At last, BP tackles illegal immigration - inland!

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Dec 20, 2002
Louisiana, USA
From KRON4 TV (

New Patrol Tactic Strikes Fear in Illegals

Posted: June 18, 2004 at 11:55 a.m.

ONTARIO, Calif. (AP) -- Elidia Celestina peered from behind a window shade before opening the door a crack to a stranger. If she leaves her apartment at all these days, it is only for a rushed, nerve-racking trip to the store.

"Everyone is afraid," said Celestina, 19, who came from Mexico five months ago. "We're like mice, hiding in our homes."

She and many other illegal immigrants in Southern California have been gripped by fear since a new Border Patrol unit began roving through Hispanic communities and making arrests well north of the border, beyond the agency's usual area of operations.

Since June 1, the unit has captured more than 420 suspected illegal immigrants. They have been picked up on the street, pulled over while driving, or caught coming out of stores in communities 100 miles or more from the Mexican border.

The raids have spread such fear that some people have stopped going shopping or attending church. Immigrant advocates say some are staying home from work, too.

California is home to an estimated 2 million illegal immigrants, more than any other state. The border itself is patrolled aggressively. But for years, illegal immigrants who reach the interior, often at great cost and danger, have faced little risk of arrest.

"It does appear to be a shift in tactics," said Shaheena Ahmad Simons, a Los Angeles attorney with the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund. "These sweeps have created a pervasive fear and even anger among Latinos regardless of their immigration status."

While the Border Patrol has employed what it refers to as roving units in the past, it had not used them recently, said Mario Villarreal, an agency spokesman in Washington.

Villarreal would not say exactly why the Border Patrol has started the inland sweeps.

The Border Patrol has the legal authority to make arrests inland but traditionally operates close to the border, and it employs checkpoints instead of roving patrols. It is immigration agents, from a different agency altogether, who generally make arrests inland.

The Mobile Patrol Group consists of 12 agents based at a station in Temecula, about 55 miles from the border. The Temecula team ranges across some 3,000 square miles.

Border Patrol officials said it makes arrests only when it has information about the presence of illegal immigrants.

"If you're here legally in the United States, you really don't have anything to worry about," said Raul Martinez, a Border Patrol spokesman.

Nevertheless, immigrant activists contend agents have violated people's rights by questioning Hispanics without probable cause.

"In Southern California, there are many people who appear to be of Mexican ancestry. That does not mean they are here illegally," said Simons, whose organization is considering a legal challenge.

Mexican President Vicente Fox also has criticized the arrests, instructing his foreign secretary this week to lodge "an energetic protest" with the U.S. government.

Throughout the region, the arrests have set off rumors and panic.

Alerts, often false, about "la migra" checkpoints (Spanish slang for immigration officials) have become as common as traffic reports on Spanish-language radio. Activists have organized marches and protests. Local politicians have called immigration officials, demanding answers. Shops and restaurants in Hispanic neighborhoods say their business has plummeted because many illegal immigrants are staying close to home.

"We're just waiting for the moment when it's going to get us. We're terrified," said Luis Paredes, a 28-year-old construction worker in Escondido, 50 miles north of the border. He and wife go out only to work or to buy groceries. And they stick together when they do so, for fear one will be deported without the other.

On June 4, the Border Patrol unit went north to the San Bernardino County city of Ontario, about 100 miles from Mexico, and captured 79 illegal immigrants. Among them were Celestina's husband and his two brothers, who were caught as they headed to a job unloading trucks. A day later, the patrol arrested 75 people in Corona, about 80 miles from the border.

The Border Patrol said about 10 percent of those detained had criminal records. "We've gotten numerous calls of support from the community," Martinez said. "It's overwhelming."

Nearly all those captured are Mexican, with a few from Central America. The vast majority have agreed to be released just across the border, in Tijuana, rather than await a deportation hearing.

Celestina, who said she is four months pregnant, now waits for her husband to return from Tijuana.

The area around Escondido, which means "hidden" in Spanish, has been hardest hit by the patrol, with 268 people arrested as of Thursday.

In a commercial district frequented by Hispanics, witnesses said Border Patrol agents cornered people at a laundry and a supermarket.

