Correcting grammar, spelling in posts

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The problem with the improper use of grammar and incorrectly spelled words is that anyone who is anti-gun uses things like that to 'prove' gun owners are backwoods hicks.
LHB1 said:
Thanks for that info. There definitely are MORE characters on that list than I will ever want although it still requires copy/paste. Was hoping there was something on the THR software that worked like MS WORD.
While we are on the HowTo topic, how do you get the nice looking quote box? I copy and paste but don't see a quote button or a ready means to enclose the quote in a simple box to make it stand out better. Thanks.

Special characters don't need to be copied/pasted. You can either look up or memorize the ASCII keystroke for the particular character you need.

For example, the "á" has an ASCII keystroke of ALT + 0225. This means you hold down the ALT key, and punch in 0225 with the keypad (it must be the keypad, the top row numbers don't work), then release ALT and the character will come up.
This will work in any text program, be it your browser, MS WORD, or even the DOS prompt.

As for the quote box, I have included a screenshot which shows which button to press to get these nice boxes. The software on THR defaults to being just a generic box, but if you want the quote to say "originally posted by Kevlarman," simply append "=Kevlarman" right after the first "quote."

Thanks for the try re "quote box" but all I see is a red X on a white background.

As for the quote box, I have included a screenshot which shows which button to press to get these nice boxes. The software on THR defaults to being just a generic box, but if you want the quote to say "originally posted by Kevlarman," simply append "=Kevlarman" right after the first "quote."

Never mind. I found it (with help from Pax). Thanks Pax.

Good shooting and be safe.
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I am the man with 1/3 of a brain so get over it.

I wood haf sed 1/2 a brane but Leslie Neilson already tuk that one.

Geez People this is a public discussion forum....not a college classroom....

Let's talk guns.....

If all you have to do is correct a strangers grammar and spelling really need to get over yourself and get a life.
If you wish me to consider your information ( not your question), you have to come across as having more than 1/2 a brain. It all comes back to " FIRST IMPRESSION". Hey, we all make typo's ,make grammar mistakes, and miss the odd mis-spelled word, come on ENGLISH IS A HARD LANGUAGE even for people who only know ENGLISH. It is the person who doesn't care enough to correct lots of major spelling mistakes , is he also too lazy or uncaring to correct information mistakes also.
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