A Mall Ninja Thread With Funny Stories About Mall Ninjas,

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Nov 30, 2007
Co. Springs
I had a chance to see a mall ninja in the wild today. I went shooting at a public range today, and as I pulled into the parking lot....There he was, up on the 25 yard pistol range W/ a shotgun. Dude was actually shooting at a flack jacket!
He was dressed head to toe in black (the mall ninja's normal color) W/ his BDU bottoms bloused into jump boots. he had some kind of I.D./badge on that indentified him as a " fugitive retrival agent" , Some kinda bounty hunter. His name AGENT SO&SO was emblazoned, ranger style, across the back of his black BDU cap.His duty belt ,complete W/ handcuffs & ASP looked like it was 3 sizes too big I just about died

And that's kinda where the analogy dies because he actually wasn't really a jerk , he obeyed the four rules, he observed range safety practices ( except maybe for using a flack jacket as his target) he was polite and really didn't act like a know it all.

But man that outfit.
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Ahh it is ancient mall ninja saying, when shooting flak jacket it is better to know where not to hit, attack the air around jacket. :evil:
I thought those guys were pretty low-key? I mean you don't wanna go into the hood with "fugitive retrieval officer" emblazoned all over ya.
My favorite is a guy with what we like to call "walter-mitty syndrome" due to the fact that he gives us some pretty good stories now and then. My personal favorite story is how he (a TSA screener- the guy who tells you about the shampoo in the see-through bag) is also on call 24/7 as part of some type of response team that flies around the country at the drop of a hat. They have H&K .40s for those assignments. I'm at a loss as to whether these were tactical roll outs or investigative in nature... he kinda lost me a bit. But he started the story telling me about how it was hard for him because his girlfriend just didn't understand that he was the first line of defense for our country and he could be killed at whim by some wacko. he said all this with "tears in his voice" sounding like he was going to cry.

(anyone want to guess his major in college?) Yep, Drama!
Originally posted by Rachen - deserving of a laffy thread, not a sniping thread.

You might just be a Mall Ninja if:
Let the fun begin.

I saw this story on freerepublic.com, and it was sure funny as hell. It was originally posted on firing line forums.

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Mall Ninja Stories (Or "There I was") Humor
The Firing Line Forum ^ | Various | Various

Posted on 07/22/2006 6:49:39 AM PDT by 5Madman2

Elizabeth Petersen

03-20-2001, 09:50 PM

This story is true. Names and places has been changed to protect the truly asinine.

So no *****…there I was…

Friday night in the city. I met a friend of mine for dinner. We’ll call him Jack. Jack is an undercover Narcotics detective for a large metropolitan police department.

Jack and I always met after our respective shifts for a late meal at a little 24-hour restaurant downtown. The food was lousy, but the night cook made a decent cup of coffee, and the waitresses were nice.

We had both changed into jeans and T-shirts. We were both armed, as usual, he with his duty weapon, me with a sweet little .380 that was virtually unnoticeable.

Dinner was wolfed down. Neither one of us had eaten all day – there had been no time for that. I’d spent my shift running from one medical call to another. My partner’s driving habits made it impossible to eat on the go – there is no such thing as a smooth riding ambulance, no matter what the brass says. Jack’s day had gone about the same.

We paid the bill and sauntered out into the parking lot for a smoke. Jack’s car, a nondescript looking white 4-door sedan was backed up against a high cement wall at the rear of the lot, behind the restaurant. We talked for a long time, mostly about work and our pathetic love lives. The temperature dropped, and we climbed into Jack’s car to continue our *****-a-thon. Half an hour later, the world got a WHOLE lot stranger.

It all started with a jet-black SUV that came flying around the corner, as if the driver’s ass was fire and his hair was catchin’. The vehicle came bouncing into the parking lot and skidded to a stop nose to nose with Jack’s car. The high beams were on. Jack and I were momentarily blinded. I caught the “What in the HELL is all this?” look from Jack as the SUV’s driver side door swung open. Silhouetted by the headlights, we saw the shape of a man, dressed head-to-toe in black combat fatigues. His buzz cut head was covered with a black baseball cap. I could see Jack’s right hand move slowly to the gun holstered at his side. He gave me a “Be Ready” signal.

The ersatz storm trooper approached Jack’s car slowly, his movements a parody of every classic late night B grade kung fu flick. He was holding an obscenely large flashlight in one hand, and what appeared to be an ASP in the other. The dude was sporting an impressive duty rig. The thing had more gadgets and gizmos on it than Batman’s utility belt. The crown jewel was the HUMONGUS Desert Eagle .50 cal tucked into a three-way holster. I wasn’t too worried. By the time this Strange Ranger managed to get that monstrosity out of the holster, Jack would have already aerated him.

I was amazed Wonder Boy was even able to stand up; more amazed that the belt stayed on his thin hips. I was thinking it must take a dozen or more snap-type belt keepers to hold that thing in place.

“Don’t move and keep your hands where I can see them,” we heard Wonder Boy say through the open window. He had his flashlight right in Jack’s face.

Jack and I noticed the badge at the same time. It was clipped to Wonder Boy’s belt. It said “ARMED SECURITY OFFICER”.

