Conflicts in history......

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Working Man

Jun 8, 2005
I know I'm not the only one to ever think of this......
If you could go back in time to a certain conflict with your collection, which
would it be and why?
Narrowing the choices.

Anything post WWI, my personal stuff wouldn't be of any technological advantage. Bolt and semi auto rifles, pump shotguns, semiauto handguns. So I'll look at pre-1910.

Playing devils' advocate, it might be interesting to see what would have happened if the "locals" (indians, first nations, whatever name you know them by) had possesed superior firepower from the git-go. Americas' westward expension might have stopped at the Mississippi.

The greatest impact could have been made in the revolution, however. Imagine being on the bridge one fine April morning with an AR. Several hundred rounds pre-loaded in mags, the entire british force marching in formation. Or even a scoped .308. You could be making killing shots before you were even in range of volley fire. Once they finally closed, a handgun makes a much better weapon than a bayonet or cutlass.

Going a bit south, giving the Maya and Aztec repeating arms would have drastically altered the course of settlement in the Americas.
I've always wanted to go back in time and take an Apache helicopter and all the fuel and ammo I would need to conquer the world. But what good would come of conquering the world?

If it was a weapon that I actually have...I would go to the Revolutionary War. It is a period of history that I have loved since I read My Brother Sam is Dead and War Comes to Willy Freeman in elementary school.
You could be making killing shots before you were even in range of volley fire.

If they were in formation, you could be making killing shots from 1000 yards with .308. The maximum effective range of a musket is about 40 yards. They would be dropping like flies before they had even thought about shooting at you. Those darned lobsterbacks would be running back to their ships before they closed to 500 yards.
Civil war I suppose.I'd be curious to see what the country (or countries) would be like if the south had won.Would there be North United
States and South United states? Would we eventually have become 1 country again? Would the south have stopped at just being and independant country, or gone on a decide to conquer the north, with the new U.S. in say Atlanta? Would we have become 2 countries that were fairly open and friendly like the U.S. and Canada, or would we have continued to drift apart, and now barely tolerate each other at best, or even continue to be bitter enemies? How would this have affected WWI or WWII? Soem very interesting possibilities......
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Not quite on topic

if the south had won.Would the be North United

Although it's not quite on topic, an historian once noted that there's no real example of where the 'South' beat the 'North' (eg Korea, Vietnam, US) throughout history! If anyone knows of a real example, I'm sure someone on this forum would know.

giving the Maya and Aztec repeating arms
if the "locals" (indians, first nations, whatever name you know them by) had possesed superior firepower

As was said in the movie about Custer - "that's the cost of being backwards". Europeans didn't do anything different than any other national group, they just did it better.
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I'd sure like to take an F-18 back to WWI and tangle with the Red Baron.

Either that, or take it back to the War for Southern Independence and lend a hand.

An AK would've been something to see back in the Revolution. Imagine sending back a pallet of 'em?
I'd like to go back to the Middle Ages with a a chainsaw, an Oldsmobile, and a 12-gauge double-barreled Remington.

Nah... it's been done to death.

"Good - Bad - I'm the guy with the gun..."

Personally, I'd like to see what a formation of Apaches could do to those great big (for the times) Panzers Hitler had rampaging through Europe. What kind's of changes would we see if WWII had ended a couple years earlier?
An AK would've been something to see back in the Revolution.

It would be funny watching historian's digging up relics on the battle fields. "whats this... the south was using AK-47's!!!:what:

But I think the biggest impact would have been during middle ages or maybe dark ages. Armies of lined up soldiers in armor and knights on horse back in plate steel... rifle rounds would go right through that stuff... would cause some panic I would bet. Can't see high velocity rifle rounds like you can an arcing arrow.
I'd like to go back to 1789 and meet James Madison.

I'd show him ATF Publication 5300.5 "State Laws and Published Ordinances - Firearms" - all 468 pages of it - and explain how his writing of the 2nd Amendment allowed all these laws to be passed.

Do you think he might consider changing the way he phrased that thing?
how about

a few dozen M-16s with grenade launchers at the Alamo.

Or an M-60 or 20

Or a herd of flamethrowers

Or buckets of hand grenades.

Or a rabid pit bull!

Or Rosie Odonnell stuffed with explosives and mounted on a radio control, reinforced vehicle.

We can dream....
I used to have a re-occurring dream about showing up at the Alamo with a dozen guys , a couple of scoped rifles a few B.A..R.s and some Garands. Texas became a much larger state.
I'd show him ATF Publication 5300.5 "State Laws and Published Ordinances - Firearms" - all 468 pages of it - and explain how his writing of the 2nd Amendment allowed all these laws to be passed.

Priceless Japle!
The Battle of Thermopylae. From my collection it would have to be my .300 win mag and a thousand rounds of ammo. Would love to take shots at extreme ranges from the hillside and perhaps nail Xerxes. If I could take anything I would think standing with the 300, armed with two M249 SAW and two soldiers to carry many thousands of rounds.
Vermont --

Random note: the author of My Brother Sam is Dead spoke at my school when I was in (3d? 4th?) grade, signed my copy. I unfortunately was not smart enough to preserve it in good condition, but I think I still have it around somewhere. (He signed it something like "For Tim -- a book about another boy named Tim.")

I would like to go back to the Civil War and take over New England while the North was busy fight the South and kick out all the liberals and make it a conservative strong hold in the north.

I would take my AK for me and M14s for my troops.
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