Deranged Individual Harrssing me - Advice?

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Thanks again for the advice guys.

Beatcop was right, the police never followed through on my report, but on Wednesday, I showed up to my local police station, and filed the report in person, and they served him with an RO, and made a phone call to him where they spoke to him in front of me, ordering him to cease and desist all calls, or he would be arrested, and brought up on charges. They were very professional, and hammered home the point that any further contact with me on his part would land him some jail time. They then told me that should he attempt further contact, to show up again, and then they would get the ball rolling on having him brought up on charges. The officer who was handling my case, and who spoke with him told me that it was clear that there was something mentally wrong with this person, just from the 5 minute contact he had with him.

So far, I haven't heard back from this individual in any way, shape, or form. My school has offered me a police escort to and from class, and I'm probably going to take advantage of that for awhile at least. I am not letting my guard down, however, and am always in Condition Yellow, if not Orange, even when I'm at home. I would not say that I'm living in fear, at all, but rather, I'm just on a heightened state of alert relative to usual.
Well, I think the best thing to do would be to get your adress and phone number changed plus the locks as well....and get a restraining order on him.
My son is going through the exact same thing right now. He is a teacher in an inner city school and confronted a gangbanger. The kids Dad, who has a rap sheet literally 4 pages long, has been threatning him so bad my son had tobe escorted from school. The man already has two other restraining orders filed against him. Mas Ayoob gave my son some great advice and he is following it, but you have to act on something like this and get a police paper trail going.
Make sure you have paper-trail proof of everything, especially the part of getting police cooperation. If you ever get to court this is your golden parachute. Luckily for me, I had proof of harrassment four years prior to my being yanked to court on bogus charges filed by this individual, it was the difference between the Judge believing her or me.
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