I think Jack experienced a total neuro-synaptic meltdown at that moment. He started to laugh. He laughed like a complete lunatic. I started to get a little worried. Expressions of amusement for Jack normally consisted of a surprised grunt or a smile, at best. Hearing him laugh like that made me think that maybe ol’ Jacko had finally tripped the light fantastic.

Wonder Boy seemed unfazed. “We got a call back at Control about a suspicious vehicle.”

That made Jack laugh even harder. I think it was the way the guy stressed the word “Control”. Wonder Boy looked hurt. I could only sit and stare in bemused wonderment. Was this guy for REAL?

Jack, being the good-natured fellow that he is, chose not to deflate the wanna-be vigilante’s Big Moment. Not yet at least. So he decided to play along a little.

“So…uh…what’s the problem, officer?” Jack asked, forcing a wide-eyed “I didn’t do nothin’ wrong” look. I fought to keep a straight face and not ruin Jack’s fun.

“We got a call from an employee here about a suspicious car in the parking lot. Said it had been here for a while. Two unknown occupants. Might even be armed.”

“Oh really? WOW…might even be armed huh?” Jack was savoring his role.

“Yeah.” Wonder Boy looked confused.

“And what if they ARE armed?”

Wonder Boy paled. “Let me see some ID.”




“Uh…why not?”

“Oh, fine. Here.” Jack dug in his back pocket. Wonder Boy looked like he was about to drop a serious load. Jack smiled as he handed him his black leather bi-fold wallet. Wonder Boy took it and opened it. He looked at it for a very long time. Then he looked at Jack. Then back at the wallet. Then at me. I smiled and waved. I knew the sight of that gold shield and police ID card had just sent Wonder Boy’s blood pressure skyrocketing into the stratosphere. I almost felt sorry for him as he mumbled an apology. Almost, but not quite.

Jack checked the guy’s employment credentials: Wonder Boy worked for a company that had been hired by the restaurant owner to patrol the lot and discourage loitering. He then gave him a stern lecture about the illegality of his actions, from the illegal detention (he blocked our car with his own) to the stupidity of approaching a vehicle with “possibly armed occupants.” Wonder Boy looked positively destroyed. Jack promised not to report him to his supervisors on the condition that he brush up on local law regarding what he could and could not do. Wonder Boy thanked him profusely then scurried back to his truck. He drove off in the same manner in which he had approached.

I couldn’t stand it any more. I laughed. I laughed so hard I thought I was gonna piddle myself.
Well, at least he wasn't testing the jacket while he was wearing it. Certain true warriors have done this. Certain true jokers have loaded AP rounds into their magazines for such jokes.

'Fugitive retrieval agent' can refer to shoplifter-stopper, BTW.

Sgt. Geronimo, Nordstrom Special Forces.
I would feel too self conscious to dress like that even if I was part of some elite ninja force. Hell, I feel self conscious when I bring anything equipped with picatinny rails to the range.
My favorite is a guy with what we like to call "walter-mitty syndrome" due to the fact that he gives us some pretty good stories now and then. My personal favorite story is how he (a TSA screener- the guy who tells you about the shampoo in the see-through bag) is also on call 24/7 as part of some type of response team that flies around the country at the drop of a hat. They have H&K .40s for those assignments. I'm at a loss as to whether these were tactical roll outs or investigative in nature... he kinda lost me a bit. But he started the story telling me about how it was hard for him because his girlfriend just didn't understand that he was the first line of defense for our country and he could be killed at whim by some wacko. he said all this with "tears in his voice" sounding like he was going to cry.

(anyone want to guess his major in college?) Yep, Drama!

Dude... that guy was practicing his lines on you. He'll be using that exact line on some middle-aged widow as she gives him rolls of hundred dollar bills that she is prematurely pulling out of her IRA and 401(k)

60 Minutes will be doing a show on that guy one day.

-- John
I thought those guys were pretty low-key? I mean you don't wanna go into the hood with "fugitive retrieval officer" emblazoned all over ya.

Some states mandate that they put bullseyes on themselves, in the form of vests or jackets. I doubt any states mandate dressing up like the Umbrella Corporation, though.. :uhoh:
QUOTE: "I doubt any states mandate dressing up like the Umbrella Corporation, though"

And even if they did would the mandate require that they be in full mall ninja mess dress while blasting flack jackets ( I want to be real clear on this term I'm not talking about a BPV I mean an OD green army issue flack jacket ) at the range ?
DougDubya, that wasn't really very funny IMO. True, it was a bizarre encounter, but the condescending and almost elitist tone of the author was too much for me...
I must not go to the same malls you guys do. Most of the mall security people I see are pretty average guys, nothing real strange.

There was however the security supervisor at a local mall who got caught stealing from the stores. Somehow he was able to get into some of the stores at night, and did. he didn't have a key to the stores, but managed to get in anyway. I don't know how he got past the alarm systems.
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DougDubya, that wasn't really very funny IMO. True, it was a bizarre encounter, but the condescending and almost elitist tone of the author was too much for me...

IMO it was hilarious. I didn't take the author's tone as being either condescending or elitist, more incredulous at the stupidity of the mall ninja.
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