Correcting grammar, spelling in posts

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Dec 25, 2002
Northern Indiana
I understand that everyone's typing skills are not always exceptional. Many times I go back into a post to edit spelling after seeing the post in final form.

Just wondering...if you see an obvious error in spelling and grammar, why wouldn't you go back and edit it out?? What I really don't understand is when there's a blatant error in the title line. Just one of those little "things" that works on me.
I always try to edit mine when I see them, but I don't always see them.

If you use Firefox you can get spellbound, which at least takes care of most spelling mistakes.

I think part of it is that some people don't care and some people don't know any better. The posts I can't stand reading are the run on sentences (paragraphs?) with no capital letters and no punctuation, but those aren't often found here. Like most things in life, I try not to let it worry me. mean like that??? Wondered how long it'd take somebody to find it.

I suppose it also depends on dial-up vs. DSL. I have cable so posts and replies are almost instant. I'd agree about the punctuation. Commas, capital letters, and periods are your friends.
Perplexin, Ain't It?

eye reckon foks doughn't sea there miss takes til sum won points 'em out butt fur mi eye jus doughn't sea a kneed two :)

Seriously, for me, I simply didn't see some. By the time I do, the system locks the edit function.

Can you read this? Olny srmat poelpe can... HA!!! :)

cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

Yes, I'm being sarcastic... But only because I was just thinking last night how much better the posting is here than on other message boards I participate in. At least there aren't posters here typing in text message style using an emoticon for every other word!!!

Joab - I hate it when I get interrupted in the middle of a post...:cool:
It has been 45 years since....

I took an english class, and I am retired.............As long as I get my point across, what is the problem........I could care less what grade the spell and grammer nazis give me.........chris3
I just caught myself automatically ignoring the post by Doc2005, joab and scooterthegreat. The instant my eyes hit the gobbledygook, they skipped to the next response. I hadn't realized that I have been doing this, but it does point out that if someone is trying to get a thought or point across to others, reasonable spelling, grammer and sentence construction does count. (At least to me.)
I guess that I am just lazy in a different way. While some seem to be too lazy to create a readable post, I'm too lazy to try to translate what they do produce. (So much for good communications. :( )

Just wondering...if you see an obvious error in spelling and grammar, why wouldn't you go back and edit it out?? What I really don't understand is when there's a blatant error in the title line. Just one of those little "things" that works on me.

Misspelled thread titles kinda bug me, so sometimes I fix them.

Posts only stay editable for a set amount of time (can't remember off the top of my head) and after that can no longer be changed. I'm sure I've just got a ton of spelling and grammar mistakes archived.

Justin ~

Me, too.

I figure, when I correct a badly-spelled thread title, I'm doing a little service for the RKBA. Why let us all look like ignorant rednecks, just because some people can't be bothered to check their spelling before they hit the send button?

It depends. A few grammatical or spelling errors aren't a big deal. If the post looks like it was typed by a 12 year old on crack, I might be inclined to comment.
I'm also usually annoyed by the "thier" instead of "there" type mistakes. Its basic grammar that anyone with a basic education should know. I barely graduated high school and still retain some basic grammar.
My typing is horrible. The main problem is I have to look at the keyboard when I type so I don't see what I am typing. I have to correct my posts several times and still end up using the wrong word or mis-spellings quite often. Sometimes I find entire words/groups of words missing or sentences that do not make sense.
I didn't realize how bad my grammar was until I had pax proof a book that I wrote.

pax is the Grammar Master. I kid you not. She knows rules that would confuse 17th century poets.
Add me to the list of those who prefer decent punctuation, grammar, and spelling. Every post doesn't have to be edited ad nauseum until perfection is achieved but obviously sloppy ones are inexcusable. I automatically skip reading such garbage. If the person's posting is that poor, are their points and ideas equally poor? Really bad communications don't help our ongoing struggle with the anti-gun people either since it paints us as illiterates and slobs. Another popular forum has begun asking members to use proper language and has banned at least one member for not doing so.

Good shooting and be safe.

ps: These points don't apply equally to those members for whom English is a second language. My Spanish is pretty rusty and my German, French, Italian, Greek, etc. is non-existent. Hats off to those who can communicate well in more than one language.
joab, I was about halfway across the page when I realized that the words weren't spelled correctly! I have read of this before, very neat.

Deadin, Pax, LHB1


life is too short to read gibberish, or analyze and interpret a poorly-composed or poorly-edited piece.
I understand that everyone's typing skills are not always exceptional.

When it comes to typing I could be called "a hunt-n-pecker" but only when it comes to typing.:neener:

Some folks were simply born with too many fingers.:p
Guys and Gals, it's quite simple.

For you Internet Explorer users there is a free web app called

Down load it and it puts an ABC check box on your tool bar.
It checks spelling of anything on a web page.

OR my new favorite is the Google menu bar which has the option to spell check. spell.gif

It also works very very well and offers suggested replacements for the miss-spelled words, to include over capitalization and missed spaces in words.

Available here:

Link for Fire Fox tool bar

Link for Internet Explorer tool bar

The Google bar works with IE and Fire Fox.

deadin said:
I guess that I am just lazy in a different way. While some seem to be too lazy to create a readable post, I'm too lazy to try to translate what they do produce. (So much for good communications.
I'm with you. I ignore an occasional typo, but posts that are horrendously constructed throughout lose all credibility, and I tend to skip over them.

Even more the long, run-on posts that show the poster hasn't yet discovered that the keyboard contains periods, commas, upper case characters for beginning new sentences ... and an ENTER key for creating paragraph breaks. If I lose my place in a post more than once because someone was too lazy to use paragraphs ... I stop reading and move on.
i try to watch it, but im sure i miss a good bit of my errors. i think a lot of it is because most people type stream of thought, not really trying to achieve a high level of correctness, nor are they going for academic writing. i think the typos exist because this forum flows like a face to face conversation, not like an email or some other more static medium
I will not waste my time on reading a post of someone who could not take the time to use proper Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation. I understand the occasional typo, we are human after all. I fully agree with deadin:

While some seem to be too lazy to create a readable post, I'm too lazy to try to translate what they do produce.

I'm not a slack-jawed yokel, and prefer not to associate with them. I'm here because this is "The High Road".
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