What presidential candidate are you leaning towards?

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There's more and more of us, Paco.

In fact, I'm callin' out aaalllla da 'Vote for the lesser of two evils' voters.
I'm declaring that *you* are the ones most responsible for the erosion of the BORs.
*You* are wasting *your* votes.

If *you* voted for the candidates who staunchly support the Constitution and the BORs instead of taking the safe way out and hoping that the 'lesser of two evils' candidate at least uses vaseline, we wouldn't be where we're at now.
Now...put dat in yo' pipe...

Dang skippy!!!

Everyone, and I mean eveyone I talk to, when you get right down to it is a libertarian of one degree or another.

Why oh why can't they just vote their concience?:banghead:
why can't they just vote their concience?
Because people keep drinking the Kool-Aid passed out by the leadership of both major parties. You are correct--if enough of us quit whimpering and cowering like village pi$$ boys tied to a whipping post and grew a pair, we could have a government we would actually be proud to have representing us.

It's like the story of the monkeys in a cage with a ladder leading up to a banana hanging from the ceiling. Every time the monkeys try to climb up to the banana, the experimentor turns a firehose on them. Eventually they quit trying. When a new monkey is introduced into the cage, the researcher doesn't have to use the firehose because other monkeys beat the crap out of him if he tries to climb up to get the banana.

I think those of you who will advocate for the likes of Gulianni or McCain because he will be the lesser of two evils know which monkeys you are.
Distilled down to its essence vito, your argument is: "If you don't vote for X, you're really voting for Y".

Which is one of the ways we have come to the sorry state where our national government now growls at us menacingly, digs up the neighbors flower bed, relieves itself in the public park and bites the kid down the street.

Like others, I'm pulling for a Tancredo/Paul ticket.
Anyone but Hillary.

Idea: Register as a Democrat now, if your area requires that. Vote in the primary for a moderate Democrat; i.e., anyone but Hillary.

And fragment the Democratic party as bad as we're fragmented.
I was referring to the general election. Of course you should support your favorite in the primary, and if a pro 2A candidate won the nomination no one would be more pleased than me. I have given my support and some funds to Tancredo, for his pro gun, and anti illegal immigration positions. I hope he actually triumphes in the primaries, and becomes the Republican candidate for President. But if he doesn't and we end up with Guliani, McCain, or Romney as the candidate, I will then support them as a better alternative than Hilary, Obama or whoever. What I will not do is waste my vote in the general election by supporting the Libertarian or any other third party that has NO chance to win. You can't get anything done if you don't win, and a weak on gun rights Republican will still be better than a take-your-guns-away Democrat. Hilary's been pretty clear on her dislike of guns and her lack of support for any individual gun rights, but for those of you who are not familiar with Obama, just look at his record when in the Illinois Senate. He supported every anti-gun rights bill proposed in the legislature. He is a far left liberal, possibly a socialist at heart. Even Ghouliani would be better for us who support the 2A than Obama.
They all suck!

My answer is NONE! All of the candidates right now on both the Democrat side and the Republican side SUCK! McCain is a maverick with an attitude, Romney is a mystery on most issues, Guliani is WAY to liberal on social issues, gun control advocate, I don't like any of'em. On the Democrat side, you have a choice between THREE SOCIALIST'S, Hillary, Edwards, and Barack.:barf: :barf: :barf: Right now, our choices for '08 are looking god aweful. Please tell me there is someone else out there besides these clowns?

However, if it comes down to Hillary or Guliani/McCain, I will hold back my gag reflex and vote for Guliani or McCain. ANYBODY but Barack/Hillary.:barf: :barf:
None so far. But it's a LONG time to election day.

The early front runners have usually faded away by the time election day arrives. It wasn't long ago that VA's own George Allen was being touted as the GOP front runner. Then someone wisely followed him around with a vid camera and everyone got to see just how dimwitted he really is. Oops...
On the McLaughlin Group this morning John McLaughlin predicted Richardson will be on the Democratic ticket as VP. I wonder if he could counteract the left-leaning anti-gunner at the top of the ticket?
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