Brady bunch say you probably smoke crack

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Taken directly form the Brady Campaign Public Information Policy Manual:
When citing studies and facts in reports and press releases, do not bother actually finding facts, conducting surveys or commissioning studies to support your point. These things cost money, money that can be better spent flying Jim and Sarah around the country in private jets and putting them up in posh hotels. It is much cheaper and easier to just make up the facts you are looking for. Nobody will actually check to see if these statements are accurate. The general public is not very intelligent and will believe anything we say as long as its prefaced with something like "According to a Brady Campaign Study".

Mr. White-

Can you provide a source for this information? In other words, a link to a pdf, eps, or website? Or even a scan from the page you're quoting?
Brady's Propaganda

A little skit:

"The man who lives there has guns!"

"He actually shoots those guns!"

"Sometimes he actually carries a gun!!"

"Hmmm. He drinks beer!"

Sometimes he drinks hard liquor. No! He drinks a lot of liquor...and smokes pot sometimes!!!"

(whispered) "He beats his wife and children!"
"Oh no! That's bad!"

(Now we're getting somewhere.):evil:

"He smokes crack, and I heard that he uses methamphetamine and beats his wife and kids when he's drunk and fried!"

"OMG!!! Why doesn't somebody do something?"

"pssst. I understand that he has guns, smokes pot, snorts coke, drinks a case of beer a day, drinks liquor on the weekends, beats his wife and kids...and molests his teen-age niece when his wife's passed out!"

"That's it! We've got to do something about that cruel, dangerous, alky/druggie pervert! Send in the troops! He MUST be disarmed because he's a danger to all of us as long as he's got those guns!"

"Ahhhh! I knew you'd see the light!" :)
In this case, 'academic freedom' is codespeak for Marxist brainwashing.

In the manner of the definition of a racist as someone who has disagreed with a leftist.
Justin - I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic.

Even if that is the underlying policy, the campaign would never publish it.
Mr. White-

Can you provide a source for this information? In other words, a link to a pdf, eps, or website? Or even a scan from the page you're quoting?

It's called Satire. Man it was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

I swear some of you would have Jonathan Swift hung by noon if he published A Modest Proposal today on his blog.
I know that when I get up I load all my guns with hi capacity ammunition feeding devices. Then smoke some crack, beat my wife and kids (I don't have kids so I have to go find some children outside to threaten with my gun and beat) then head back home chug down some grain alcohol and drive to work.

REOIV you must work in the Chicago Police department, and from the sound if it your going to make sargent soon.
I am pretty sure I could announce that Brady organization members are and support pedophiles with the same degree of academic credibility as their statement.
Biased research

I once talked to a Brady guy about a decade back. He basically made the same arguments to my face -- that simply owning firearms meant you were at risk for all sorts of other behavior, and were in general an all-round bad risk type.

I own twelve legal firearms. I have a certificate from a safety course. I have never shot anyone. My guns are under lock and key except for one hidden for emergency use, and my teenager knows he will wish he was dead if he's ever caught with them unsupervised. I am employed, I pay taxes, I seldom drink and I don't gamble. I don't even have a traffic ticket. My main vices are imported coffe, cigarettes, and the company of my wife. My politics are, to be honest, quite a bit left of "center"-- most people on this board would probably think I'm closer to the Bradies than to them, politically.

Yet because I choose to exercise my RKBA, these pissants would class me with crack addicts, degenerates, or Nazis.

People of both "left" and "right" own weapons in this country. Tell a coal miner on strike against a company that hires mercenaries to give up his shotgun. Tell the black grandmas in the inner city that they can have nothing to protect them from the crack toughs on their front porches. Tell the poor whites in the Alabama hills that they can't hunt to put meat on the table. Because besides all of the stereotypes of "crazy right-wing gun nuts," these are the people the Bradies want disarmed.

This is one of the many reasons why I think a change is coming on public perceptions of weapons rights. There are too many people with a revolver in the desk drawer, too many people with a shotgun under the bed, for this crude propaganda to work.
Just a quick stab at rebutting that claim (I put 10 seconds of thought into this - so don't expect much):

Getting arrested for drug usage and such would probably be cause for your CWP to be revoked. Also, there is a question on the form to purchase a firearm asking whether you're addicted to narcotics/drugs.

The drinking behavior described is that of an alcoholic (drinking first thing in the morning, etc.). Alcoholism would mean an increased exposure to alcohol, and statistically therefore and increased likelihood that somebody would do something under the influence, possibly DUI, etc. Also, good causes for a CWP to be revoked.

However, the number of people with CWPs that get arrested is low, and furthermore the number of CWPs revoked is also low. So therefore, either one of two things is at work:

1. People with CWPs are VERY good at not getting caught doing drugs and abusing alcohol.


2. People with CWPs are VERY careful about not engaging in illegal behavior.

considering that your average CWP holder isn't a freaking ninja.... stealthily engaging in their activities so as not to be seen... and is a regular Joe.... I think we can rule out #1.
I'm insulted. Crack is for lowlife. I prepare a tincture of pure cocaine chloride dissolved in absinth...about a level teaspoon of coke per cup of absinth if you need the recipe. I then use this to wash down my ecstasy and special K before tolchocking my wife and heading out the door to work. If time permits, I pistolwhip the paperboy on the way to the car, but some days I run a little late....
I believe this just shows how desperate they have really become. It is going to get to the point where they just are seen as an outlandish group that spews out crapola and has no base any more. However it would be nice if this was enough to sue for libel and slander. 80 million gun owners could really put the hurt on their ignorance campaign.
I believe this just shows how desperate they have really become. It is going to get to the point where they just are seen as an outlandish group that spews out crapola and has no base any more. However it would be nice if this was enough to sue for libel and slander. 80 million gun owners could really put the hurt on their ignorance campaign.

I'm game if you are. With that many of us, a class action lawsuit would be really cheap for us and really expensive for them. Either way, we win.
I'm game if you are. With that many of us, a class action lawsuit would be really cheap for us and really expensive for them. Either way, we win.

Either that or we can wait them out. Cause seriously their heads are eventually going to explode trying to keep track of all the misinformation.
Why would they need to keep track? Most journalists (I use that term loosely) don't call them on existing discrepancies. :mad:
My crack don't smoke....and I try to keep it covered.

If it does smoke, you are running way too fast.

As I reflect upon the article, it strikes me that whatever particular offense you lead off your correlation statement with immediately becomes (at first blush, neverminding the correlation =/= causation thing) the causative offense. Here, they phrase it as "students who have firearms on campus are more likely to smoke crack, binge drink, and drive drunk," which sorta implies that guns made 'em do it. If they'd said "students who smoke crack are more likely to binge drink, drive drunk, and have firearms on campus," then smoking crack becomes the primary corrupting factor, at least by implication.

Interesting how you can wordsmith it to say whatever you want it to say.
Crack? I'm in dental school. . . it's nitrous and pain killers for me. There's nothing like some Oxycontin and a cherry scented nitrous mask:p.

seriously: It's interesting that they have this quote in the summary:
the day of the "Massacre at Virginia Tech". . . the first reaction of the gun lobby was that we need more guns on the college campuses of our Nation.

Funny how they neglect to mention that their first reaction (before the bodies had even been counted) was to solicit people for money.

The vast majority of people I've come across who don't like guns and/or say they agree with the brady bunch do so out of ignorance and "feelings" that are based on that ignorance. I don't believe that anyone with half a brain and an ounce of intellectual honesty could possibly support such a bunch of half-asses propagandists if they actually saw this kind of crap.
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