think she was aiming that comment at me, :rolleyes: ,
It really made some sense to me, but, I hold the professional liars in low esteem. All of them, unfortunatley I cannot seem to get a perfectly truthful and relevant opinion on any of them. It is still up in the air for me.
I just don't seem to like Billary at all:neener:
Ron Paul at the moment. This will be perhaps the last opportunity to put the brakes on an insane, murderous and expensive agenda by the current ruling oligarchy fronting so-called "democratic" and "republican" candidates for much of the last half century. I am also looking forward to the possibility of a completely re-staffed department of justice; and seeing some of these people in federal prison, deported, and some stripped of their citizenship and deported.


If Mark Sanford or Mike Pence runs, I'll vote for one of them. So far (subject to change) in this order. I need to know more about Tommy Thompson.

Pence (not in)
Sanford (not in)
Jim Gilmore
Duncan Hunter
Tom Tancredo
Newt Gingrich
Ron Paul
Tommy Thompson
Mike Huckabee
Sam Brownback
Mitt Romney
John Cox
Chuck Hagel
Rudy Giuliani
Bill Richardson
John McCain
George Pataki
Any other Democrat
Any Democrat Senator (Special breed of suckiness)
Hanoi John Kerry
None of the above

So far, I have seen no one I could support. We are probably gonna be stuck with some nut-job who takes us one giant step closer to being the United States of France.
Do Stalin or Hitler or Pol Pot or Mao have children? Possibly they could win and would be to the right of Hillary or Obama.

Heh heh. As a member of the (libertarian) left, I'd like you to know just how hilarious that statement is. I could introduce you to some people far to the left of them. It's like when I hear fellow lefties say that George Bush and Jim Gilchrist are at the same place on immigration.

As for me?

Ron Paul

Anyone but Tancredo

Not that I think either of them have much of a chance.
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