First seven chapters of (very-gun-related) Monster Hunter International posted free

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For anyone new that doesn't know about it, Correia and Nightcrawler wrote a collaboration posted here on THR. It's called Dead Six and I would highly recommend it. Lots and lots of shooty goodness. That is what originally brought me to THR by linking through Larry's website Monster Hunter Nation
I pre-ordered the book from Barnes & Noble about a week ago; it came in on Friday (surprising since the book's official release date isn't till the 28th).

I had read the first 7 chapters online, and I just finished the rest of the book these past two days. I just want to say, MHI is one of the best and most engaging books I've ever read. I had to will myself to put it down, just to get some sleep! Congratulations Larry, I think you've made your first big mark on the world with this masterpiece. I look forward anxiously to the next book. :)
I bought it online. I think it was $6.

Great read, many cool firearms.

Not enough sex though. :)
Thanks, General. Glad you liked it.

Ilbob, a review once compared my writing to "Early Laurell K. Hamilton, without all the sex and angst." :p

Yep. MHI is now shipping, and I've heard from all over that it is on store shelves too.
Update: Baker & Taylor is screwed up, as usual. It says that the book is Not Yet Published and that they have 70 copies on hand!


-The order is in, though.

(Gotta buy $7,000.00 more worth of books for kids, teens, and young adults over the next three weeks. Any suggestions?)
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