E-Mail to my anti-gun brother and his response

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XD-40 Shooter

Sep 6, 2007
Here it is:

The article in question : http://www.gazette.com/opinion/hidden_34120___article.html/view_wednesday.html

Yeah, he sounds like a real genius.......................let's put more guns on the streets??? Not everyone that gets a permit is a stable, nice person............just remember that. I am glad you have your beliefs, but remember that I deal with criminals for a living, and have my beliefs as well. I am glad this article gave you a hard on. :fire::fire::mad::cuss::banghead: (Written by my brother)

Jay, check out this article from the Gazette, 3/12/08. El-Paso county Sheriff Terry Maketa is advocating for MORE people obtaining concealed carry permits. I think its very refreshing to hear law enforcement support and encourage law abiding citizens to take responsibility for their own protection. I've always been an advocate, always will be, CCW works. (Written by me)

Did I deserve such a condescending, rude, smart ass reply? My brother is not only anti-gun, he's pretty radical about it. He says he "deals with criminals every day", and the Sheriff doesn't???? :rolleyes: Needless to say, my relationship with my brother is "strained" because of this issue. He'll never see the light, I should just give it up. He sounds just like a brady campaign talking stooge.:mad::banghead:
I feel for you ..
And anti business to boot -Yet her hubby Works in a welding shop where the air is full of smoke all the time -!
Has your bro been out shooting with you ?? i doubt it would help But some antis Soften a little after having fun shooting .
Good luck -Id just leave the gun thing alone with him -Agree to disagree.
The only reason I speak to my sis is that she absolutly loves ny new wife !
Gotta say that when someone's response is as personally insulting and as full of standard anti tripe as that one it's pretty easy to determine what "type of anti" you are dealing with (I.E. the type you shouldn't bother wasting your breath with).

Hopefully he'll be able to continue his life in blissful ignorance but if someday the bad stuff happens to him and he comes running to you for advice then you get to either take the high road and help or tell him to figure it out for himself.
Trying to reason with a flaming liberal is like kicking our self in the face, it hurts to try and if you succede your face still hurts.
The only thing that will ever turn a flaming liberal into a 2A supporter is either themselves or someone they love getting mugged, hurt, killed ,etc. by a BG. That helpless feeling when you are a victim never ever goes away.
Do you guys know that there are "Flaming Conservatives" too? I just love the way you throw labels around. Keeps your conversation so "High Road."
I feel your pain. We have racial tension in our family. We pretty much have to avoid politics, race, or women's rights as a discussion topic.

As Tom Lykis said. "There is no law that says you must like your family".
XD-40, I bet your brother (who sounds like a colorful sibling) is glad he does not live in AK or VT where any law-abiding citizen can carry concealed, eh?

I think that if I had to "deal with criminals for a living" I might tend to have my thinking cap slightly askew from where it now sits (said he who does NOT have to deal with criminals for a living). As for his last commentary... ain't brothers great? Knowing how and which buttons to push to get a rise.

Keep staying on the high road, knowing full well that you alone are responsible for your protection... it is certainly not a Cop's job to be covering your assets 24/7.
My suggestion is to

always refrain from talking politics, religion, any other controversial subject with family at any time. Some things are just better left alone. Siblings grow up and, it is hoped, have a loving relationship. Each sibling develops his/her own set of beliefs. It any two or more siblings, or other family members, strongly disagree than why bring up the subject and raise everyone's hackles. Simply agree to disagree and talk about football or whatever. My wife's sister and her husband are 180 degrees politically from my wife and me. When my sister-in-law and husband try to bring up politics I have simply told them that I do not talk about politics and religion at family gatherings. Once my sister-in-law tried to broach a political subject and my wife and I simply ignored the comment and move on to another subject in a polite manner. I suggest this is the best way to deal with this. I think people make the mistake of beating their heads against a wall trying to convert others to their own set of beliefs. We need to LIVE AND LET LIVE to a great degree. Try to accept that no one is going to agree with you all the time and you are not going to change them. One of the secrets of serene living is to accept that fact and move on. :)
Did I deserve such a condescending, rude, smart ass reply? My brother is not only anti-gun, he's pretty radical about it. He says he "deals with criminals every day", and the Sheriff doesn't???? Needless to say, my relationship with my brother is "strained" because of this issue. He'll never see the light, I should just give it up. He sounds just like a brady campaign talking stooge.

I get the same crap from my anti-gun brother. He also likes to ask me when we're in public places, "Are you carrying?" and he isn't whispering. Then when I tell him to keep it to himself and nod yes, he gets all pissed off and starts shaking his head in disapproval.

I wish the flaming jackass would get on a plane and go back to San Fran where he can be amongst his own kind. Hippies! .... BOARD?!
I just now read all the posts

after leaving mine and see that a lot of people persist in using labels. I think this defeats the purpose of walking the high road. What is a flaming liberal?? I happen to have some liberal leanings and would describe myself as a political moderate. Remember, not all "liberals" whatever that is, and it is something different for every individual who might be reasonably justified in being described this way, is not against RKBA and just might be a gun owner and shooter. I suggest to all of you to engage in less inflammatory discourse and to stop using labels. It might be okay to describe someone as anti-gun but this does not mean that the person is a liberal. Think about what you say. If you want others to have some respect for your opinion try to think how you sound when you make remarks of the kind I read way, way too much on this forum. I lose respect for the opinions of others extremely fast when I see such labeling.
and would describe myself as a political moderate

So would most liberals- they are afraid of that title, too.

It might be okay to describe someone as anti-gun but this does not mean that the person is a liberal.

Although you are correct that liberal does not mean anti-gun, I think you are mistaken. Anti-gun DOES tend to mean liberal.

So: Liberal =/= Anti-gun, but Anti-gun == Liberal

I do not see why people are afraid of labels, it helps clarify people's worldview.
I'd beat my little brother if he ever responded to an e-mail like yours the way your brother did. that's Bullsticks and he is really showing why SOME people should really not own guns, its because some people have little to no respect for others at all, and have no problem condescending and imagining what a psycho you are because you hold a different view than they do.

My bro is going to school at UVM in Burlington, and so far I'm glad all the uber-PC posters they've got everywhere have done nothing but make him angry that they are rubbing his face in it, instead of just promoting respect for one another and true tolerance. I think he'll be ok, and I think I'll buy him a gun this year... I'll have to hold onto it until he graduates though... :)

Probably not though, reading that post back I must have sounded like a maniac.
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I happen to have some liberal leanings and would describe myself as a political moderate. Remember, not all "liberals" whatever that is, and it is something different for every individual who might be reasonably justified in being described this way, is not against RKBA and just might be a gun owner and shooter.

The problem is that the other side has deliberately twisted the definition of "liberal" and redefined it to the point that it now functions as a label for something bad. I would daresay that you are a "classical liberal" in that you believe in personal freedom from government interference. That's called liberty. "Liberty" sounds a lot like "liberal" for a good reason. The problem is that statists have claimed the title "liberal" for so long that it has lost its original meaning.

Even they are beginning to flee from the name "liberal" and are starting to call themselves progressives, assuming that we'll confuse "progress", which is a good thing, with their new name. If you examine closely what their social and economic programs are, however, you find that their roots still lie in Fabian socialism and fascism. A statist by any other name is still a statist whether they're right, left or in between. A totalitarian by any other name is still a totalitarian. "No Child Left Behind" rings a totalitarian alarm bell with me.

"When people have neither logical argument nor facts to go on, they resort to emotion and defensiveness."---=----------IamKris

Precisely; That, and they tell you:

1. get a life

2. call you names

3. depict wild stereotypes of others:rolleyes:
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