Yarr..Let's talk Pirate guns

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IIRC, many of the pirates from the "golden age" were really privateers who went too far. So they would have been armed and disciplined like any other navy ship. There were other groups that had different approaches. The Barbary lot tended to use slave galleys filled with Christians, and raided as far up as the south of England into the 18th century. The Europeans didn't really get the upper hand on them until the 19th century. The Bugie pirates would use light skiffs to raid passing merchant vessels, pretty much as the Somalis do now.

I really would like one though. Don't know if I'd shoot it, but it sure would be a neat little piece of history.

Blunderbuss were English personal defense weapons for the most part, with some use in the colonial militias. I had a really neat one some years back. Fun, but kind of hard to aim.
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I prefer the pirates favorite weapon of choice, the cannon filled with grapeshot. It could clear the decks and make quick work of any who might give resistance to "the proper distribution of wealth." I have seen what a canister of shot would do and I want NO PART of it, think really big shotgun at close range. After that would be a blunderbuss, pistols and a good cutlass/dagger/belaying pin.
The Pirates used guns? Well, if that was the only way to get into the playoffs.....

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