Biden Group Proposes Creative New Way to Curb Private Gun Sales

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Private sales in AZ doesnt require any paperwork so if a person were to sell a gun to another person. And the buyer gets in trouble, how does that gun come back to the previous seller since there is no paper trail? jim
The original buyer buys from an FFL and filled out a yellow form. That form stays with the FFL. When the fire arm is associated with a crime, the SN is traced from the manufacturer to the dealer who then provides the LE agency with the yellow form buyer information. This buyer is the next stop in their investigation.
Guns don't kill, pistol grips, bayonet lugs and flash suppressors kill.

...and let's not forget, they (NY) reduced the number of expendable potential shooting victims from 10 to 7 - ain't that white of them? :D
I totally agree on SSRIs. Many people claim those who take them were already messed up which could be partially true in some cases, but these drugs have been proven in studies to cause violent behavior in many people taking them. Not to mention all the other horrible side effects. I've personally seen them ruin a lot of lives. Companies like Eli Lilly(Prozac maker) have spent millions upon millions of dollars settling countless lawsuits related to murders and suicides linked with these meds.
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