Beatriz Ramirez, who runs a money-transfer business, said the number of people using her service to send cash to families in Latin America has dropped to one or two per day, down from 20.

"It's become a ghost street," she said.

Teodulo Ruiz Perez, who is from Mexico and works at a car wash, said: "We're just here working. What harm are we doing? Is it a sin to work?"
Well like the man said if they are here legally they have nothing to fear...
Well, of course Presidente Fox is protesting.....if we ship them all back, then HIS government will have to be responsible for them:banghead:
They have not swept my town yet. And I wish they would stay away. A certain percentage of my custmer base is composed of migrants amongst whom must be some illegals. Therefore if there is some sort of sweep I could end up losing money.
Good for the BP. Glad to hear that progress is continuing in this fight. I think it's a good idea. If they make it past the border then we should make their (hopefully short) stay here filled with as much paranoia as possible.
Nice try. I appreciate the intentions. I consider it to be nothing more than political grandstanding. Tactics are designed to provide maximum political effect for the politicians. Any uncertainity instilled in criminal aliens (all illegal aliens are criminals) is an added feature but is not the goal of the enforcement tactics. Tactics are designed for the evening news in the local market.

If they were serious about dealing with criminal aliens in our society, the BP would launch Work Place Enforcement in Omaha, Denver, Minneapolis, Raleigh, Atlanta, and Greenville, MS. Send a couple of plane loads of criminal aliens back to Mexico from Paducha, Kentucky and Cincinnati and you'll really spread some fear. You will also enrage the criminal alien advocates forcing them into the open where we get a view of who they are.
You know they did just that in a rown in Central Washington, showed up and took every illegal into custody in the place the raided, The Hispanic coalition went nuts, and within a week or two to raids stopped, and nothing has been done since...
"They have not swept my town yet. And I wish they would stay away. A certain percentage of my custmer base is composed of migrants amongst whom must be some illegals. Therefore if there is some sort of sweep I could end up losing money."

You did have ironic mode on, didn't you?
Nice try. I appreciate the intentions. I consider it to be nothing more than political grandstanding. Tactics are designed to provide maximum political effect for the politicians. Any uncertainity instilled in criminal aliens (all illegal aliens are criminals) is an added feature but is not the goal of the enforcement tactics. Tactics are designed for the evening news in the local market.
Yeah, and pick a high profile targets, like Wal Mart, about whom they were making a big deal with the 250 or so arrests of illegals who worked for Walmart contractors a while back.
Nothing but eyewash.
Bleeding hearts can go on all they like, if someone is in this country illegally the can't stay.

It's the law, deal with it.

What I really hate about living in MA is that there are so many illegal immigrants, and 80% of them can't speak english. Not only are they breaking the law, they don't learn the language, then they demand rights, protection, work, etc. WE ARE NOT A WELFARE SERVICE, get out of my country! :fire:
So let me get this straight, you break the law and then get upset when it comes time to pay up? Not only that, but there are groups of people who did not break the law that are also getting upset and are on your side?

What is wrong with this picture?
"We're just here working. What harm are we doing? Is it a sin to work?"

NO, it's not a sin, but it is a FELONY!


Good for the Immigration officials. I wonder if there's a number I could reach them at? Will they come farther inland? I know where they can pick up trainloads at a time.
Call or write your congressional representatives. I was told the only comments they hear are from advocates of the victims (aka criminals immigrants).

I sent letters to 2 of my 3 functioning federal reps saying "Its about time" and "Nice start, now try workplace enforcement."

I also made it crystal clear that I have no problem with immigrants and immigration. I have a major problem with ILLEGAL immigrants and ILLEGAL immigration. Just in case.
I'm all for immigration, but IMO it's the same as my visitor policy--they are welcome, as long as they come in through the front door.
Yeah, I recently posted the following at the "Roundtable".

We have recently had some illegal alien sweeps done by the San Diego
Border Patrol.
Thanks to the ACLU and MALDEF "civil rights lawsuits"
are being put together over this action of our border patrol doing their
job and enforcing the law. Conflicted?

