Why dont most gun site people shoot more?

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I shoot just about every Sunday. I understand what you mean. My club has over 3000 members. I was out this past Sunday, 65 degrees and sunny all day. 4 people on the rifle range. Very strange.
You can call me Haji. I make so many pilgrimages to the range as I can even if its just to shoot a brick of .22. I wanna go use my sks now that I have amassed a few cases and some tracers along with my 3 video cameras. I just hope those large propane tanks are still there. The reason I don't shoot more is that the sks ammo is not very cheap right now. I got some for $80/case in jan. now its up to $120. I would much rather pay for 2(todays price) and get 3 than pay for 2 and only get 2.
Originally Posted by Timanator
How/ what did you guys do to improve the local turnouts for small informal matches and such?

Timanator, the answer is that you must find and invite like-minded individuals who not only love firearms and enjoy shooting, but also possess the ambition to do what they enjoy.

Don't mistake the love of firearms in a person or persons that you see on the various forums, as being equal to your ambition to get out and actually shoot. A good number of people on the internet probably don’t have enough time or money to shoot as much as they’d like, therefore they satisfy their “urge” or craving by reading/talking firearms on the internet. This is more easily done between dinner, kids in the tub, and mowing the lawn.

I run/organize a sanctioned dart league, and along with this I run and organize various tournaments. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a hundred people tell me they would “be there,” only to have a less than stellar turnout for a tournament.

Reason? Beats me. It’s not the lack of money to be won. It’s not the lack of food and beer specials I negotiate. I think it’s the lack of ambition on about 85-90% of the “darting crowd” that’s to blame.

In contrast, I have a good small core group of die-hards who always show up no matter what. Once I had a guy show up at a tournament after a funeral – he called and had us hold off our start time an extra half-hour. Go figure.

I feel your angst. Good luck.

PS -- I notice when I have better door prizes... I have a bigger turnout. Greedy !

Wow, well put, and maybe your right. Guess time to broaden our scope of possible candidates.
I end up going to the range alone more often than not. I work nights with Thur. and Fri. off, so I'm a weekday range visitor. It's great as I don't have to deal with the weekend crowds, but it's tough to meet up with the locals when they have the get togethers. I have wanted to join in on the San Gabriel Valley Gun Club meets, but the schedule makes it tough. I rarely look at the "local" sections of most boards I'm on just due to my schedule making it unlikely I would participate.
For some, it's probably because it would be embarrassing. Too much ego invested in being the online guru, too much risk of other people watching them shoot and figuring out that maybe they've done more online bragging than real-life shooting.

Man did you nail that on head! :banghead: Big Time! So many posters are so full of crap that they would not know the truth if it bit them in the ass!!!

Believe me if someone wants to go shooting they will be beat path to the range!
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