All Gun Owners are Nazi's - So says Law & Order: SVU

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TV = garbage.

I watched Revenge of the Sith last night, which wasn't any less biased. If George Lucas didn't interject his stupid politics into that movie it'd have been almost perfect.

Anakin: "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy"
OB1: "Only a Sith thinks in absolutes"

Yoda: "Do or do not. There is no try." Guess he's a closet Sith. *screw lucas*

I wish they would make movies and shows to ENTERTAIN instead of pushing their political crap and ruining the story.
CAS700850 said:
Slight variation fo teh topic, does anyone know the politics of Donald Bellisario? He's the producer of JAG and NCIS, as well as some other shows. Reason I ask is that on JAG, several of the lead characters owned handguns. And, on one episode of NCIS, where a female pilot was being targeted by a terrorist group (or so they thought) they showed her with her privately owned Glock on two occassions during the show, both times in a home defense situation.

Just makes me wonder where Bellisario falls on the issue...
I think he's on our side. If I am not mistaken, he was the creator and producer of the old "Hardcastle & McCormick" series, in which Judge Hardcastle carried a 1911 -- including wearing it under his robes in the courtroom.
I am a SVU fan from way back. The story lines are OK, but the cast is very good, in my opinion, even Ice-T is somewhat convincing.

However, perhaps I am in the minority. I dont let TV dictate my political leanings. I enjoy it for entertainment. Novel concept, eh?

By the way, until we clean up the skinhead/Nazi/Aryan elemnts from our ranks, these types of things are going to happen. Its lfe. Any group of people is judeged by its most etreme member.

Case in point. I know a lot of decent, hard working Democrats. However, they are painted witht he same brush that cover Fenistein, Boxer, and Kerry.

People, this is Televeision. Entertainment. Nothing more. If some person is swayed by what they saw on SVU or CSI last night, then that is a person I do not care to have on our side.
Falschirmjäegergewehr 42 oder Sturmgewehr 44, owen? Oder Maschinenpistole 43? Ich hat Sturmgewehr 44 gern!:evil:

Ja, gibt mir auch jetzt das Unterseeboot von "Das Boot", Typ VII.

Ich Traumer!:rolleyes:
I saw it also. Typical. One thing I've notice on the show, whenever there is a decision to be made, Elliot drops the ball. Stood there in the court room with his thumb up his butt. He did the same thing when he and Olivia found a predator with a kidnapped kid. Olivia had to shoot the guy (to wound only - :barf: ) as if Elliot shot he would have gotten depressed, thus he froze up.

Also, the way they smuggled all the guns in the court room, with a fake badge - that sound a touch like a plot device.
I too watch SVU on regular basis.....the Law and Order franchise TRIES to be balanced.With Senator Fred Thompson on the original show who always has a consevitive take on things...BTW Michael Moriarty said that he quit the original series because it was becoming too liberal.
Most of these shows tend to put in thier liberal jabs when they's too be expected I guess.
The new show "bones" on fox had the main character using her privatly owned gun on a perp in the 1st episode.....they didn't seem to have any judgement one way or the other(at least in that show.)
I would love ot see a show where the characters are pro-gun(maybe starring Tom Selleck)....we can dream..
i hae to agree

i am a fan of svu i watch it almost everyday but at night on tuesdays i have a much more important thing to watch "nip/tuck":evil: but yes is is blantly wrong someoene should contact nbc and let them know how we feel
I saw this SVU episode too . . . notice that the person who was spewing the most virulent racist trash - egging on the other scum - was actually an undercover Fed?

I remember during the days of urban unrest over Vietnam one of the hippie group's leaders said they could always recognize the Fed - he was the one who was most anxious to blow up a draft board or something.

Hmmm . . . how many Feds have to join before one of these groups becomes a de facto Federal agency? ;)
I was listening to Laura Ingraham (conservative talk show host) this morning, and she played some clips of that law show with William Shatner and David Spader. I forget the name of the show as I've never watched it. They protrayed the conservative (Shatner) as bombastic, stupid and unwilling to stop doing something even when its wrong. She indicated that Hollywood is interjecting more and more of their political messages in their entertainment. Bruce Springsteen does the same thing at his concerts. Another reason to not watch this crap.

Its been a lot of years since I had any time in a BF109 or FW190.
Oh, no, it's spreading!

I own guns, myself.

I justed looked into the mirror when shaving this morning and I was confronted with the gut tightening truth that I am caucasian.

I don't own any Nazi regalia, but I now feel that it's just a matter of time. I mean, heck, guys on TV must be more informed about social mores than some biker that lives out near Waunakee.

Will I someday change drastically, or will my final affirmation be subtle?

Will the UPS man show up some afternoon asking me to sign while I uncontrollably shout 'Sieg Heil.'

Those guys from the anti-gun campaigns are smarter than we are. It must be true because that's what they say. I'm scared.
I think some of you read to much into things. It is a TV show, not news and not reality. Most people can tell the difference so I think the idea that it is going to poison people against us is off base. I love SVU and the normal L&O. (CI is ok I guess) and they expand on the failings and stereotypes of all groups from politicians to gun owners to doctors.

Oh and as for the person who says they have never seen skinheads or Nazi booths at gun shows. Well I would like to know how you got so lucky, because around here there are far to many of both at gun shows. Enough where I have stopped going to them. The sad truth is that these type of people do tend to be gun owners although they are not responsible people or even really people in my opinion. Thankfully they are a minority of the gun owning population. But as with Police, doctors, or any other group that small minority can often give the entire group or organization a bad name.
c_yeager said:
Ive never seen skinheads at a gun show, nor have i ever seen a table full of Nazi paraphenalia. I have never heard a racist comment uttered within the confines of a gunshop.
I dont think we get to complain too loud about our public portrayal untill we take responsibility for cleaning up our own act a little bit.

