What Would You Do If....

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That's you.
That's the vast majority of human beings.

True story bro, somebody walking around 7-11 with an ax is far enough out of social norms that I'm going to err on the side of caution and leave.

I mean, I can't remember the last time I went into a 7-11. I don't do convenience stores but I'm going to go there's nothing that I could buy in a 7-11 that's so critical I can't leave it and walk out
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"…I don't do convenience stores but I'm going to go there's nothing that I could buy in a 7-11 that's so critical I can't leave it and walk out…"
I wish those two unfortunate people who were violently attacked shared that exact mindset. My sense is they did not wish to awkwardly "make a scene" and resisted the urge to immediately depart.
First, let me emphasize again that I'm addressing the question of an average looking person carrying an axe in a convenience store in my tiny little town in rural North Idaho...
In the vast majority of locales, a person would be disqualified from being "average looking" merely by the fact that they were carrying an axe into a convenience store.

When assessing people you meet, it's important to not mentally make excuses for out of the norm behavior. When people do things that departs significantly from the norm, there is a reason for that and that reason could be crucial to the well-being of those in the immediate vicinity.
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Get as far away from that axe as quickly as I can.
If the person carrying the axe overtakes my old, gimpy carcass and then starts wielding it, they are probably going to spring some leaks if I'm in a good position and able to get on target.
If not........... well crap.
You know you basically have a better chance of hitting the Powerball then of having that specific set of circumstances line up like that right?
I've done almost that exact thing with a snow shovel. Can't imagine a reason it would be that unlikely to do the same thing with a different tool.
Were I to purchase a new axe it would be rolled to my truck in a shopping cart as a courtesy to others because otherwise it just plain looks WEIRD and threatening. If I had other (walking) errands to do, the axe would be left at the hardware store for pick-up later.
See, you live in a place where the hardware stores have shopping carts. I live in a place where it's perfectly normal to see someone walking down the sidewalk carrying a chainsaw, where no one gives a 12 year old with a 7 inch hunting knife on his belt a second look, where you pump your gas and then go in and pay afterwards and where it's impossible to go to town without seeing someone you know. As has been pointed out by several here, context is everything when having these discussions, and yet it seems as if some here don't want to grasp that.
In the vast majority of locales, a person would be disqualified from being "average looking" merely by the fact that they were carrying an axe into a convenience store.
I agree, which is why I made that clarification in my post.
I put more personal space around people I don’t know, than that, even if they are unarmed.

Someone carrying an axe into a gas station with a butchers knife in their back pocket, would have my internal monologue screaming “distance!” and I would put more of it than usual between the two of us.
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Wearing hotpants, sneakers, a spaghetti top and a smirk? Judging people by their appearance has become woefully underrated lately.
I was very clearly not talking about that specific person, in that specific set of circumstances. I've said as much multiple times in this thread.
So, here's a plausible scenario.

Family needs to run to town for supplies. Mom drops dad off at the hardware store and then heads to the grocery store. Dad picks up a few things, including an axe, and then thinks, "it's chilly. Coffee sounds good". He makes his way to the convenience store/gas station across the street, gets his coffee and then remembers "I need an oil filter for the tractor". So, he walks a couple blocks to the auto parts place and gets the filter. He leaves that store and heads toward the grocery, where his wife is shopping. On the way, he passes the clothing/boot store, where he dips in to grab a couple pairs of wool socks. Finally he gets to the grocery store, where his wife is just finishing up shopping. All the while, he's been carrying this axe, and no one has thought a thing of it because they've seen folks do similar things before.

That's really not plausible in the least.
That's really not plausible in the least.
It amazes me how some folks here presume to know what things are like in a given area better than the people who actually live there. Shall I tell you what is and is not plausible in Hockley, even though I've never been there?
It amazes me how some folks here presume to know what things are like in a given area better than the people who actually live there. Shall I tell you what is and is not plausible in Hockley, even though I've never been there?

It amazes me how some people bend over backwards making excuses trying to rationalize behavior which is extremely odd to say the least.
"…It amazes me how some people bend over backwards making excuses trying to rationalize behavior which is extremely odd to say the least…"
Totally concur. That capability to wisely assess and take immediate action is a blessing.
This thread is becoming a competition for folks to type, "Well it is so gosh darn rural near me that we see…"

I have seen quite a few videos in which the victims did absolutely nothing to defend themselves even in the face of what should be obvious circumstances. I think many people are very deeply ingrained to not "cause a scene" or behave outside of civilized norms, even to the point that we will turn our backs on a weirdo with an axe in a convenience store. I would just about guarantee that both of the victims in the video felt some degree of embarrassment during the episode. Combined with the firm belief that "It can't happen to me" - even when it actually is - we end up with this sort of video.

The takeaway for me is that I need to be aware of those tendencies and override them when necessary.
A couple things jump out to me here.

1. Ma always said nothing good ever happens after midnight, and it looks like she was right.
2. Had that been in my little podunk town, I very much doubt that she'd have gotten in the door before being confronted by armed men.
3. It's a damn good thing that axe wasn't sharp and the numbnuts didn't know how to really swing it.

Were I in that situation, I'd have retreated just long enough to get my rifle out of the truck and back up the guys already there. Yes, I know that's not the SOP for most folks, but I can't (and won't) stand idly by while some nut job with an axe threatens my friends. Right or wrong, that's just the way I am.

It amazes me how some people bend over backwards making excuses trying to rationalize behavior which is extremely odd to say the least.
What is odd in one place, isn't necessarily odd in another. You're entitled to your opinion of course, but what I'm telling you is simply a fact in my area, it's not just my opinion. In case you missed it (or ignored it) I'll say once again, I'm not suggesting that the person in the video in the OP would not warrant heightened attention, no matter what area they're in. I'm saying that in some places, a person walking down the street or into a gas station carrying a tool, that happens to be an axe, is not automatically wildly out the ordinary.
Were I in that situation, I'd have retreated just long enough to get my rifle out of the truck and back up the guys already there. Yes, I know that's not the SOP for most folks, but I can't (and won't) stand idly by while some nut job with an axe threatens my friends. Right or wrong, that's just the way I am.

You should get some training and start carrying a pistol.
What is odd in one place, isn't necessarily odd in another. You're entitled to your opinion of course, but what I'm telling you is simply a fact in my area, it's not just my opinion. In case you missed it (or ignored it) I'll say once again, I'm not suggesting that the person in the video in the OP would not warrant heightened attention, no matter what area they're in. I'm saying that in some places, a person walking down the street or into a gas station carrying a tool, that happens to be an axe, is not automatically wildly out the ordinary.
But it has absolutely zero bearing on this discussion.

A transvestite carrying an ax is out of place anywhere except the set of the Rocky Horror Picture Show and it didn't end well there either
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