The following comes from "The John and Ken Show" site.
Contact these government officials and tell them to do their jobs: [email protected] and [email protected] John & Ken Show is asking all our listeners to call up Hermandad Mexicano Nacional and protest their protest at (909) 391-0067. They told us that Maldef and the ACLU are actively looking for “victims†to put together a civil rights lawsuit on behalf of persons “profiled†by the Border Patrol. If you want to thank the San Diego Border Patrol for taking care of business, you can e-mail them at [email protected].

cheers, ab

ps: here is the story link,00.html
and here is MALDEF's site
MALDEF’s co-founder, Mario Obledo, who said in June 1998 “California is going to be a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn't like it should leave. They should go back to Europe.â€

Please do write your elected officials and representatives and also
thank the San Diego Border Patrol at [email protected].

Believe me with MALDEF and ACLU getting involved the pressure will be brought to stop the BP from doing their jobs.

cheers ab

You know, I think we all agree that we have no problems with the ones that come up here, make an effort pay taxes, LEARN THE LANGUAGE, try to get citizenship... The one's I know I have a problem with are the ones that come here illegally and act like I owe them something.
I have no problem with the first group, but I do have a problem with hte second.
Here2Learn said:

They have not swept my town yet. And I wish they would stay away. A certain percentage of my custmer base is composed of migrants amongst whom must be some illegals. Therefore if there is some sort of sweep I could end up losing money.

If you are serious then you deserve all you get.
Racism is a constant factor in the United States; it is always in the picture even if it only forms the background. Now as the condition of the U.S. economy continues to deteriorate and the people grow restive with the U.S. Congress and the president, the tactics of party politicians sink deeper in corruption. Racism is now a trump card, to be played again and again shamelessly, by both major political parties. The U.S. government applications that had used the term "ancestry" disappeared; the fiction of "the races" has been reestablished. Soon after Nixon's election the changes began, and racism became a key component once more in the U.S. political arena. The Republican party found the issue of race to be extremely powerful, so the Democrats, desperate for power, have also begun to pander racism to the U.S. electorate.

Fortunately, the people of the United States are far better human beings than the greedy elected officials who allegedly represent them in Congress and the White House. The elected officials of both parties presently are trying to whip up hysteria over immigration policy in the most blatantly racist manner. Politicians and media people talk about the "illegal aliens" to dehumanize and demonize undocumented immigrants who are for the most part people of color. The "cold war" with the Communist world is over, and now the military defense contractors need to create a new bogeyman to justify U.S. defense spending. The U.S.-Mexico border is fast becoming a militarized zone. The Army and Marine units from all over the U.S. come to southern Arizona to participate in "training exercises" along the border.

When I was growing up, U.S. politicians called Russia an "Iron Curtain" country, which implied terrible shame. As I got older I learned that there wasn't really a curtain made of iron around the Soviet Union; I was later disappointed to learn that the wall in Berlin was made of concrete, not iron. Now the U.S. government is building a steel wall twelve feet high which eventually will span the entire length of the Mexican border. The steel wall already spans four-mile sections of the border at Mexicali and Naco; and at Nogales, sixty miles south of Tucson, the steel wall is under construction.

Immigration and Naturalization Services, or the Border Patrol, has greatly expanded its manpower and checkpoint stations. Now when you drive down Interstate 10 toward El Paso, you will find a check station. When you drive north from Las Cruces up I-25 about ten miles north of Truth or Consequences, all interstate highway traffic is diverted off the highway into an INS checkpoint. I was detained at that checkpoint in December 1991 on my way from Tucson to Albuquerque for a book signing of my novel Almanac of the Dead. My companion and I were detained despite the fact that we showed the Border Patrol our Arizona driver's licenses. Two men from California, both Chicanos, were being detained at the same time, despite the fact that they too presented an I.D. and spoke English without the thick Texas accents of the Border Patrolmen. While we were detained, we watched as other vehicles were waved through the checkpoint. The occupants of those vehicles were white. It was quite clear that my appearance--my skin color--was the reason for the detention.
Another country had checkpoints along roads asking to see identification and detaining anyone they thought suspicous. It was the Soviet Union.

Isnt it sad that citizens of our own country fear driving down a highway because they know they will be stopped and questioned at a checkpoint?
Well like the man said if they are here legally they have nothing to fear...

If they started sweeping looking for illegal firearms then would you care?

Its alright as long as it isnt affecting you right........
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