What should I include on a bill of sale?

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Jul 20, 2008
St. Louis Metro
A friend of a friend is going to buy one of my pistols. To protect all those involved I'm going to do a bill of sale. I know I should have our names, addresses, gun being sold with serial number, and price. Is there anything I'm missing? Thanks in advance.
Here's another one.

If I'm selling, I'll fill out two copies as far as possible, one for me and one for the buyer. At the time of sale I'll ask them to fill out their portion. Then there's one for each of us.

One other thing I always ask for is a state driver's license no.

Of course, this is for FTF sales.


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Some folks ask for my driver's lic and they make a copy. Otherwise I bought and sold with from only a handshake to a full-blown bill of sale with D.L., Date, brand, model serial number, names of buyer and seller, addresses of both as well as phone #s.

I really like that "Firearms Bill of Sale" in .pdf form, however. You're covered 10 ways from Tuesday with that.
A handshake should be good enough.

And I'm genuinely not worried about the folks I've sold to here. I just want something that will indicate that the firearm is changing hands.

Legally binding? Probably not. Better than nothing though.
Take an FBI fingerprint card and stamp pad with you and get their fingerprints.

I was joking. But you have about as much chance writing down my DL number or photocopying it as getting my fingerprints for a FTF sale. If my signature and looking at my driver's license isn't good enough, than the purchase isn't that important to me.
A friend of a friend is going to buy one of my pistols. To protect all those involved I'm going to do a bill of sale. I know I should have our names, addresses, gun being sold with serial number, and price. Is there anything I'm missing? Thanks in advance.

Fingerprint card.

-and / or-

DNA sample.
In addition to the date, the time. Same as I do for car sales.

I want a record of possession showing I did not own the item if the gun (or car) is involved in an incident.
Don't forget the pre-moistened finger wipes.

You could always invest in to a digital finger printer reader.

Don't forget swabs if you plan to collect a DNA sample (saliva).
The PDF file is only a suggestion. You don't need to fill out all of the info, just what the buyer and you feel comfortable with. Personally, I would just want an address, signature, and serial number just in case the gun was stolen from the buyer and used in a crime.
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