That sounds reasonable, decent, responsible. But, it's politically correct, and as such inherently intolerant. Many religions, ideologies, and dogmas believe that some people are better than others. Technically, as long as they are not espousing ACTIONS that are wrong, they can think what they want.

It's pretty, well, disgusting, yes. Sorry to be trite, but that discomfort is the price you pay for freedom.

If some individual or group chooses to use that small small small minority and tell the world that it's representative of all, then they are liars. They don't like you and they will lie. They have unlimited ammunition, because they can always make up new lies. If you act like their lies are true, then you help them further their cause. And their cause is to win the contest against you.
the tourist is right i think that we all may find ourselves acting alittle more like cartman from south park trying to fulfill the final sollution next come the death camps in texas and arizona and new mexico the states no body will miss to much lol
Law & Order has long been strongly anti-gun. In fairness, though, it's a show about a group of people--NYC DA's and cops--who are as anti-gun as anyone on the planet. It would not be realistic to have Jack McCoy support the RKBA, or for NYC detectives to like NRA members. We are their enemy.

If people discerned the difference between news and entertainment, then you would have my vote.

However, did you ever here the term "info-tainment"?

It was coined to cover news shows who feel that it was necessary to entertain to keep people watching their particular channel. The problem is that over time it became harder and harder to find differences between news shows with entertainment and "Entertainment Tonight" which occasionally has news.

Then came shows with plot lines "ripped from the headlines."

Now we have news about George Takei's sexual preference. Heck, I'd be more interested in how he maneuvers a 400 ton Enterprise Class Starship with only thrusters while my wife can't parallel park.

Did you know that there were actually lights used to better enhance Mary Hart's legs? 'Hard news' is long gone.
So you watch it and you drive up their viewer numbers.

It's your fault they keep telling lies about us.

Stop making it profitable for them to do it, and they'll stop doing it.


I agree totally. That little box from the cable company is a 2 way device that lets them track what people are watching. If we don't watch it, they will quit making it.

There are 70,000,000 + gun owners in this country, that is one big part of market share. Shows I automatically turn to a differant channel from include anything with Rosie on it.

A couple of years ago a neighbor was buying meat that was stolen from a grocery store by one of the meat cutters. About once a week the guy would show up and my neighbor would put the meat in the freezer in his car port.

Lo and behold, one morning the neighbor went out to get something to thaw for dinner and his freezer was empty.

He was moaning and wailing and asked me "how do we keep people from stealing?". Easy I said, "quit buying stolen stuff". (Funny thing, after the meat was stolen from the neighbors freezer, the guy never came back to sell him any more. Hmmm, wonder if there was a connection?):rolleyes:

If we don't buy stolen stuff there is much less incentive for people to steal.
If we don't watch biased and stupid tv shows, there is much less incentive to make them.

"400 ton Enterprise Class Starship"

I don't have the numbers in front of me, but wouldn't that make the Enterprise, a space going vessel, maybe only twice as heavy as a 747-400?

I like SVU, but if they start in with one of their anti-gun things, I change the channel.

I've often told my wife, if I were a cop, I could never be on a sex crimes unit, because those sick pervs, who so richly deserve it, almost never give you the opportunity to shoot them. Especially te child molesters.
>I've often told my wife, if I were a cop, I could never be on a sex crimes unit, because those sick pervs, who so richly deserve it, almost never give you the opportunity to shoot them. Especially te child molesters.<

I have a friend who once thought about joining the police. Until he realized he would eventually come upon the body of a young child, and see the (presumed) perp running away...
Mein Gott! Sie haben mich herausgefunden. Jene schlauen Mittelteufel, das nur hat, Tagesordnung ist
intertainment haben gestolpert blind auf mein seceret.

OOPS ! Must think in English to throw them off !

My god ! They have found me out . Those sly media devils who's only agenda is intertainment have stumbled blindly onto my seceret .

HankB said:
I saw this SVU episode too . . . notice that the person who was spewing the most virulent racist trash - egging on the other scum - was actually an undercover Fed?

Don't forget the lies the NYPD told to make the search of the gunshot "legal" . I guess if they want to desensitize us to PD corruption. :scrutiny:
Ive never seen skinheads at a gun show, nor have i ever seen a table full of Nazi paraphenalia. I have never heard a racist comment uttered within the confines of a gunshop.

i have
i havnt seen nazis, but at the ones ive been too they have a stand for bumper stickers and some of them had a pro KKK slogans. they even had KKK belt buckles.
but yes i would agree that an overwhelming majority of gun owners are not racists
I'm with Pilot, I don't watch network junk at all. And, sadly, I have seen skinheads at gun shows, and there used to be a Nazi table there. It was under the guise "historical collectibles" and it was all Nazi stuff. Images of the famous Nazis on coffee mugs, swastikas, etc.
Fortunately the booth was almost totally ignored, and after 2 or 3 shows they stopped coming.
Ive never seen skinheads at a gun show, nor have i ever seen a table full of Nazi paraphenalia. I have never heard a racist comment uttered within the confines of a gunshop.

Stauble - I think the :rolleyes: just under the quote above from C Yeager was meant to indicate sarcasm. :p :D

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