Corzine Way Ahead In Jersey Poll

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Apr 16, 2004
We are DOOMED in the Garden State if this guy gets elected!!!!


March 17, 2005 -- New Jersey Sen. Jon Corzine holds a double- digit lead over the top two Republican contenders in the 2005 governor's race, according to an independent poll released yesterday.
The Quinnipiac University poll is the first to be released since acting Gov. Richard Codey withdrew his name from consideration for the Democratic nomination on Jan. 31, leaving Corzine the party's sole candidate.

The poll gives Corzine a 50 percent to 34 percent lead over former Jersey City Mayor Bret Schundler and a 50 percent to 33 percent margin over businessman Douglas Forrester. AP
Cool. Maybe if he gets elected he'll make crime illegal, since I can't defend myself when I visit the SE jersey shore, he better do somethin!
"We are DOOMED in the Garden State if this guy gets elected!!!!"

No disrespect to you but NJ has been doomed for a long time. Fight the good fight!
The only voters who care are the ones on the public payroll. Most of the rest don't even vote. So, those who vote are well represented and those who don't vote (50% to 70% believe it or not) get what they deserve.
I'm overflowing with concern, but there isnt much I can do from FL.

I'll be damned if I will go from a pro-gun, pro-NFA item, shall-issue state full of A-rated politicians to an F-rated gun grabber cesspool just so I can try to make a difference in a hopeless election.

Everyone who is a single issue gun rights voter has left NJ, or you wouldnt see skewed poll results like that for an obvious gun grabber.
The guy is a billionaire.

First he will buy the governorship.

Then he will buy the presidency.

After that ..........
I wouldnt worry just yet. Ross Perot and John Hienz-Kerry could probably give him some advice on the subject of billionaires running for president. Winning the governor's seat in PRNJ is a few steps removed from taking the south and midwest.

If he is serious about being president he will get pro-gun in a big way.
Most folks in this state just don't know, or simply don't care. :(

The gun issue(s) is not a big deal to most, and the ones that do care about it are vastly outnumbered by morons. NJ is, and always will be, festering cesspool of corruption, apathy, and liberal nanny-statism.

It is so bad, that Corzine can literally sit around, not campaign, not debate, not do ANYTHING, and he will probably get elected by a landslide. God help us.

The only good thing about this whole sickening situation is that he will be out of the US Senate. (Our "gain" is America's "loss"?)
Gee guys, thanks for your drippy concern about the state I live in. I'm doing what I can to give this state an "F" rating on the Gun-Control's report card for the state but I'm vastly outnumbered. At least I'm not outfirepowered.
No no no its bad. If he is a senator and he gets elected to a new position, he can nominate someone else as a replacement. Like Sarah Brady or Rosie O'Donnel.

Or is that not how it works in NJ?
It's just pure (dumb?) speculation on my part, but I suspect that the GOP in NJ is a bunch of spineless, closed minded, non-creative ninnies.

How in the world can you have so much ammunition as to the ineptness of the Democrats and not make viable use of it?


Applies here in spades.

- pdmoderator
Just keep in mind, everyone, that what goes down on the East and West coasts gets used as a "shining example" by the usual suspects of what good policy is supposed to be. If the pols in NJ can get away with passing a law here, it will simply be used as an example that "works" for other states to follow. It will be used to fuel social policy agendas in the states where you live, and suddenly you'll be worrying about this kind of thing going down in your own state.

And yes, that's whether or not it actually works. For these people, if it gets passed, it "works."
My view is that Corzine will be less damaging as NJ Gov than US Sen. I would hope he is defeated in both arenas.
It's just pure (dumb?) speculation on my part, but I suspect that the GOP in NJ is a bunch of spineless, closed minded, non-creative ninnies.

Your speculation is wrong. What happened was in the early 1980's, there were a few highly conservative areas in the more rural pars of New Jersey where the Democrats could *never* ever win in local election. Somebody got a bright idea, and by 1988 all, and I mean *all* of the Democrats in that area changed their little (D) next to their name, to an (R).

Voters being what they are, never really looked much at what was going on behind the scenes, and were comfortable enough when they saw the (R) and voted apropriately. The voters that were a little suspicous (the ones that remembered the candidated used to be a (D)) just figured the candidate must have had a change of heart. The state republican party was flipping out, but the newspapers (there are only two) wouldn't report on what was happening. They reported *nothing*.

By the mid-90's, all of the Democrats were Democrats, and all of the republicans were Democrats. The REPULICANS really are Democrats. By the time everyone figured out what had happened, it was too late.

I'm not sure exactly how they got away with this. Maybe someone who was more politically involved at the time knows the exact details.

I'd not heard that story before. Fascinating.

I'm a little skeptical though, as it would seem that the local GOP would have a say in who joined the party as a candidate, and more importantly, who got the nominations for office.

The last I heard, the "Mountain Men" of NW Jersey were still reasonably recognizable as Republicans.

As for Corzine.....argh.

I've been saying for years that he's the up and coming threat.

I'm entirely at a loss as for what to do about him, however.
Just keep in mind, everyone, that what goes down on the East and West coasts gets used as a "shining example" by the usual suspects of what good policy is supposed to be.

If only.

At least on the East coast, just about 1/2 of the states respect the 2nd Amendment rights of their citizens

South Carolina
North Carolina
New Hampshire
If you think McGreevy was a crook. Corzine= CEO of Goldman Sachs he was in charge when they were robbing all the pension funds 401ks and small investors blind with John's own personnal pump and dump scheme.

He makes Michael Milikin look like a choir boy, rather than running for office he should be in the federal pen.

Corzine = the most crooked person ever to run for political office.

How the hell could any Democrat support him??????????????????
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